Chapter 6

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(Izuku POV)

We get to the meeting room and my dad is suspiciously quiet. I stop right at the door and turn to him. He is avoiding my eyes. I look at Soph and she points for me to go in but I don't move.

"What are you not telling me?" I ask quietly.

"Nothing." I tap my foot and cross my arms, something I learned from him. "OK fine the team that is running this is your old classmates." He says holding up his hands.

"What!" I say in a very uncharacteristically high voice.

I start to move away from the door but the four of them turn me around and try to push me into the room. Soph uses her hair to open the door and the four give one last hearty shove and I fly in the door nearly crashing into none other than Kacchan. Luckily catch myself just before I hit him. I stand up straight and I am taken aback by his ruby eyes, just like our daughters. I can feel the anger beginning to rise in my chest and I activate one for all and run to the other side of the room. I turn my back on everyone and lay my head on the wall as my hand's clench. FUCK! Why, why did I agree to this? Oh yeah because they're too dumb to do it themselves. Images run through my head of the last day I saw Kacchan and the others. I try to steady my breathing, thinking about that isn't going to help. I just need to forget it for now. I can hear Soph talking but I'm not listening to what she is saying until she poked me in the ribs.

"Bean!" She shouts and I sigh, turning to face her. I cross my arms and see my dad laughing. I shove him with my elbow and he wobbles, it's strange being taller than him. He laughed harder, making me laugh. My voice changer makes it sound like a sinister laugh and I clamp my hand on my mouth as everyone's heads snap up to me. I try to avoid looking at Kacchan. Soph, Danny and Nelly roar with laughter and I hang my head shaking it trying not to laugh out loud. I take a deep breath and look back at all the puzzled faces. I clamp my mouth shut and fold my arms again as I stare at everyone. All these emotions I had buried away long ago bubble back up to the top. First I am happy to see them but then I remember all the shit and I find it hard to control my anger again and my lightning starts to flicker. I breathe trying to control my emotions. I look to my left to see Mineta putting his hand out to touch Nelly's leg as she is focused on me.

"Hey pervert! If you want to keep your fucking hand you will keep it of my family, got it" I growl as I flick a spark of green light in at him and he yelps. Nelly smiles at me and I swap places with her.

My dad starts to go over the plan with the rest of them as I look around the room. Ura and Tsu come over to me once we are done and I stand there clenching my teeth.

"Hello, my name is.." I don't let her finish.

"I know who you are, Ochako Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui." I growl again.

"Bean manners. Sorry about him, he is a grumpy pants today. He is the baby of the family so you know what they are like. He is really a giant Teddy bear. It is nice to finally put faces to names." Soph says, holding out a hand smiling. How is she so good at that? I can see the anger in her eyes but no one else could. Soph drags me over to the side.

"I know this is hard, Bean but we can do this, you can do this OK." She says looking up at me I nod and hug her whispering thanks into her ear.

We decided that we would have to do this ASAP. And we were going to head to the location as soon as it started to get dark.

I went into an unused room and locked the door before I video called my dad. After a few rings the video sprang on and I could see my dad with Asuka on his knee. She was giggling, her fluffy green hair bouncing and her Ruby eyes sparkling. I smiled at them.

"Hi baby girl, are you being good for your Grampa.?" I ask her knowing she is a perfect little angel.

"Oh yes mummy, it sooooo fun here. Grampa took me to see All Might mummy, he is so cool and look what Grampa bought me." She holds up a new purple cup with her name on it. She shakes it excitedly at the camera and I laugh.

"You are one lucky girl did you say thank you to Grampa?" I smiled as she nodded her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek saying thank you again.

"Listen baby girl, I have to go catch this bad man ok. But I will see you tomorrow, I need you to listen to your grampa when he tells you it's bedtime." I say with a tear in my eye I hate leaving her.

"Mummy, be careful and kick his butt ok. I love you mummy." She says smiling and blowing kisses at the camera.

"I love you too baby girl, the whole world, universe, stars beyond and so much more than that, Asuka," I say blowing her more kisses and she giggles, that is the best sound in the world. My dad tells me to be careful just before the call ends.

I sit back in the chair and wipe the tears before putting my mask back on and heading back to the meeting room. As soon as I open the door Kacchan is standing right in front of me. I step to the side to get past and he gets flustered and moves with me. I clench my fists and barge past him hitting his shoulder. I walk back up to my dad but I can hear Kirishima talking to Kacchan.

"Oh man, he doesn't seem to like you much. What did you do to him?" Kirishima says which makes me even angrier.

What did he do? Is he fucking kidding me? My dad seems to know what I am thinking and remembers me that they don't know who I am. I sigh and just wait for the sun to go down so we can get this over with and I can go home and see my baby girl. 

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