Chapter 15: Lighthouse

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Snapping my eyes open, I take a deep breath. The smell and the taste of the sea was stuck in the back of my throat, making part of me wanna throw up. Before my mind could understand my surroundings, my eyes fell on the person that was holding me so tightly. She held me close as she sat huddled in the corner. She lightly snored, but so did so many other students, all tired and drained.

Eris didn't understand how she got here, but she hoped this wasn't a dream. Relaxing, she slipped out of her hold, but didn't move away. She stayed at her side and rested her head on her shoulder. Her warmth made she smile and a tear fell from her eye.

"Hey sis," Garnet whispered. She opened her eyes and smiled at her.

Eris wrapped her arms around her and hugged her close. "I'm so happy to see you again!"

Garnet hugged her back. "Thank you for not giving up on me." She let go of her and took her face in her face. Garnet stared into her eyes eyes and knew that the Ghost no longer being haunted by the ghost that haunted her heart. "You've grown up so much."

Eris' looked down and moved away from Garnet's hold. "No, I haven't. Well, I don't feel like I have."

Garnet sighed and turned to face her better. "Eris, you've done so much and you don't even know it. I know that you've must been through hell being the only person to still hold on hope that I was still alive. You and your friends saved everyone. You should be proud of yourself."

"Thank you," Eris sniffled as more tears came. She hugged Garnet again. As they embraced, for a moment Eris didn't feel like the young princess having to be rushed off to Royal School who missed her sister, but a little girl hugging her big sister.

Garnet hugged her tighter, "I'll do better. When we get back home, I'll take back the throne. I promise I'll make it better. The rules will be mine to change, and we'll get to be sisters again. Real sisters."

Hearing that made her heart race. The thought of going back home with her sister in toe, felt like a dream only a few days ago. She let go a breath and relaxed into her sister's warm body. She could stay like this forever.


Eris rubbed her eyes at the sunrise. The morning came quicker than she would've liked, but the warmth of the sun was a welcomed feeling after the cold night she had. Garnet checked on her again. Eris and Garnet was both confused on how the ghost left her body without a trace. There wasn't any sign of them in Eris' mind and she stopped the fear clawing at her heart to enjoy seeing her sister. After they talked for a while longer, Eris left her side to go look for her friends. Ever since she woken up the memories of last night came back slowly. The sound of her friends screams and cries hurt. She squeezed past other students as they slowly wakeup and talked to others to understand what happened before their big vacation.

Someone found her before she could find them. They quickly pulled her into a tight hug, hiding their face in her hair. His breath was soft and shallow and his hair still had the hint of crystal bust in it. Eris hugged him back and rested her head on his shoulder. She heard voices in the background, making him pull away.

His eyes were flooded with tears, about to roll down his cheeks. His hair was a mess and his skin was sun kissed. She never thought he could look so handsome. She didn't know what to say just as the sound of his screams filled her ears. Her eyes began to water.

He stepped closer to her and took both her heads in his. The worry in his eyes made her fold. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the words spilled out. "I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have rushed into anything, but I just had to."

Dexter cut her off before her could say anymore. He cupped her cheek in his hand. "Don't be sorry for saving your sister. I would've done the same thing for my brothers. I'm just glad to have you back."

She smiled. Before she could say say anything Belle and Vonnie came up to them. They all hugged, holding each other close.

"Eris! I'm so glad you're okay!" Belle's face was bright with happiness.

"Don't ever do that again!!" Vonnie fussed at her with a smile on her face with a joking tone.

They stood in a corner on the lighthouse and talked about a few things. Everyone was counted for and other than a few was injured from when the Chaos-Winged Horse destroyed the school. Speaking of school..... They had none. After everyone had gotten out and swam to the lighthouse there was a earthquake. The school's remains and island sank into the water leaving nothing behind, but floating books, lockers and other items. Looking out across the water where the most beautiful place she ever since had once stood, Eris wished she had explored it more.

She sighed," What do we do now? The school is gone and the rescue team is coming soon."

Belle gave her a half hearted smile. "We have each other's numbers. We can call at anytime once we are back home. Things are just unsure at the moment."

"I bet our parents know about the curse and everything now. I don't want to be home-trained. I'll miss you guys," Vonnie says, holding back tears.

Eris hugged her. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to see each other again. We have to. You guys are my best friends."

They all hugged each other as they looked across the ocean. The wind began to pick up and a smile came across Eris lips, as she, for a moment, thought that this is what true peace felt like.

For no matter what happened or what will happen in the future that she'll have her friends and the adventure she had in Royale High to keep forever.

Crowned Crescent (Royale High)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant