Chapter 4: Lights Out

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The bar sweeps under her feet, catching her off guard. As she was tossed off the high platform she screams. Hitting the cold pool water, she panics. Her teacher swam to her. Eris was amazed at her glittering tail. Swimming up she breathes heavy. Looking up, she sighed at the pillar she was standing on. The swinging pole continued as the other students leaped over it. Some jumped over it with ease, making Eris huff and swim out. As she pulled herself out she could hear someone else fall in. She sat down in a beach chair and watched the others. Vonnie seemed to almost fall a couple times, but managed to keep her balanced. Dexter stood by the stairs leading to the driving broads. His skin was almost dry and he seem claim watching the others too. She shrugged, guessing that swimming class wasn't his strong point either. 

"Alright class!" A shimmering pink mermaid jumped up out of the water, raising her hands in the air , as if they were meant to clap. "That's enough for today!" Mrs. Flann clapped her hands. The pillars dissolved into sparkles under the students feet. They screamed as they all was dropped into the water. As they one by one came up they laughed and splashed each other. Stopping the joyful laughter was a scream.

"Mandy didn't come up!" 

Panic swallowed the atmosphere as people tried to see if they could see Mandy  under the water themselves. But no one had any luck. Before they could do anything Mrs. Flann gasps for air as she place Mandy down on poolside. Her tail fades into lightly tanned thin legs as she waves her hands over her chest and up over her mouth. Mandy chokes up water. Everyone rushed out of the pool, crowding around her.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Was she faking?"

"She choked up so much water."

Mrs. Flann helped Mandy stand. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Some-Someone," she continued to choke lightly, "pulled me-me under."

The students gasped, making the air more tense. They glanced around and whispered to each other.

"Alright everyone!" Mrs. Flann clapped her hands. "Get changed. The bell will ring soon. Cheer, Swimming, and Mermaid Club is canceled this afternoon. Behave while I take Mandy to the infirmary."

Everyone watched as they walked up the stairs into the castle. Eris sat back down and took a breath. She couldn't see Vonnie anywhere in the crowd and felt her heart race a little. She did as Mrs. Flann had asked of them and changed back into her school clothes. Noticing the time she lightly smiled as it was the end of the day. It seemed to be longer then she hoped it to be, but she was glad it was over. After quickly blow drying her hair she put her away her books, but toke out her English and Chemistry books. She glanced around the crowded  halls, but still hasn't seen Vonnie anywhere.She shivered a little thinking back to Mandy being pulled underwater. She didn't want to be alone with people how where out to get one another. Part of her wondered if Vonnie did it, but it left her mind as soon as it came. She rolled her eyes thinking she was off picking a fight with someone somewhere. She couldn't think about the Ball yet, or Vonnie. 

Eris nervously rushed into the library and went to the lone table on the far left. She listened if there were anyone here, but there was nothing. She began to read over the Sea Kingdom Chapter. She heard a few things about the kingdoms from her parents making comments about it, but nothing seems to interest her at that moment. 

She continued to study, it was peaceful. The large door was pushed open and closed. Eris glanced up and saw Dexter and two other guys walk in. She noticed that Dexter had a small grin on his face. She didn't know it was toward the two guys or her, but she went back to reading as they disappeared behind one of the many bookshelves. She glanced at the clock and began to pack up her books. She pulled the strap over her shoulder. As she began to walk out she heard a few voice whispering. She saw that it was Dexter angerly  whispering at one of the boys that he walked in with. As she looked at them she noticed that they looked a little similar.  They all had white hair with same amount of black in it. Dexter was the shortest of all of them, only by the few inches from the boy he was barking at.  The boy he was quietly yelling at didn't seem to take him serious as he had a sly grin across his face. The other boy, the tallest of the group, was leaning on a bookshelf while the other two was seating at a table. 

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