Chapter 9

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(Izuku POV)

As soon as we all get into the next room the door slams shut. This room is completely white and there is a large vent on the far wall under the door which is shut. I scan the room quickly.

"Shit." I turn to everyone. "Do exactly as I say. You need to take a deep breath in and hold it. Do not breathe in until I let you know it's ok, got it?" I say more panicked than I ment.

I turn back to see smoke starting to pour out of the vent. I activated my suit and I sucked all the gas into me and put my thumb up to the others. A moment later I collapsed to the floor as pain shot through my entire body.

(Bakugo POV)

What the fuck does he mean, hold our breath. I looked up just in time to see a white smoke flowing out of a vent, I took a deep breath in and held my breath. I looked at my friends, they all looked scared, especially Tsu. Why did she agree to come if she knew she was pregnant. I look back at Green Lighting and see him somehow sucking all the gas into him. After a few minutes, the gas diapers and he puts his thumb up and I release my breath and take a deep breath in. Suddenly he collapses to the ground rising in pain.

"BEAN, what the fuck is happening all your stats of going nuts." She shouts in our ears.

"There was some sort of gas, he swallowed it all. Then he collapsed screaming." I say quickly.

"Oh Bean. Let me see what you have done." She says softly.

I look at him writhing on the floor, we can hear him crying in our ears. He is screaming for help, I bend down to him putting a hand on his arm and he curls up into a ball and the screaming and sobbing intensifies. My hand shakes a little as I try to comfort him. I can hear the girls behind me sobbing.

"Fuck, fuckity fuck fuck. Bean. You knew what this was didn't you?" She said and I think I heard her sniffling.

"What is it, what the fuck is happening to him?" I ask panicky.

"It's a special fear gas, it makes you relive your worst memories over and over until they kill you." She said in my ear.

"We need to snap him out of it before it kills him, he needs something that will overwhelm the bad memories." She said, sounding frustrated.

"Asuka, he needs Asuka." Aizawa's voice flowed over the earpiece. I watch him as his whole body goes rigid as he stretches out like he is being electrocuted. He lets out a loud scream that sounds off with his voice changer. A moment later we can hear someone make a phone call.

"Hizashi, we need Asuka. He is in trouble. We need her to talk to him and snap him out of it. Asuka listen to grampa can you do something for me?"

"Yes Grampa." A child's voice rang in my ear.

"Call for mummy darling. Talk to him, let him hear your voice." Aizawa says in my ear and I frown. I thought we were trying to help Black Lightning, not this small girl's mum.

"Mummy, mummy I love you mummy. Are you crying mummy, I will sing you a song. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.

As she sang I saw his body relax a bit but he still looked like he was in a lot of pain. He still whimpered but not as much.

"Good girl Asuka, but it's just not enough to stop it, think think, ok I got it Bakugo. I need you to grab his head and put your face up to his so all he can see is your eyes. Asuka sweety you need to tell mummy to open his eyes ok and keep singing to him." She says softly.

"OK aunty Soph." I can almost see the small girl nod her head. I grab his head and try to move him but he is really strong and I have to pry his arms off his head. I end up sitting on his stomach pinning his arms with my legs at the side of his body while I hold my face next to his. I am suddenly hit by a strong sense of nostalgia, I take a big breath in, his smell is overwhelmingly familiar but I can't place it.

"Mummy open your eyes, mummy, mummy please open your eyes for me, mummy" I can hear the small girl's voice falter and he groans in the mask. I can hear him mutter her name.

"MUMMY, I love you mummy." The small girl shouts. He coughs underneath me.

"I love you too baby girl." He mutters before he goes limp.

"What happened? He is all limp." I whisper trying not to upset the small girl.

"It's ok he is just asleep now. He will be out for a while though. Asuka you did great sweety. Mummy is fine now he is just asleep. We will all take you out for an ice cream the size of your head tomorrow ok sweety." Rapunzel tells her and I hear the girl giggle in my ear before it cuts off. I climb off of him and sit down next to him. My friends sit beside me.

"Can I ask you a question, Rapunzel?" Tsu asks, sitting on the other side of him.

"Shoot." Rapunzel replies.

"Why would he do that for us when I'm pretty sure he hates us?" Tsu runs her hand down his arm. For a moment everything is silent and I think she isn't going to tell us.

"I think it's because he wants to hate you all, but deep down he can't. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to all of you. He has suffered so much in his life, everyone he cared about just abandoned him. If it wasn't for his dad's bringing him to us I dread to think what would have happened." She says sadly. I frown looking at him lying there, his masked head lolling to the side. What did we do to him? We have never met him before now.

"Why do you call him Bean?" Ura asks her next putting her head on Tsu's shoulder. I hear her laugh in my ear.

"When we all first met he was the smallest of us. He had the biggest, saddest eyes I had ever seen, I called him Bean because he needed protecting and that's what we did. We helped him through the worst time in his life. He didn't deserve any of that crap." She says, I am sure she is crying. I look around and see sad faces, what happened to him?

"Aizawa, I never knew you had a son." I say looking at Green Lighting.

"He went to school abroad." Aizawa grumbles in my ear.

We sit in silence for about an hour until he starts to stir. He groans, putting his hands up to his head as he rolls onto his stomach. We all shuffled out the way silently.

"I feel like I've been hit by a bloody bus." He groans laying there.

"Oh stop being a big baby Bean get up, you scared the shit out of us. Don't do that again right, next time let all the fuckers die." She says angrily into our ears. I look at everyone. They looked at the ground, he risked his life for us even though he knew what it could do to him.

"Oh Soph, you know I couldn't do that, not really." He says picking himself up. He wobbled a bit but shook it off heading to the door.

"Are you lot coming or not?" He says as he stumbles on the wall. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok man?" I ask him.

"Don't fucking touch me." He growls as he slaps my hand away. I frown at him.

"What's your fucking problem?" I shout back. He takes a step towards me standing up to his full height.

"Bean not now you have to finish this Asuka needs you, kill him later ok." I hear Rapunzel say in my ear.

He turns away from me and opens the next door.

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