ways to show emotions rather than telling

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The following are some ways you can show your characters' emotions instead of just saying them.

Some of these are contradictory because every person and therefore every character is different, and some of these overlap because some things can be indicative of more than one emotion.


- Laughter
- Bright eyes
- A twinkle in the eyes
- Crinkles around the eyes from smiling so much
- ^ smile lines as well
- Weight lifted off of their shoulders
- The happy sigh (you guys know the one)
- Optimism
- Playful nature
- Nose crinkle (like the one Elizabeth Olsen does)
- Joking
- Crying from laughter
- Giggling
- Positive outlook
- Heart racing
- Quickened breath
- Blushing
- Pupils dilating
- Skin tingling


- Hiccuping from crying
- Uncontrollable sobbing
- Sharply sucking in a breath
- Slumped shoulders
- Head down
- Lashing out at others
- Shutting people out
- Sighing
- Being quiet or speaking softly
- Staring into the distance i.e. at nothing in particular
- Flat voice when speaking
- Frowning
- Pouting
- Fake smile that doesn't reach the eyes
- Loss of appetite
- Eating their feelings
- Red and puffy eyes
- Sniffling
- Crying
- Not wanting to do activities
- Only doing comfort activities
- Negative outlook
- Lower immune system aka getting sick more often
- Lump in the throat
- Knot in the stomach
- Heavy weight on their shoulders
- Overall change in personality
- Withdrawing from others


- Fists clenched, white knuckles
- Red face
- Narrowed eyes
- Violence
- Yelling
- Others may be silent
- Angry tears (I am notorious for this)
- Sharp comebacks
- Gritting teeth
- Grinding teeth
- The air is tense around them
- Eye twitch
- Lashing out at others
- Short temper
- Overreacting and being dramatic
- Veins popping out
- Headache
- Stomach ache
- Heart racing
- Feeling hot
- Shaking
- Pacing
- Sarcasm


- Falling to their knees
- Freezing in place
- Wide, confused eyes
- Silent
- Blank-faced
- Their emotions written all over their face
- Ignoring everything else around them and only focusing on the cause of their shock
- Eyebrows raising or furrowing


- Knot in the stomach
- Blushing
- Being jumpy and jittery
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Heart racing
- Sweaty palms
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Biting lip
- Sweating
- Nervous laughter
- Throat clearing


- Chill down the spine
- Heart racing
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Hairs raising on the back of the neck
- That itching feeling of being watched
- Paralyzed body unable to move
- Cold hands and feet
- Sweating


- Curled upper lip
- Narrowed eyes
- Shaking the head
- Wrinkled nose
- Sneers or snarls
- Guttural noises
- Gagging


- Blushing
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Sense of calmness around that person
- Feeling at home with that person
- Giving gifts
- Wanting to always be around that person
- Always touching that person
- Doing things because that person loves them
- Knowing everything about that person
- Heart racing
- Expressing concern for that person's safety
- Noticing and remembering little things about that person

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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