Chapter 1

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(Izuku POV)

I woke up and smiled as Kacchan nuzzled into my back tightening his grip around me. I bring his hand up and kiss it and he giggles into my back.

"Morning babe." He mumbles.

"Morning Kacchan. I need to get up, I have to meet my mum in thirty minutes." I groan as I turn to face him. I stare into his ruby eyes, smiling. Putting my hand on his cheek I kissed him and he rolled on top of me kissing me. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him there as my hands fly into his hair. My phone alarm goes off and we break the kiss panting. I smile at him biting my lip. I know it drives him crazy when I do that. He looks at me and pouts cutely, making me laugh.

"I'll be back around dinner time ok, then we can pick up from here," I say as I unwrap my legs and let him sit up. I quickly get my clothes on and grab my wallet. Kacchan lays on the bed still just in his boxers and I sit on the edge of the bed. I run my hand through his hair and kiss him.

"I love you Kacchan," I say as I stand up.

"I love you too babe." He says pulling me in for another kiss.

Blushing, I ran out the door. I am meeting my mum at a small cafe, I look at my watch. Crap I'm going to be late, I activate my quirk and run there faster making it just in time. I see my mum sitting at a table outside the cafe, she waves at me and I wave back smiling.

I ran over to her and hugged her. We ordered our food and I listened to her talk about her work. Suddenly there is a huge explosion and the ground shakes beneath me. Everyone starts screaming and I look up and there are two villains coming our way. They are leaping through the air and every time they hit the ground it shakes.

I activate my quirk and shout to my mum to get inside the cafe away from them. One of the villains turns to me waving their hand and everything feels like it is tipping to the side as I fall hard cracking my head on the concrete. Every part of me felt like it was made of stone and I couldn't move.

Suddenly there were two huge feet at the side of my face. I tried to move but all I could do was move my eyes a little. Just enough for a good look at the guy's shoes. They were large boots with buckles up the front. On each buckle was an emblem of a snake. The tips of the shoes were capped in steel. I saw it swing back before it came crashing into my face and everything went black.

When I came to, I was laying on a hospital bed in the corridor. I sat up and my head was throbbing. I looked around frantically for my mum.

"Mum, Mum where are you mum," I shouted a little panicky. A nurse walked up to me trying to calm me down.

"Hi sweety, what's her name we will find her. Come with me. This is everyone from the incident yesterday." She tells me and I take a deep breath in looking at her.

"What do you mean yesterday?" I asked as my hands start to shake. I checked my pockets and took out my phone. It was completely smashed. She looks at me and says she will get someone to explain when we find my mum. The nurse takes me into every room but I don't see my mum anywhere. She looks at charts and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Come with me, what's your name?" She asks softly.

"Izuku Midoriya. My mum is Inko Midoriya." I say as we head down a corridor. My stomach drops and I stop walking as I read the sign on the door, the Morgue.

"Please come with me." She says putting a hand on my back. I fight to keep the tears in.

We walk into a cold room and she talks to a man. He nods and opens a drawer. I look at the woman inside and shake my head, he closes it and opens the next one, I shake my head again letting out a sigh of relief. He opens the next one and my hands start to shake uncontrollably. My mum lays there. She looks like she is sleeping. I put a shaking hand on her head and gasp at how cold it is.

"Izuku, is this your mum?" The nurse asks me and I start to cry hard heaving sobs as I nod my head, my legs give out from underneath me and I fall to the floor sobbing. She sits next to me and puts her arm around me.

"Izuku, is there anyone we can contact for you? Your dad, maybe." She asks hopeful.

" is...was just me and mum." I cry harder.

"Aizawa. H...he is my teacher at UA." I say as she helps me up.

She leads me out of the room and back upstairs where I am met with a police officer, the nurse talks to him and asks me to go with him. I follow him in a daze. He puts me into the back of his cop car and drives me to a hero agency where I am told to sit in the lobby.

I sit there for a long time, everyone ignores me and I just keep my head down. Eventually, someone takes me to a small room and asks me questions but I don't know the answers, I just sit there crying. I can't get the image of my mum laying there out of my head. No one has told me what has happened. The man that is talking to me starts to get angry at me, he starts shouting and leans over the table grabbing my t-shirt lifting me off the floor. My eyes meet his and I start to shake as smoke starts to flow out his nose trails.

The door flings open and I see a fist fly past my face hitting the cop that is holding me upright in the jaw. He releases me and I fall to the floor in a heap. I see the guy fall to the floor and then scurry out of the room.

Aizawa bends down to me and picks me up. I hug him tightly, crying into his chest. He asks me what I remember and I tell him everything. I tell him about my mum and he holds me tighter. Aizawa tells me that there were many casualties yesterday before two of the three of them were taken down. He said the nurse had managed to get a hold of him, no one from the dorms had said I was missing. I frowned. I thought Kacchan would have said something.

We have to stay at the Hero agency until they get all the proper statements from me, Aizawa stays with me. We stand outside for some fresh air and we see Miro, he must be doing his work experience here. He sees that I have been crying and comes over to me hugging me. I hugged him back tightly crying into his shoulder as Aziawa told him what happened.

It seems that the guy that hit me is still at large and it takes all night and more pros to take all the info I had down. I have to look at photos of known associates of the two who were caught. But as I looked at costumes I couldn't see anything that resembled what I saw. They had me look at symbol after symbol but nothing. I drew it down for them and they filed it away but I wasn't hopeful.

Finally, we were about to leave, Miro was leaving at the same time and Aizawa gave him a lift to the school. My whole body felt numb. I seemed to have cried all my tears away. I just wanted to see Kacchan, I needed him to tell me everything was going to be ok.

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