Chapter 4

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(Izuku POV)

The day before Aizawa and Hizashi were due to go back to Japan I had my 12 week scan, it was amazing I gave them a copy of the scan. They had set everything up for me, my school, the doctors, and money. They set up a bank account and would transfer money into it so I didn't need to worry.

Every couple of days Aizawa and Hizashi would video call me on the computer they bought me. They also got me a new mobile since mine was destroyed. My new friends were with me all the time and whenever they called my friends would shout out dad to them making me blush at first but over time I started to call them dad too.

With the help of my friends, I managed to create a hero for myself but I was waiting until after the baby arrived to make the suit. The bigger I got the less actual training I could do so I focused on developing my own tech until tiny bean was born.

When I was 7 months pregnant I got some surprise packages. A cot, Moses basket, bottle prep machine, bath you name it I got it. The card said it was from my dads. My friends helped me to build it as I was the size of a cow. Once it was all built up we videoed my dad's and thanked them.

Before I knew it it was nearly my due date and my dads took time off work to be here for tiny bean being born. They had a surprise for me, they had legally adopted me so now I was Izuku Aizawa. It was at breakfast 4 days after my due date that my contractions started, they weren't painfully just a bit uncomfortable but around dinner time my waters broke and the real contractions started. I have never felt pain like this in my life.

Everyone came running as I groaned loudly leaning against the wall. Soph and Nelly squealed in excitement while Danny panicked in the corner. My dads were great. They got my bag and helped me into the car. In no time we were in the hospital. Suddenly I realized I didn't know how they were going to get the baby out of me and I panicked. A kind nurse tells me the old-fashioned way and I look at my dads like she has lost her mind.

6 hours later I give one final big push and out comes my baby.

"Congratulations mummy you have a baby girl." The midwife tells me as she hands me my tiny baby girl. I move the blanket and I see lots of green hair like mine and I smile.

"Hello sweetheart, I'm your mummy, yes I am and there are your grampas. Grampa Shota and Grampa Hizashi. I love you so much baby girl." I say softly to her, kissing her head. I look up to see my dads crying and smiling.

"You did great, son, what are you going to call her?"

"Asuka Aizawa." I beam up at them.

To my utter surprise we got to go home the very next day, I thought there would be more to this. How all of a sudden am I going to do this? I didn't have to worry though, between my dads and my friends we got into a great routine. Asuka was a great sleeper during the day but for some reason hated sleeping at night until she was about three months old, but by then I had got used to being up all hours.

I went back to school full time when Asuka was two months old but each lunchtime I spent in the nursery with her and my friends. They really helped me. I was really happy, I would get up early to spend time with Asuka before I took her to the nursery, then we would spend our night together with my friends who I insisted were her aunties and uncle. 

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