Body Guard

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I used to think Ryley was overprotective, but now I'm a big brother and I completely understand.

"Alex be careful." I said, following the toddler down the porch stairs. "Oliver honey, he's fine." Ryley laughs behind me. "I know but he could fall." I pouted. "He's not that little anymore Oliver, he can walk down stairs." Ryley said, still laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored Ryley, still watching Alex toddle down the stairs.

"Bubby lemme go play!" Alex screamed, trying to pull away from me. "Alexander, don't scream at me." I scolded. He just whined and shook his head, meaning he won't do it.

I went to the shed and found Alex a few different toys to play with, with said boy following me around. We walked back to the front yard, setting up a few things for him to play with. I set up a baseball tee and let him hit the ball with a plastic bat. "Be careful hitting the ball bub." I said softly, watching him play. "Mmkay I careful." He smiled at me. I hesitantly nodded, already knowing this is going to end badly.

I went and sat back on the porch, watching him play. Ryley had went back inside, leaving me to watch Alex.

There is a little boy down the road, a little older than Alex named Wiley. He's a cute kid but he doesn't know how to play with Alex. Wiley's brother, Gavin, is younger than me but older than Alex. He's either eight or nine, I can't remember. Either way, they're trouble.

"Alex, bubby is going inside really fast to get a drink. Stay in the yard. Do not go into the road." I said sternly, not like he's in trouble but enough to know I'm serious. "I won't." He said obediently. "Good boy." I praise the small child.

With that, I turn back around and go inside, straight to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. I took a drink and turned back towards the door. Stopping when I see Gavin and Willey watching as Alex is chasing the ball across the street. I immediately put my water on the kitchen counter and ran outside. "Alexander James get out of the road!" I yelled, scaring my baby brother to tears. He froze and looked at me nervously. I ran down the porch steps and into the yard. "Alexander come here." I said sternly. He looked from me, to the ball, back to me. "Leave the ball and come here, do not make me come get you." I warned. That seemed to have worked, he very slowly came to me. We're lucky we live on a dead end street so not many cars go by. If we lived somewhere more busy I probably would have ran after him.

When he came closer I grabbed his arm, gently, and bent down to his height. "Alexander what did I tell you before I went inside?" I asked sternly, already in big brother mode. "Not go road." He whimpered, looking at the ground. "Then why were you in the road?" I asked again, trying to get the full story. I know Gavin and Wiley had something to do with it. "I hit the ball and it ranned into the road. They telled me to go get it cause I hit it. And I sayed 'no I go get bubby cause I no allowed in the road' and Wiley called me a baby and then Gavin said I'm a wuss." Alex cried, trying to get me to hug him.

I nodded, fully believing my baby brother. I stood up and picked Alex up with me.

I'm conflicted, if it were me who was in the road Ryley would have dragged me back into the yard and beat my ass. I am obviously not going to do that to my baby. He did disobey me and go in the road, but he was bullied into it. That wouldn't matter to Ryley, but I'm not Ryley.

"Alexander, you didn't listen to bubby when I said to stay in the yard. You were a bad boy so now you have to sit on the porch for three minutes before getting up to play again." I explained to the still very upset toddler. "Gonna spank me?" He asked sadly, pouting at me. "Just sit in timeout while I go talk to your friends, baby." I said softly.

"Hey, I don't mind if you play with Alex but don't make him do things if he said no. It's not nice to call him names for following his rules." I explained to the brothers. "He's a wimp and a crybaby." Gavin laughed. He laughed. "You better watch what you say about my brother!" I snapped.

I was totally ready to punch him. I don't care what Ryley would do to my backside, no one talks about my brothers like that. I'd prefer not fighting and getting my butt handed to me by Ryley, but Alex is my baby.

He seemed to back off a little bit. I turned back and went up to my little brother. "Alexander you need to listen when I tell you not to do something. A car could have hurt you." I scolded. "And when either of your bubbys call for you what are you supposed to do?" I asked sternly. "Go to bubby or Ryry." He sniffled sadly. "Good boy." I praised, trying to comfort him at least a little bit.

I got up onto the porch and helped Alex stand up before guiding him inside. I walked us both over to the couch and stood him in front of me while I sat. "Why are you in trouble Alexander?" I asked gently, rubbing my thumbs over his knuckles. "D-didn't listen." He whined. "Good boy, that's right. You didn't listen to bubby." I agreed. "Bubby, are you gonna spank me?" Alex sniffled. "Yes baby, but you're a big boy and you can take it. Bubby will be right here when it's over to cuddle." I said calmly, trying to soothe some of his anxiety.

Alex immediately started crying and shaking his head. "Shh I know baby, but if you keep crying like this Ryry is going to hear you and then come spank you instead." I said softly. I don't want to paint Ryley as the bad guy but if Alex keeps screaming like this Ryley is gonna spank us both. Him for going into the road, and me for not watching him. And if Ryley spanks him its going to be more than I would give him.

Alex shook his head and rubbed his eyes with his fists. "Calm down." I mumbled gently, rubbing his back. "Alex you're only getting five and then it's done. No use in getting worked up baby." I said calmly, sitting him on my lap to cuddle. He curled into me and let me hold him, pressing his face into my chest. I feel horrible, I haven't even spanked him yet and he's upset. And I know exactly how it feels.

"Bubby wants to get this over with. It'll be quick then it's over and we can cuddle. Take some deep breaths bub." I mumbled into his curls, patting his back.

Alex eventually calmed down and looked at me with a pout. I rubbed his cheek softly and poked his nose to get a smile. He smiled and shook my finger away.

"Alex, bubby hates doing this to you so much more than you do lovebug." I sighed and stood him up from my lap. He whimpered and tried to wiggle away when I pulled him over my lap.

I hate this feeling.

Just do it quickly and be done with it. He'll be fine.

I tapped his butt in warning, then started.


"That's it baby its done. I got you." I soothed, pulling Alex up from my lap. I held him and rocked us until he was calm.

"You're all done lovebug, you're not in trouble anymore." I comforted him. "Sorry." He whined. "Shh you're fine." I said, ruffling his hair.

"You gonna listen to bubby next time?" I asked gently. "Mmhmm" He nodded. "You're so cute! My baby!" I smiled and tickled the tears away. He laughed and squirmed but didn't try to get up.

"I love you sweet boy." I smiled.

"Love bubby too." He giggled.

"Oliver next time you don't watch him and he ends up in the road you'll both be over my knee." Ryley scolded harshly, coming down the stairs.

"How did you-"

"Biggest brothers always know. Do not let it happen again, you're lucky I'm letting it go this time little boy." He smiled before getting serious again.

"Yes sir." I mumbled, embarrassed by being scolded in front of Alex.

Thank God he didn't see me almost sock that kid. I probably still will, not today though. But sometime soon.

A/n: I'm not in love with this ending but I really wanted to get a chapter for this book out. Hopefully you all enjoy! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think. Thanks loves!


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