Chapter 8

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(Izuku POV)

"Everyone get as close to each other as you can and stay behind me, Ka..Katsuki don't even try to argue just do as you are told for once." I shouted knowing he was about to protest. I fling my arms out to the side protectively and look around the room.

"What do you see Bean." Soph asks in my earpiece. I tense up my body.

"Nothing but the door at the other end is open and I can feel vibrations under my feet, like something is rolling under the floor. There are also a lot of holes in the walls opposite us. I think if we move forward something will shoot out at us. I can't detect signs of life so my best guess is weapons.

"I'm going to test it, you lot, stay behind me." I say as I flex my fingers and take a deep breath.

I stepped forward, there was a clicking sound and an arrow flew out of a hole in the wall. I caught it in my hand and the group behind me gasped. I don't have time to think as I hear more sliding sounds. I drop the arrow at my feet just as another one flies out of the wall. I grab it, I see another three coming from different levels and I move fast catching all three on my hands. I look around the silent room. I drop the other arrows and take another step. I hear a clicking from my left and I swivel to the left shielding them from the new set of arrows. I catch them again and I hear Kacchan gasp as I pluck one out of the air near his head. I can't help but glance at him and I get distracted and get hit by an arrow in my right shoulder.

"Ahh, fuck that hurt." I say as I yank it out.

"You ok Bean?" Soph, Danny and Nelly shouted in my ear.

"Yeah just got distracted for a sec, won't happen again." I grumble.

I quickly move to the other side and catch more arrows. Finally once the floor is littered with arrows I feel the gears under the floor click to a halt and I let out a sigh. I turn to everyone, I see Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima and Bakugo standing in a circle around the girls shielding them from every angle and I can't help but smile. I slap my face to focus. This isn't the time to get soft.

"It's ok that was the last of them." I tell them.

"How do you know?" Todoroki asks not moving. He looks just like I remember just a bit taller.

"The machinery under the floor has stopped moving." I say stamping my foot.

"That is some tech you have in that suit." Iida says, lifting his head up.

"It's the best right Bean, who made it again oh I forget the guy's name. Oh, right you made all of it. And the special suits. I never leave home without mine, neither does Danny or Nelly." She roared down the earpieces. They all look at me.

"What does she mean by special suit?" Ura asks, poking her head out from the middle of the group.

"Well we don't have to change into our suits, they come out of a piece of tech attached to our wrist that when activated it molds our suit around us. Look at it there are no seams. It is to protect our identity and it is extra durable I can't stop a bullet or arrow but it slows it down enough that it doesn't kill you." I show them where the arrow hit. There is a tiny hole in my suit where the arrow just punctured the suit and a small amount of blood. I see Kacchan stop towards me looking at it and I instantly step back. He looks at me like I have just slapped him and I tut, turning away.

"Calm down Bean, your heart rate is skyrocketing," Soph tells me, I know everyone else can hear her too and I crouch down and put my head on my knees and my hands on my neck taking deep breaths. Every time I look at him all the memories flood back and I feel like they are crushing me. I close my eyes and think of Asuka as I take in slow deep breaths. It begins to work and I feel myself calm down. I stand back and head to the door without turning back to them.

"Let's go," I grumble at the group. 

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