Things only worsened

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I woke up in the hospital ward. Again.

It better not become a habit, I always managed to stay away from this place as much as possible. I mean sure, I always passed out during training, but I didn't always end up in here. And I plan on things staying that way. I better master nature energy and become strong soon.

I think I did during my fight with Garo, though. No idea how I managed that. I studied my hands, I couldn't see the small strings of green chakra I saw during the fight. I could sense them either, it was just air after all.

I looked to my left, a small note was on my nightstand. "You had a broken nose and 4 broken ribs when you came in. I managed to heal your nose and 2 ribs, the rest will heal in a couple days. When you wake up, go to your room and prepare for training. Jigen expects you at 4pm, you should be awake around 3pm, so you have plenty of time."

I read out loud. Amado, huh. I should've known he would heal me, I never really met the other nurses. Oh well, I suppose I'll go prepare for training then. I looked at the clock, which stated 3.12pm. Plenty of time, indeed.

I stepped out of my bed and left the hospital ward. I quietly walked towards my room. Too quiet apparently. I saw lots of people on my way. They didn't see me, otherwise they wouldn't have talked about the things they did. I sighed. 'More rumors huh. They make it seem like I'm either amazing or horrible. It doesn't matter, they never liked me anyway, whatever the rumors say. And I'm sure that won't change either.'

I finally reached my room, only to find it being a complete mess. Clearly not how I left it this morning. Things such as "Brat", "You should train better!", "No one likes you, just die already." and "Jigen's favorite!" were written all over my walls. My nightstand was at the other end of the room, my bed was emptied, I couldn't find the blanket. My closet was emptied and the clothes were all over the floor, dirty.

I could already guess who found my room, that was going to be a problem. I put the furniture in the correct places and gathered my clothes. I was going to have to wash those, along with my walls. I walked towards the bathroom. We had to wash our clothes by hand.

I heard more people whisper. This time also about my room, seems like the culprit wanted attention. And me walking with dirty clothing doesn't help it, I just confirmed it was true. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Just washing this isn't too bad, I have enough time to do it anyway.

After I cleaned my room I went to train with Jigen, only to end up more beat up then ever. I already had broken ribs. He certainly wasn't pleased I had no idea how to use nature energy anymore. He heard about my fight from Sibura. She also told him how I used my fingers to throw him around.

It was just a fluke. I had no idea how to do it, it just came to me then. But Jigen didn't believe me, so he kept hitting me. I though he was going to kill me, his intent certainly told me so. I tried as hard as I could, but all I could sense was air. And my fingers didn't manipulate any nature energy at all.

I was eventually sent to the hospital ward. The third time in a day, definitely a record. The days, even weeks after all went the same. Train, get in the hospital ward, fix your ruined room, train again, get in the hospital ward again, don't sleep, because I didn't do sleep, and repeat.

I stopped going too the library as well. It used to be a place where I could relax. Used to be. There were rumors before as well, but since no one knew how I looked like, I could still come there. All I had to do was ignore it, and I had become really good at that.

Now, every time someone saw me, they came towards me, no matter where I was. Whether it was to talk, attack or throw rocks at me, was different each time. It was clear they didn't like me, the only place I used to be alone in was my room. But they found out where that was, so now I resorted to the bathroom.

I had made it a game, like I always do to try and have a little fun in this accursed place. After a few weeks I could get in unseen 8 out of 10 times. That was quite an achievement, especially considering how many people go to the bathroom. My stealth had definitely improved, by force unfortunately. I never thought I would improve by either avoiding people or getting beat up. The choice was obvious.

It still took me quite some time to finally get the grasp on nature energy.  

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