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Sometimes having a baby brother can be annoying. Other times its amazing, like living with your best friend. Of course having a big bother is the same, but its easier to bond with someone who has the same struggles as you. Our struggle being having Ryley as our brother. I love him and all but he's strict and its hard to behave to his standards all the time. And when we fail to do so, we usually end up over his knee.

Sure, I've spanked Alex a few times but I hate doing it and I'm much easier on him then Ryley. I just feel bad because I know how it feels. I'm not complaining about Ryley, he's a good brother and always makes sure we know he loves us. I don't like getting spanked but i know he does it to teach us right from wrong. Some parents are against spanking, but it works for me and Alex, it worked for Ryley too.

"Alex stop running in the house." Ryley scolded gently. I saw the slight pout on my little brother's face and beckoned him over to me. "Ry isn't trying to be mean bub, you can't run in the house because you could get hurt." I explained gently. "I don't want a booboo." Alex pouted. "Then no more running around." I smiled. "Yes bubby." Alex giggled when I tickled his sides. I released the small child and watched him waddle back into the kitchen.

I was sprawled out on the couch until I heard Ryley yell, "Alexander no running!" I sighed and went to investigate the problem. "What happened?" I asked to no one in particular. "Nothing baby, I got it." Ryley smiled at me. "Alex are you being naughty for Ryry?" I asked the toddler. I got a shy nod in response. "What happened bub?" I crouched down. "Was runnin' and Bubby and Ryry told me not to 'cause I get hurt." The toddler mumbled. "If you know you're not supposed to do it then why didn't you listen to your big brothers?" I asked slightly more stern. "Dunno." He squirmed. "Do not run inside you could break something or get hurt. If you run again you'll be in time out for three minutes." I spoke clearly, making sure to explain the consequences to him. He looked at me with sad eyes but nodded obediently. I stood back up and lifted him into my arms. "I be good." He mumbled into my shoulder. "I know bub, you're a good boy." I praised the small boy.


"Alexander!" I yelled, annoyed at my baby brother. He immediately freezes at his full name. "You've been told how many times today not to run?" I asked. "Lots." He pouted. "Yes lots. I told you that you would get a time out if you ran again. Go sit in the corner." I ordered, turning him to face that direction. He sat down on his time out chair with unshed tears in his eyes. I ignored his tears and set a timer for three minutes. He squirmed around but did not get up. Once his time was up I called him out. "Come here Alex." I said. "Bubby mad at me?" He sniffled. "No I'm not mad at you. You sat in time out like a good boy. You need to listen to bubby and Ryry when we tell you to do something bub. I don't want you to get hurt. You disobeyed me and Ryry, that's why you were put in time out. If you run again then you will get a spanking. You've been warned too many times today." I explained to him. I always take my time when explaining why he's in trouble, I want him to know why he got punished and what the consequences of his actions are. "No spank me!" He cried. "I'm not going to spank you as long as you stop running in the house. If you run again then you will be spanked." I explained to the upset child. He nodded sadly. "Do you know why you got a time out?" I asked gently. "Y-yes bubby." He hiccuped. "What did you do wrong?" I asked. "I-I ran in-inside and that's bad!" Alex cried. "Are you going to run again?" I asked sternly. "N-no!" He rapidly shook his head. "Good boy." I praised as I pulled the crying toddler into my lap.

"Sorry bubby." He mumbled. I shushed him softly and rocked him. I held him until he calmed down before I let him go.

All good things must come to an end.

I was standing in the kitchen, making a sandwich when I heard this loud crash followed by Alex's cries. I jumped at the sound and ran into the living room to see what was wrong. "B-bubby!" He sobbed when he saw me. I ran to the toddler and picked him up, away from the broken glass. It took me a minute to register where the glass came from, until I saw an upside-down picture frame laying in the floor. "Oh no. Alex, are you alright bub?" I asked gently rubbing his back. He was crying too hard for me to get him to respond. I made the decision to take him out of the room that might be making him anxious. I carried him into the kitchen and sat down with him at the table.

"What happened baby?" I asked softly. "I-I was r-running 'gain a-and b-bumped the table a-and t-the pic-picture falled!" He sobbed. "Shhh it was an accident right?" I asked, making sure not to sound mad. He nodded his head and held onto me tighter. I gently rocked him and rubbed his back until the worst of his tears were over.

"Come here baby." I mumbled and picked him up. I carried him into the living room and stood him by the glass, careful not to let him step on it. "Look here, see all that glass?" I asked, i continued when I got a guilty nod. "That could really hurt someone. Glass is sharp and it can cut you and it hurts really bad. You could have stepped on it and gotten hurt. Then we would have to take you to the hospital and get stitches in your booboo." I explain. "This is why we told you not to run. You could get hurt, Bubby could get hurt, or Ryry could get hurt trying to clean this up. We're not allowed to touch the glass so we need to go get Ryry." I said calmly. "N-no! He gonna be mad at me!" He cried. "I'll tell him, you just have to come with me so I can make sure you don't get hurt." I explained softly.

I picked Alex up and carried him over the glass to make sure he didn't step on it. I set him down when we got to the stairs and held his hand. He was still crying and it only got louder when I knocked on Ryley's door. "Come in." He said. "Alex broke a picture frame and there's glass in the floor." I said calmly, trying not to overwhelm my little brother. I could tell Ryley was mad but seeing how upset Alex was he just nodded and went downstairs to clean it up.

I guided the guilty toddler to his room and sat him on his bed. "What did I say would happen if you didn't listen?" I asked sternly. "I-I would g-get a spankin'!" He cried miserably. "That's right but you're too upset right now so we need to calm down." I tried to soothe my brother. "Don't s-spank me!" He sobbed. I knew I had to get him to calm down before I could even talk to him. So as the big brother, I scooped up the child and laid on the bed with him. I was rubbing his back and kissing his tear stained cheeks. I was whispering soothing words and praises until he calmed down completely.

Once calm I knew I could talk to him about why what he did was wrong. "Its very dangerous to run in the house bub. You could get hurt and I don't want that to happen. You're a very good boy and I know you are a great listener but you didn't show that today. You weren't listening to Ryry or Bubby and that's not what good boys do." I gently scolded. He sadly nodded his head to show he's listening. "I told you that you would get a spanking if you didn't listen." I said calmly, trying not to upset him. "No bubby." He whined. "I'm sorry bub but that's what happens when you're naughty." I said sympathetically. He whimpered, but nodded his head. "Do you want me or Ryry to spank you?" I asked even though I already know the answer. "You." He pouted at me. I kissed his nose and he giggled cutely. I nodded my head and sat up so I could pull him over my lap.

"You're a very good boy but you need to listen to bubby. You could have gotten really hurt." I scolded.

I placed my hand on his butt and tapped gently in warning. He whined but didn't move. "You're getting 10 because you could have gotten hurt by not listening." I warned before starting.

SMACK! POP! SPANK! SLAP! WHACK! "Bubby hurts! Hurts!" SLAP! SPANK! POP! SMACK! SLAP! "Sorry!"

"I got you bub. You did so good, such a good boy." I praised while sitting him up right in my lap. He sobbed and clung to me like a tiny, sad, koala. I patted his back and squeezed him in a hug. "No more running in the house." I said firmly, but still keeping my tone gentle. He shook his head rapidly and sobbed. "You're ok bub. I know it hurts but it would hurt more if you were in the hospital getting stitches because you stepped on glass." I comforted. "I love you." I said quietly. "L-love y-you." He sniffles. "Its ok baby, I'm not going anywhere." I soothed. He nodded his head and snuggled with me.

I held him close to my chest and laid back on his bed. I let him nap and I held him the whole time.

When he woke up Ryley talked to him again about how he could have gotten hurt and not to do it again. Alex nodded and apologized to Ryley for not listening and let Ryley hold him for a while. He immediately came back to me though, since I'm his favorite brother.

Little bros gotta stick together.

Ollie: 1       Ryley: 0

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