Chapter 12

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(Izuku POV)

"Kacchan can you come here please, I think I'm going to..." My vision starts to blur and my legs give way and I begin to fall. Kacchan catches me just before I hit the floor and all I see are his ruby eyes. I smile before it all goes black.

I wake up and I smell caramel, and I feel like I'm being carried. I groan, my head feels like it has been split in two. I open my eyes to see Kacchan's chest. He realizes that I am awake and stops walking. He looks down at me and I see fresh tears on his face.

"You can put me down now, thank you for catching me." I say as he gently puts my feet on the ground. I wobble and he puts his hands on my waist steadying me. My knees still feel weak.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly.

"Well, I was shot with an arrow, made to relive my worst memories over and over, electrocuted, technically died for a bit, got punched in the face by a huge asshole and managed to activate my quirk in a quirk cancelling room. I feel like I've been hit by a fucking train physically and mentally. I didn't want to worry my dad and that, so, I tried to hold out as long as I could. I have worried them enough for one day. I will be fine, I have been through worse." I say laughing weakly. As I do my ribs start to throb and I hold them. Kacchan's hands move back to me in case I fall. His face is so serious. I can see the pain in his eyes.

"Kacchan I need to know what you want. I went for five years thinking that you just didn't care about me or Asuka. I need to know if you want to be a part of her life or not. It's ok if you don't, I'm not expecting anything of you." I say as I straighten up.

"I...I want to meet her. Izuku I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't change anything but I want to make it up to you and her. I missed everything because I was too fucking stubborn to talk to you, to hear your side of the story, if I had just asked you. If I had just listened to you. I'm sorry." He says looking at the floor silent tears flowing down his cheeks. I hate seeing him cry, my stomach clenches and I purse my lips together as I wipe away his tears. I try my best to smile at him. Something I never thought I would do again.

"I have wanted to come back home for a long time, but I felt I couldn't. I didn't want you to feel I was pushing us on you when you didn't want us there. But now I know that's not the case, we can come home. My dads will be happy they miss Asuka so much." I say as I start to slowly walk down the corridor finally feeling like I have some control over my legs. Kacchan follows me.

"What is she like?" He asks, looking at me.

"She is perfect, she was born 4 days late and that felt like 4 months. I was huge. She was tiny though, 6lb 7oz. She was born with soft green hair like mine. Her hair is down her back now. She has freckles all over her rosy cheeks and the most beautiful eyes. She is obsessed with everything purple for now and the movie Frozen. She will watch it back to back if you let her. She loves dresses but is the first one to climb a tree or play in the dirt. She loves her skateboard and takes it everywhere, it has a cute little purple dragon on it. Oh, and she has your quirk sort of. She can hold the explosion in the palm of her hand and throw them, making it explode when she wants. She also asks about you a lot." I say, he stops walking and stares at me.

"I'll bet she hates me. I wouldn't blame her." He says as he looks at the ground. I can see his tears fall to the floor.

"No, why would she hate you?" I ask confused, I cock my head to the side. I realize he thinks I told her he didn't want her. "I told her that you lived in Japan and didn't know about her as I found out when I got to America. I told her that if you did know about her you would love her just as much as I did. I said that one day we would come back to Japan and she could meet you someday. She really wants to know her Daddy." I put my hand on his chin making him look up at me. His eyes are exactly the same as hers. I didn't realize how much I missed them.

"I could never say a bad word against you to her." I stare at him as my heart races and I let go of his chin turning away.

I thought I had left all thoughts feeling behind me but being here with him brings them all flooding back, unfortunately with the good ones also comes the bad ones. He grabs my wrist and turns me back to face him. My skin tingles at his touch. He wipes my tears away as he steps closer to me.

"If I could turn back time I would. I should have realized how much pain you were in. I heard you crying all the time but I did nothing because I just thought it was because you had been caught. I was stupid and selfish. That day that you asked me if I had read the letter. I was so angry, I thought no matter what you said it couldn't change what you did so it didn't matter what was actually in it. I thought I would have time to read the letter later but when we got to class Aizawa said you had left school and were never coming back. He sent us all back to the dorms, that is when we all went to your room to find it completely trashed. I got really scared looking at it. I took out the letter to read it but I couldn't bring myself to open it. Instead, I ran to your house, then the park we used to play at as kids. I even went to the river but I could find you. I spent the whole weekend going to every place we ever went together looking for you. I asked everybody but no one had seen you and I knew you didn't have your phone. I found it smashed up in your room. It was like you had just fallen off the planet." he sighed, his hand resting on my cheek and I laughed.

"I was right under your nose the whole time, I never left the school. I stayed at my dad's house about a five-minute walk away from the dorms. I could see the school from my bedroom window." I said quietly as my lip trembled. Without warning, he closes the gap between us and kisses me. My heart is torn and it aches, I have wanted this and feared this for a long time. The way his soft lips feel against my own, the gentle way he holds my face. That safe feeling I got from being close to him. But I can't do this not yet and I gently push him off me shaking my head.

"You don't really want to do this, this is just because your emotions are running high. I'm sure you have someone that really means something to you. I won't keep Asuka from you just because we aren't together, I couldn't do that to her." I say as I clutch at my chest, my tears feel like they will never stop. Kacchan put his hand on top of mine and unclenched it, I looked up at him.

"Izuku, there was only ever you. I never, I could never be with anyone else. I will prove that to you even if it takes the rest of my life. I will show you and Asuka what you mean to me every day if you let me. She has such a beautiful voice, just like yours." he says as he pulls my hand to his chest. I can feel his heart beating fast. I lay my forehead on his and close my eyes frowning. I lift my head looking at him.

"When did you hear her voice?" I was confused, did he hear me talking to her at the agency? He frowned at me, but his eyes were soft.

"When you inhaled all that gas to save us, you were in so much pain. your Dad got her on the phone, we all heard her talking to you and singing, she sang the song I used to sing to you when we were little and you were upset." he says his voice laced with pain.

"I don't want to be angry anymore, I don't want to keep running from the things I want. I want to come home, I want to see my dads anytime I like and not just on holidays, I want Asuka to have her daddy in her life. I want..." I looked into the eyes that I fell in love with such a long time ago. "You, back beside me, where you belong." I quickly lean in and kiss him, I push him against the wall as his hands fly into my hair. Our mouths move in unison, I forgot how good he was at this. I place my hands on his hips as my heart races.

I pull apart after a few minutes out of breath and smile. I hide my face in his neck and he chuckles as my breath tickles his neck.

"Let's take this one step at a time, first we need to go get ice cream and you can finally meet your daughter." I say as I lift my head smiling at him.

We head to a 24 hour supermarket since it is only 3.30 in the morning. I grab a large tub of ice cream in every flavor they have. Then I grab squirty cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles and a tub of glazed cherries. Kacchan looks at my trolley laughing. I also pick up stuff to make pancakes as I know it is everyone's favorite breakfast.  

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