Chapter 14: Forgotten Memories

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Eris' forehead stayed pressed to the cold stone ground. The words that she just said stained her tongue, but she meant it. The ghost was right. She's been crying and hoping things will magically get better. Shame washed over her. She held in tears as she couldn't show any weakness after her speech. There was no doubts in her mind that she can bring make her sister. She just had to play this ghost's game. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed it would take the deal.

"Eris! Get up!" Dexter yelled. "Don't do this! I wouldn't let you!" 

Eris cringed hearing him, while her hands began to shake. Bella was sobbing, the sounds echoing in the cave, Vonnie stayed quiet.  Eris felt her eyes stared at her. Her heart pounded harder each second she had to kneel. She couldn't explain her plan, but she only prayed that it would work. 

After another second the ghost giggled, Your little boyfriend is screaming to protect you, she's crying and her,  she paused at Vonnie, she's just staring at you with the most pity I've ever seen. You have a deal, little Queen."

Her heart dropped when she heard all three of her friends screaming. The understanding of what she just promised rushed at her all at once. She shot her head up to look at the ghost but her body shivered and her mind went black.


Garnets P.O.V:

The first thing that I noticed when my vision came back was my ponding headache, but then after my ears stopping ringing there was another sound in the air. My whole body ached while I forced myself to get off the cold ground. My breath came out in short painful gasps. Following the sound, it became clearer.

The cave's crystals glowed brightly that hurt my eyes, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the girl right in front of me. Looking over I noticed four other people here with me, but they didn't seem to care about me. Soon, I understood why. I nearly didn't recognize her, but the tears falling down her eyes made it clear who she was. Forcing my legs to stand, the last few months started to come back to me. The more I remembered the hotter my blood boiled. "Nilsine! Give back my sister!"

The other kids in the cave eyes went to me. Some in confusion, others in anger. 

Eris went out a laugh, but it wasn't hers. Her eyes had lost all it shine. Garnet, she did this for you. Now take her little friends and leave before I change my mind about keeping her body in one piece.

I froze, not knowing if she was trying to scare me or not. I clinched my fist even as my muscles screamed at me to collapse. "For as long as you've been in my mind, you should know that I'll never leave my family behind." 

She laughed again and it sent a chill up Garnet's spin. She knew that she couldn't fight Nilsine, not in the state she was in. Glancing back at the others in the cave she noticed one was gone. The guy with red hair was no longer staring her down. She rolled her eyes, adding the mental note that she can't let him run free. Bring her back was the guy that hasn't stopped yanking on his chains. The young mans wrist were starting to the drip blood. The fire in his eyes and how he couldn't away from Eris' possessed body only few feet away from him.

The two girls next to him, one with tears flowing down her cheeks like rivers, her eyes red full of rushing emotions, and the other with fear making her skin pale and her chest rise in fall in panic at the sight in front of her. She had to get them out of here and she was gonna do it with her little sister. 

Before she could say anything the ground shook. 

You don't have much time, My Queen, it teased her as she waved her and to her side and the chains on the other wrist disappeared. Dexter charged at Eris, going to tackle her, but she kicked him down. It's not hero time lover boy. Your brothers wouldn't be any good to you crushed . She laughed, but it was cut short as the ground shook. Rocks began fall from the ground catching her off guard, giving me enough time to sneak behind her. Wrapping my arms around Eris' body the ghost inside her screamed.

"Let's Go!" I yelled to them and they all took off for the opening where they were let in. As everything around began to crumble they ran to the area where everyone was being kept in their pod-like prisons. Screams echoed as students pulled themselves out gasping for air only to have to use it to start running, or pulling other out that were struggling. Everyone ran out of the caves, using what little magic they could muster to keep rocks from falling on them. 

My heart was pounding so loud in my ears and I began to limp as the light and the sound of rushing water came closer. Everyone all ran toward it, all jumping into the ocean. As the last person jumped out, a small fairy girl jumped out. A voice could be heard from the other side of the crowd calling out, "Let's head to the lighthouse! I see the light! It's still standing!" Everyone agreed as they all began to swim as fast as their tired bodies toward the light that was fatly seen through the fog. 

As my weak body swam with Eris' body wrapped tightly in my arms, a painful memory began to resurface. Something that haunted me for so long.

My wedding......

~~ 5 Months Ago ~~

I stood on the small raised stage in front of the mirrors as maids speed walked all around the room, picking things off the walls, from closet hangers and large velvety boxes with large bows. My lady-in-waiting, Yumi stood next to me on the floor, making her look smaller then me, even though on a even playing field she would standing over me with a few extra 3 inches in height. She wore a small grin on her face, but I could tell in her eyes that it pained her to be here in this moment. 

My mother soon walked in and began barking orders at the maids. "Finally!" she says in a high pitched voice, "Let's get started, now shall we." She walked in front of me and looked me up and down. I stared back, wondering what she was thinking. I always looked up to my mother ever since I was just a young girl running around, getting my dresses messy with the other noble children, but now I couldn't understand what going on in her head. She snapped her fingers at the closest maid. "You, let's start with a A-Line dress with a scoop neckline."

The maid hurried off and brought back a dress. They fitted on Garnet and she hated the feeling of the lace on her skin. It didn't feel right. She didn't look like herself. Her mother walked around her with a sour look on her face. Shaking her head, she huffs. "Remove that off her and let's try a ballgown style this time."

Garnet cringed a bit thinking of how long this was gonna take for her mother to like dress on her. It didn't matter what she liked. This is for her family, for her kingdom, for her sister. She had to follow every rule. She couldn't let her family down, not after all the training her parent's gave her. She hated the lessons, but she guessed that it could be worse. She thought back to  when she and Eris had the same day lesson with the castle tutor. They spent hours passing drawing and notes. They cheated from each other notes and always helped each other get out of trouble. A smile flashed across her lips.

Nothing made she heart hurt more than seeing her sister everyday at breakfast and dinner and not being able to talk to her like they use to. She had to say things properly with manners. She couldn't smile too wide or laugh louder than a small giggle. She was stuck in a box of always having to be perfect.

She didn't feel ready to be Queen........ she couldn't even be a good sister.


Hey Everyone!!! Thanks for continuing to support and love my story!!! Life got in the way for a while, but I'm back!

Tell me what you think in the comments! How can Garnet save her sister from the Ghost!

Stay Tuned for Chapter 15!! 

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