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"What was that?" Laurie pulled back from Xavier, and glanced around the forest.

"Nothing, babe." Xavier murmured and made contact with her neck, placing kisses along it.

"No, I literally saw something." Laurie squirmed out of the position that Xavier had pinned her against the tree in.

"It was probably another ghost trying to rub one out to our super hot make out sesh." Xavier shrugged, but Laurie wasn't convinced. "My bet's on Montana. She is creepily obsessed-"

A flurry of white passed them, and the pair exchanged a frightened glance. "It's her."

Without further warning, they ran through the forest, not caring where. Not sure whether she was following or not, Xavier and Laurie sprinted until they reached a clearing.

Thinking they were in the clear, they stopped to catch their breath.

But as they looked up, the blonde woman, in a white dress was standing before them. Without warning, she raised her knife and slit their throats in one single motion.

Xavier and Laurie fell to the ground, blood spurting out of their necks.

A minute later, the pair were staring down at their dead bodies, rubbing their necks as if the pain was still there.

"She fucking got us again!" Laurie exclaimed in disbelief.

"'Cmon, let's go before she comes back." Xavier took her hand and they strolled back to the middle of camp, where they were bound to have company.

Most of the ghosts were sitting on benches, surrounding someone who was tied up on the ground. Montana was standing before the person, a knife swinging in her hands.

"Finally," She looked up as Xavier and Laurie approached the group, "the lovebirds are back."

"Sorry, she got us again." Laurie shrugged and the pair took a seat on a bench. She sat between Xavier's legs, and he rested his hands on her shoulders.

"Hold on, is that Jingles?" Xavier scoffed, and Laurie immediately tensed up. Chet nodded beside them.

"You left this place, and to willingly come back? Well, that makes you even more deranged than we thought." Montana circled back around to the group.

"He gave me no choice. You need to let me go, I came back here to kill Richard Ramirez." Mr Jingles begged, looking up at the ghosts.

"But he's already dead. I saw you murder him." Montana spat at the man.

"Ramirez has the devil on his side, and he's on his way back here now!"

"Who gives a shit? This motherfucker cut off my head! He needs to answer for that!" Ray cut in, charging at Jingles, knife in hand.

"Ray!" Montana snapped, stopping Ray, "Don't make me gut you again."

"I don't understand. You're-you're all ghosts?" Mr Jingles muttered.

"Are you brain dead?" Xavier frowned, "You killed half of us here, remember? You and Margaret are both psychos, and we got caught in your crossfire."

"None of this makes any sense!"

"We spent the first few months after we died sort of just wandering around, feeling confused and angry." Xavier explained, "Time doesn't really exist for us here, so years went by like minutes."

It was true, time really didn't exist. It was hard to tell how long they'd been dead, as every day felt the same. Constantly, Laurie thought about what her life might have been like if they'd made it out of the camp. She imagined growing older, getting married and having kids. But she couldn't have any of that anymore.

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