random tips

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- Create the antagonist before the protagonist

- Give each character a goal, even side characters

- Write the ending first

- Write the summary first

- Break your book into parts and scenes

- Add side plots to your main plot(s)

- Keep a draft chapter outlining your characters

- Keep a draft chapter outlining your plot

- Write down what main things happen in each chapter before actually writing the chapter

- Write a prologue and an epilogue to get a good idea of your book

- Write dialogue first (you can always go back and add the rest later)

- Don't get caught up on one thing because you can always come back to it or change it later

- Writing is hard so if you're struggling, remember it's not your fault

- As the author, you are the god of your universe. Yes, you are that powerful. Yes, let it go to your head. Kill characters off, break relationships up, bring people back to life, do whatever you want. If the reader doesn't like it, that's their problem.

- Take a break if you need it

- Make sure you're having fun

alice quinn // writing helpWhere stories live. Discover now