writing a stutter

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So, as I mentioned in the last chapter, this is mostly about the It fandom. We're gonna be talking about character stutters, specifically Bill's. A lot of people will write his stutter something along the lines of this, "H-hello, h-h-how-w a-are y-y-you d-d-d-doing?" Wow, what a great sentence. Not only is it hard to read and unpleasant to the eye, but it's also unnecessary. Bill's not gonna stutter on every single word, especially the very short words, and it's not a consistent thing either. Sometimes he'll stutter more, sometimes less. It also depends on who he's talking to. He's more comfortable with the Losers Club so he wont stutter as much as he would with his parents or Henry Bowers. As any other character or human being, it likely will get worse the more anxious he is and he would probably only get stuck on one or two words per sentence.

Okay, the moral of the story is to not put so much of a stutter when you write. I would say a more accurate and easier on the eyes version of the sentence above is, "H-hello, how a-are you d-d-doing?". The reader can probably imagine the character talking with a stutter, hopefully anyways, so just a couple letters stuttered should be enough to get the idea across.

 The reader can probably imagine the character talking with a stutter, hopefully anyways, so just a couple letters stuttered should be enough to get the idea across

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