7 - Power

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In those three minutes they had to prepare, Amelia had gone back to her room and pulled out a box from the back of her closet. Inside was something she had made before she had even begun building her first metal suit, but she had never actually worn it. It was a light suit made of a fabric she had invented herself with the tensile strength of steel times by twenty. It wasn't dissimilar to Natasha's stealth suits, although it was sleeveless and resistant to fire. It was black but shined a brilliant orange under the right light. What felt rather appropriate now was the thin golden detailing that trailed down its sides. It was finally time to put it on.

After changing into her new suit and a trusty pair of boots, she headed to reconvene with the team. Tony, Bruce and Steve were all sitting and waiting for everyone else to arrive.

"You finally put it on?" Tony asked as he observed her outfit. "Only took you, what, five years?"

"Maybe I should take up fashion design," she snarked back with a smile.

"And to add to it," he started and handed her a new golden bracelet. "Put this on."

"FRIDAY?" she inquired. It was an AI they had both worked on as a backup in case they ever lost JARVIS. The day had finally come.

"FRIDAY," he echoed in confirmation. Amelia took a seat next to Steve as she placed in her earpiece to go with the new bracelet. Tony sighed. "No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. There's gonna be blood on the floor."

"I got no plans tomorrow night," Steve joked.

"I get first crack at the big guy," Tony called dibs. "Iron Man's the one he's waiting for."

"That's true, he hates you the most," Vision interrupted as he walked past. Amelia laughed at her brother.

Soon, the team were on their way to Sokovia. Everyone seemed at least a little nervous. Amelia had expected to be too considering her previous track record of pre-fight anxiety, but she found herself filled to the brim with nothing but steely determination.

"Ultron knows we're coming," Steve sighed. "Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire."

"Well, then, I'll give him heavy fire right back," Amelia assured her team.

"It's what we signed up for," he continued. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't, so our first priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, but that's not gonna happen today. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

When they reached the city, Amelia had aided in the evacuation efforts with Steve, Clint and the twins while her brother had gone to confront Ultron. She went door to door and shop to shop insisting people get out. Of course, many of the people in Sokovia already knew the Stark's face, but having Captain America at her side made them listen to her all the same.

It wasn't long until the bots began to appear. They had expected them, of course. Amelia summoned her swords and began slicing and dicing the bastards with ease, trying her best to keep the fight away from civilians. Chopping these in half didn't work completely as it did with the iron legion. She had to stab them deep in their metal hearts to completely fry their circuits. With some, she simply beheaded them.

"Ultron's burned out of the net, Ames," Tony announced through their comms. "The Vision worked. Did his job and did it well."

"Of course, he did," she replied. "Did you ever doubt us?"

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