Chapter 15 - Just So

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Morning light filled the wagon, the door partially open allowing fresh air to enter clearing away the past. Nicole turned over in the small bed, aunty's singing piercing the silence she had had to endure for the past few days. Her health improved for a good night's rest, she was on the mend. She could hear the words of the song, a sailor leaving his family to go far away, promising to return with treasures. She had heard it many times, but the words now carried more meaning given everything that was happening.

Aunty entered with a basket of laundry, smiling at N. "Good morning, my lovely. I be making us something. You stay there."

"I be feeling better. Let me help you with that."

"Oh N, you are a good one. What would I do without you? Like me own flesh and blood you are."

"I loves your singing, aunty. I be teaching it to the little one."

Aunty laughed. "Not the rude ones I hope. Ain't for no baby's ears. N, your hearing! Oh, my lovely. Knows it would come back."

"I needs me leg done. And, I ain't taking no more of that ruddy syrup. Can't keep awake on it. Ain't proper."

Aunty helped N remove the bandage. The wound was healing, aunty bathing it and the doctor's salve preventing it from becoming infected. Her knee was still swollen, the fall having jolted her knee cap. It would mend in time, with rest and without further injury. That was the curious thing about N, the Gods, the heavens, the Universe, whatever you may call it kept a loving eye on her. Some might simply call it luck, or good fortune, someone higher up looking after her.

Dressed, knee bandaged for support, food consumed at speed to the amusement of aunty, she descended the steps of the wagon, taking in the new day. She was alive, she had Waverly, the baby, aunty and Caspian in her life. The world was perfect.

Knocking on Waverly's wagon, she remembered to take a few steps down in case Wynonna flung open the door. Waverly appeared, tired eyes, red from crying greeted Nicole's huge smile. She motioned with her hand for her to come in, pointing to the window seat, grabbing a mug to pour her a tea. Wynonna was still in bed, snoring, the sound making Nicole grin.

Waverly placed the mug in front of Nicole, sitting on the stool, head down. No words spoken. Not knowing what to say, how to say it to make her N understand she would do this on her own.

Nicole reached across the table, taking her hand, feeling the slight resistance, knowing Waverly was struggling to come to terms with what was happening to her. "I be a fool for running away, when I has all this."

Waverly nodded, her head remaining down, forcing herself not to cry. She felt Nicole's hand rubbing the back of hers gently. So gentle. "N, I wish this wasn't happening. I am the fool, for believing that Hardy, for getting myself like this. I wish, I wish, I don't know what I wish. I've ruined it for everyone. And, you can't even hear me. And, that's my fault too."

"I be hearing you. Ain't nothing your fault. It be all fine. Grand."

"You can hear? You can hear my voice. N, that's wonderful. So, you can hear everything?"

Nicole nodded. "Ain't have you worrying about two of us. You needs to look after the little one. And I needs to look after you."

"Oh N, I know you want to. And, I know you will. But, you can't. This is all a mess."

Nicole got up, moving round the table, pulling Waverly up, holding her in her arms. "Push me as far away as you wants, I be coming back every time. You hear. Ain't leaving you ever again. Ain't leaving the little one neither."

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