Chapter 3

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(Izuku POV)

"Well did you read it?" I say as I look at him tears are already welling up in my eyes. He turns to me with his face full of rage and anger and I take a step back.

"Yes I fucking read it Deku and it doesn't change anything, it's all fucking excuses with you. I don't care about all the crap you spouted about in the letter and I don't care about you. Got it. I burned the stupid letter now fuck off." He shouted at me, making me flinch. Something in me snapped and I started laughing.

"You are a fucking asshole Katsuki, do you know never before have I hated you. Not even when you told me to go kill myself in middle school. But now I do with every fiber of my being. You really are a heartless prick, do you know that. Don't worry I get it, none of you will ever have to put up with my crap anymore. You are all a bunch of assholes and you deserve each other." I say with as much venom I can muster before I turn and walk out of the dorms leaving my school bag laying where I dropped it. No one follows me and I didn't expect them to. I run all the way to the teacher's lounge and find Aizawa and Hizashi sitting there. I start crying and run over to them. They stand there hugging me until I calm down. I tell them about what just happened and both of them are fuming. I have to hold them back.

"Please don't do anything, it's not worth it, I tried. Now they will have to live with their decisions. But I can't go back to class or to the dorms. I can't keep coming here while they're here and I'm pregnant. I need to leave." I cry into Aizawa's chest.

"Listen Izuku, I have an idea. We have friends in America, they work at the top Hero school there if you want we can get you in there and have a fresh start. We would help you with whatever you need. We would just need a few days to get it all set up." Hizashi tells me as he rubs my back. I nod and wipe my tears away.

"You can stay with us until we leave. I will get everything sorted out with Nezu. Stay here for now and I will get you some rice I'll bet you haven't eaten yet. I promise I won't say anything to the class but I am going to make their life a living hell for the next two and a half years." He says and I chuckle. He smiles at me.

"I promise everything will start to get better from here." He says and I nod as I sit on the sofa. They leave and I see a book that Hizashi has left. It is a murder mystery one. I start reading it while waiting for them.

(Aizawa POV)

I stand at the front of the class with my arms folded as my class file into the room. I wait until everyone is seated and I look around the room. I see a few of them look at Izuku's empty chair. I wait tapping my foot impatiently to see if anyone will mention their missing classmate. After five minutes of complete silence, I shake my head at them. I want to say so much but I promised Izuku I wouldn't.

"Just think I should let you all know that Izuku Midoriya is no longer attending UA. Never before have I been so disappointed. Every last one of you should be ashamed of yourselves." They all look up at me shocked but don't say a word. "Everyone back to the dorms I am not teaching you today, go," I shouted at them and they filed out of the room silently. I run my hands over my face trying to calm myself down.

(Bakugo POV)

What the fuck is Aizawa angry at us for. This is all his own fault. We all walked back to the dorm in silence. The first thing I see is his bag in the common room where he dropped it this morning. I walk over to it and kick it against the far wall. I see some of the girls head down to the boy's dorms. I sit on the sofa and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Suddenly they came running back and dragged me to his room. They pointed to the open door and I looked inside. The whole room was trashed and there were half-eaten bowls of rice everywhere. The smell of puke was strong too. What the hell happened here.

(Izuku POV)

I spent the next four days with Aizawa and Hizashi at their house. They took three weeks off so they could get things organized for me. They are going to stay with me in America for two weeks until I get settled. I only take one small bag with clothes in it. I don't care about anything else, as long as the baby is OK I will be ok.

Before I know it we are standing outside my new classroom in America. I can hear talking inside and take a deep breath looking at Aizawa and Hizashi. I open the door and the chatting stops. Everyone looks at me, Hizashi gives me a gentle shove in the door. A girl with long blonde hair and large blue eyes runs up to me and hugs me.

"You must be Izuku, we have heard so much about you. Ohh you are such a cute little bean aren't you." She says linking her arm into mine. I smile in spite of myself, she is really friendly. I wasn't expecting that and I feel tears slide down my face, damn hormones. She smiles at me and wipes away the tears.

"I hope they are happy tears, bean. My name is Sophie and my Hero name is Rapunzel." Her hair waves at me and I laugh. "You can call me Soph, all my friends do." She pulls me to some others. "This dashing young man is Charming, he can charm anyone if he touches them." She looks at me giving my arm a small squeeze.

"Call me Danny." He smiles a dazzling smile at me. I can see why he chose that name. He is very handsome.

"This is our Nelly, she can shape-shift into animals. Her hero name is Chimera." The petite girl smiles up at me, her mousey brown hair is in pigtails down to her bottom. She stands up hugging me and I see she is taller than she looks and is at least a foot taller than me.

"What's your hero name bean." She asks, smiling at me, my face falls.

"I don't want to be Deku anymore. I want to be someone better." I say holding back my tears but not succeeding.

"It's ok bean we can help you that's what friends are for right." She hugged me and I hugged her back smiling, it feels like a long time ago that I had friends.

Aizawa and Hizashi talk to my new teacher and I talk to my new friends.

"Why are there only three of you in this class?" I asked them and they all smiled at me.

"It's because this is the advanced class, only the best of the best get in here, bean. Miss Nettle told us about what happened back in Japan. We are really sorry to hear about your mum, and that you had such horrible friends. But now you and tiny bean have us. We will protect you bean." I blush putting my hand on my stomach.

We sit and talk until a bell goes off signaling lunch, they ask if I would like to come to the cafeteria with them. I look over at Aizawa and Hizashi and they smile at me and nod. They had given me money before we came but I didn't know how much it was. Soph and Nelly held on to my arms as they showed me around the large school. When we got to the cafeteria I wasn't sure what to eat. It all looked good, different but good. I asked them to help me with the money and I got mac 'n' cheese with mashed potatoes. It was really good. I even got cake afterward. We headed back to class after eating and before I knew it it was time for us to go check out my new dorm. I was really happy when Soph, Nelly, and Danny gave me a hug. They told me I would be in the same dorm block as them and they would pop in after school finishes. I waved at my new friends as we left and as soon as the door was shut I hugged Aizawa and Hizashi.

"Thank you, I think I am going to like it here," I say looking up at them, they ruffled my hair.

"Right kiddo let's see where you will be living," Aizawa says leading the way.

About a five-minute walk is a small building, it only has two floors. The first floor has letterboxes and lockers, stairs and an elevator. Upstairs is a large cozy common room with big sofas and bookshelves. There is one corridor of it that leads to the dorms. We walk up to the one with a number 4 on it and I open it with the key. Inside is a large spacious room with a sofa and tv and an empty bookshelf. There are large doors that lead to a small balcony. There are two more doors one leads to a very spacious bathroom with a bath and separate shower. I look around it with my mouth hanging open. The other room is a huge bedroom with a double bed and a walk-in closet. I think this dorm is about the same size as my mum's whole house was. The three of us sit on the sofa. I sink into it and smile.

"I think this will be big enough for the two of you until you graduate. They also have a nursery here for the teachers and any students' children so you won't need to worry about childcare. And we will come over every chance we get. I know you said not to say anything to the class but are you ok with making life a living hell for them? Surprise tests every Monday and a lot of heavy lifting no quirks allowed what you think." Aizawa smiles at me and I laugh nodding my head. 

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