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Superpowers are always fun to write about, everyone knows that. But they can be kind of hard to think of, and very easy to get out of hand.

You never want to make your character too powerful, especially if it makes them as powerful or more powerful than the main hero or villain of the series/book/movie/whatever it is.

For example, if you look at your character, and they are as powerful or more powerful than Dumbledore, Voldemort, Gandalf, etc, that's not good, because that's making the character into a Mary Sue and no one likes that. The powers should also actually affect your character's personality and they might not like their power either. And the whole 'finding out you have powers all along' isn't cool. It's kind of lame, and if you do it, you have to make it work, using foreshadowing and things like that

So, this is a list of superpowers and supernatural creatures that I don't think are too powerful, besides the usual vampire, werewolf, and witch.

For more, please visit my book Prudence Night // Magic & More


- Vampire
- Werewolf
- Witch
- Demigod
- Nephilim
- Seer
- Elf
- Banshee
- Fairy
- Siren
- Mermaid
- Shapeshifter
- Angel
- Demon
- Genie
- Familiar
- Ghost
- Golem
- Succubus
- Incubus
- Changeling
- Kitsune
- Phoenix
- Grim Reaper
- Druid
- Soul Eater
- Werecoyote
- Werejaguar
- Löwenmensch
- Ghost Rider
- Dryad
- Veela


- Speed
- Strength
- Senses
- Beauty
- Immortality
- Invisibility
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Healing
- Cryokinesis
- Time travel
- Chronokinesis
- Mind control
- Flying
- Teleportation
- Biokinesis
- Pain infliction
- Possession
- Geokinesis
- Necromancy
- Resurrection
- Pyrokinesis
- Sonic scream
- Precognition
- Hydrokinesis
- Premonition
- Phasing through objects
- Technokinesis
- Mental shield
- Atmokinesis
- Forcefield projection
- Reality warping
- Power mimicry
- Photokinesis
- Heat vision
- Astral projection
- Ice vision
- Oneirokinesis
- Thought projection
- Power stealing
- Electrokinesis
- Umbrakinesis
- X-Ray vision
- Lie detection
- Magic
- Pathokinesis
- Night vision
- Shield penetration
- Haemokinesis
- Sensory deprivation
- Tracking
- Visual projection
- Aerokinesis
- Toxikinesis
- Chlorokinesis

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