End Of Ragnarok

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The crowd cheered in victory. Well half of the crowd did, the other were too shocked to even stand up anymore. Humans began cheering and hugging each other in happiness. They have finally been freed and were able to escape the thought of death. It was an incredible sensation that most agreed on.

Even the most controlled of the Gods couldn't help but flinch from this defeat. Their pride was trampled on and they couldn't do anything about it. 

If they broke the rules then that'd worsen their defeat as they would be branded as a sore loser and a being that couldn't control themselves. Zeus was bulging in anger and Odin snapped his chair into pieces with his crows cowering in fear.

{Su-Susanoo No Mikoto has been killed!! The winner is King Leonidas of Sparta!!} The announcer screamed in shock. He would never have thought the Gods could lose to mortals. This was simply inconceivable. 

This had never and ever happened before and this wasn't simply letting the humans live. This showed the world that mortals could muster enough strength to face even the most powerful of the Gods which meant that no one would be able to say that mortals were inferior to the Gods.

[ Leonidas vs Susanoo No Mikoto

Match Length: 7 minutes, 54 seconds

Deciding move: Spartan's Rage: One Hit Wonder

Winner: King Leonidas. ]

The humans could branch off and live without the Gods dependence and they were now free from any obstacles.

{The tournament has come to an end! Humanity has won this tournament by 7-6!! Humanity has conquered Ragnarok and acquired their freedom!!}

All humans were smiling and throwing cheers of joys around the spectator seats. Zeus and the other Gods didn't even want to talk anymore as their raged began accumulating more and more.

 Odin and Loki left the arena but not before throwing a scowling look at the mortals they viewed beneath them.

Actually most Gods left the arena out of anger, jealousy or embarrassment. No one liked being looked down and these Gods were especially true to that.

Leonidas was at the time of his life as everyone cheered and congratulated him. He soon fell on the ground with Brunhilde at his side with injuries all over her from the fight. 

She had a wide smile as she looked at Leonidas. "Good job King Leonidas. You've brought a couple of centuries of peace for humanity and proved that you were better than what everyone expected of you."

The medics came to the arena and took Leonidas to a stretcher and covered his wounds. Leonidas snickered at the comment. "Don't need to flatter me. Go have fun with your sisters." He was then brought out of the arena to a medic room. 

A girl then landed on the stage and came up to Brunhilde and hugged her. She was small and had light purple hair and wore an orange outfit. This was Göll the third Valkyrie.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Göll hugged her and cried. She had snot in her nose and continuously cried like a baby. Brunhilde just patted her head softly and smiled gently completely contrary to her normal behaviour. 

"Don't hug me too hard. Let's get out of here. Don't like being stared at by those dumb Gods." Göll was confused and looked to the audience only to see many of the Gods glaring at her sister and herself angrily and menacingly. They were all mad that they lost and wanted to vent their anger towards the pair of Valkyrie.

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