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When we landed in Italy the first thing we did was call a cab to our hotel. We were here for two weeks. When we got to the hotel we were tired from the flight so we passed out for about two hours. When we woke up it was around 5 o'clock. We are going to watch the sunset from a gondola. 

When we got to the dock we paid the "driver" and hopped in the boat. We watched the sunset from the boat as we were paddled along the canal. 

"Beautiful," Jon said.

"I know isn't it just amazing," I said turning my head to look at him, expecting him to be looking at the sunset. He was looking at me with a softness in his eyes that I'd never seen.

"I was talking about you Lin." He put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me gently. We got back to the dock and thanked the "driver" for the beautiful ride.

"Off to the wine tour!" Jonathan shouted, running to the rental car. I laughed chasing after him.

"I love you Groffsauce." I said when we got in the car.

"I love you too Linammonoll." he said leaning over to kiss me. I drove us to the wine tour. When we got there we joined the rest of our group. There were two other couples, two brothers, and a group of 3 women. We went to the first destination. Jon and I held each others hand the entire time. The wine was amazing, and I'm not a red wine person. The rest of the tour was just as amazing. The red wines and white wines were equally amazing though I like white wine more, usually anyway.

When we got to the last stop one of the married couples walked over to us. The woman looked slightly apologetic. The man looked hateful. And he spoke perfect English.

"You two are a disgrace to this world." he said.

"Excuse me what do you mean?" Jonathan said looking both hurt and confused at the same time.

"Eww the f****t can talk" He said looking disgusted. (A/N: Sorry guys I hate that word and couldn't bear to spell it out!)

"Excuse me but what did you just call me?" Jonathan said looking brave. The only thing that gave him away were the tears in his eyes.

"You heard me loud and clear."

"Honey this is really uncalled for mayb-" his wife tried to say.

"Silence woman I'll have to teach you a lesson later for your disrespect."

Jonathan being the adorable muffin that he is tried to stand up for the woman. "How dare you talk to her like that," he took a step towards the woman "Miss are you alrig-" 

And that's when it happened. He punched Jon in the nose.

"Owwwwww" Jon howled covering his now bleeding nose. His cheeks were soaked with tears as he turned back to me. When he looked at me the fear in his eyes grew. I would have to ask him what happened later. Because I had punched the guy square in the mouth. Jonathan just stood there staring at me.

"Now close your mouth Jonathan you are not a codfish." I said quoting Mary Poppins.

"I-I y-you p-punched him. Lin you can't just hit people!" He said scolding me.

I wrapped my arm around him. His nose had stopped bleeding. I don't think it's broken.

I kissed him once and then pulled him gently towards the car. "He hit you Jonathan. I'm your husband and I love you. I'm not just going to let that slide." I said when we got back to the car.

"I love you too Lin, but don't hit people it's not very nice." Always the gentleman with him.

"Okay fine I won't hit people."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you." I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. "Your nose isn't broken is it?" 

"No it's just sore." he said.

"I have a question. Why did you look so scared when you looked at me back there?"

"Your eyes. They were dark. I could see the clouds of fury rolling when you looked at him. I've never seen you like that." He said.

"Oh. Well he hurt you and I couldn't not be mad at that. But why did you look scared? You know I'd never hurt you, right?"

"Well yeah of course I know you won't hurt me. I was scared on behalf of the man. And I wanted to calm you down but I didn't know how."

"Jonathan all you have to do to calm me down is hug me. I'll realize what you're trying to do. Also you are the most amazing person I have ever met. He hurt you and you still didn't want him to get hurt."

"What can I say? I just don't like violence."

When we got back to the hotel room door I opened it and let Jon in. I walked in closing the door behind me. I grabbed both his hands and pulled him to me. I slowly took his shirt off and then my own. I kissed him, once, twice, three times. I lowered my hands to his waist and undid and removed his jeans.I moved my hands to the backs of his thighs and picked him up so his legs were wrapped around my waist. I pressed his back against the wall and kissed him some more. I walked him over to the bed and laid him down gently. His head on the pillow. I climbed up so that my knees were on either side of his hips. I kissed him for all I was worth. This time I didn't stop. Hey what can I say it is our honeymoon after all.

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