Chapter 5

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(Aizawa POV)

I sat in the briefing room next to Hizashi. We were trying to set up an operation to capture a villain who seemed to be untouchable. Anytime we thought we were close he would get away, we lost some good Heros due to that bastard. He set up traps for the Heros and lured them in before torturing them slowly. Everyone sat silent unsure what our next step should be. I stand up and look at Hizashi.

"I have a plan, but I am going to need specialist help from America. There is a team over there that with a bit of persuasion, will help. You all have heard of Green Lighting?" I ask and everyone starts buzzing. He has made a good name for himself over there, so much so that even Japanese shops have his merchandise. Hizashi looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. I look back at the room, the entire room is made up of my old class.

(Izuku POV)

Last week I got a call from my dads begging for our help, they were really struggling to catch one particularly nasty villain. He had already killed four pros and seven civilians. He knew I wouldn't be able to say no. So I booked a plane to fly Asuka, Soph, Danny, Nelly and me back to Japan.

Asuka was so excited to go see her grampas. She was hoping we could have her fourth birthday with them in Japan. She sat on my knee and asked me hundreds of questions from do they have her favorite food there to where we lived in Japan. I told her that we would be going to stay at grandpa's house and yes they had her favorite food, Katsudon. She sat still while I put her fluffy green hair into bunches that reached her tiny shoulders. She looked at me and I bopped her nose making her laugh. Asuka sat with her Auntie Nelly while I looked over plans that were emailed to me.

I had hired a car and drove us to my dad's house which was inside the grounds of UA. As we drove up there were a few gasps at the sheer size of it. I drove up and around the back past my old dorms, I slowed down to look at them.

Finally, we stopped the car and my dads were waiting for us, they ran up to the car and scooped Asuka out of her car seat showering her in kisses, they really miss her. I wish we all lived closer so they could see her whenever they wanted to. She is a clever girl and is fluent in Japanese and English even though she is still only three. It is funny watching her switch mid-conversation from English to Japanese depending on who she is talking to. We get to spend the night in my dad's house relaxing. Grampa Hizashi is going to stay with Asuka tomorrow while we all go to the Hero Agency.

(Bakugo POV)

I flung myself down on the first seat I found through the door. I don't get why we need help from the Americans. I sat looking at the files on the four of them. All of them except Green Lightning had photos of them as civilians and their real names. Why was this Green Lighting so special that his identity is kept secret? Not long after me the rest of the team started filing in. They all take their seats. We are all in our casual clothes and sit chatting happily with each other. Kiri comes over to me excitedly.

"I wonder if Green Lighting is as big as he looks on TV." He smiles his sharp toothy grin at me. I laugh at him. I do like to watch him whenever I get a chance. There is something about him I like, not that I would tell any of the others that mind you.

"Oh, I saw him do this interview. He has a reputation for being so kind and gentle even though his suit is kind of intimidating." Momo squealed from the other side of the table.

"I can't wait to meet Rapunzel. She is so hot grrrrr." Mineta piped in and we all threw something at him making him duck out the way laughing.

I could hear Aizawa talking in the corridor, then a strange squeal sound and shuffling. I stood up looking at the door. Suddenly the door was shoved open and a man dressed in a full-body skin-tight hero suit with a full face mask was forcibly shoved in the door and came crashing into me. I put my hands out to catch him but he stopped right before he hit me and straightened up.

He was slightly taller than me. His all-in-one suit was like Zoom from the tv series flash except it had a green lightning belt and a forked lightning symbol on his very toned chest. The suit hugged every muscle and there were a lot of them. The mask was like spiderman's with triangular eye parts. Even right up close I couldn't see his eyes through it though. The hairs on my arms stood on end as my heart raced in my chest.

Suddenly there was a flash of green and he was over the other side of the room resting his head on the wall with his back to us, I could see his fists clench. I looked back at the door to see Aizawa and another three Hero's walk in.

The first one was the Hero Rapunzel. She was tall, busty and slender. Her hero suit looked like it was made of the same material as Green Lighting but in a powder pink colour and it cut low revealing her cleavage. Her long blond hair was flowing down her back as she walked in. She had a pink mask that covered her eyes and looked almost painted on.

The next was Charming, he wore what looked like skin-tight jeans and a white skin-tight t-shirt. He was muscly but not as muscly as Green Lighting. He wore a waistcoat over the t-shirt and an old-fashioned watch on a chain that hung from the bottom of the waistcoat. He had a black mask covering his eyes.

The last one was a small girl, very petite in a complete deep green bodysuit and long brown hair that was pleated down her back. As she passed I could see that there were animals etched into the material and it kind of shimmered. She too had what looked like a painted-on mask that covered her eyes and part of her nose.

Aizawa put his hand on Green Lighting's back and I saw him whisper something to him. I looked at everyone else and everyone was as confused as me.

"Right you lot. Say hello to our guests." Aizawa said, folding his arms and scowling. What the hell has crawled up his arse today. Everyone smiled and said hello in English. The Americans began to chuckle.

"Hello, I am Rapunzel. It is ....nice to finally meet you all. This is my family, Chimera, Charming and Green Lightning." She said in perfect Japanese, they all smiled and waved apart from Green Lightning who stayed facing the wall. Rapunzel looked behind her and poked his ribs as she mumbled something.

"Bean!" She shouted and his hands relaxed and he turned to face us crossing his arms. I frown what kind of name is Bean or is it a code word. I saw Aizawa smile and Green Lighting nudged him with his elbow making Aziawa start laughing. I can't remember him ever laughing like that before, how exactly do they know each other?

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