Chapter 7

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(Izuku POV)

We are in an abandoned factory building. There are rooms after rooms, everything is silent bar some dripping. Something feels off. A group of us walk into the next room and once I walk through the door it slams shut. I turn and try to open the door. I turn back to see the door at the other end slam shut shutting us in here. I look around the room. I am stuck in here with Ura, Tsu, Iida, Shoto, Kirishima, Kaminari, Momo and Kacchan. I frantically turn back to the door banging it. It echoes around the room.

"Soph, Nelly, Danny you ok?" I shout loudly, my voice changer makes it even louder and luckily hides the quiver in my voice. My heart starts to beat faster and I press my hands on the steel door to hide the fact that they are shaking.

"Bean, Bean were OK." I hear Soph shout, but it sounds very far away.

I lay my head on the door and sigh. I start to play with my earpiece in my costume, I pop it out and start fiddling with the settings. Finally, it blares to life and the rest of my group put their hands to their ears as I talk into the earpiece.

"Sorry everyone, that was a little loud. Soph, can you hear me?" I say as I put the earpiece back in my costume.

"Bean yeah we're all OK. Let me have it." Soph asks I'm all our ears.

"Right in a steel room, both doors slam shut locking us in. Shit, it has quirk canceling software in it. There are 9 of us and the walls have started to move in closer." I say ignoring the gasps behind me that are echoing in my ears.

"Well, it's a good thing you are in there then." I hear Nelly pipe up and I laugh shaking my head.

"How the hell is that a good thing?" I hear Kacchan shout behind me. I tense up as I hear him walk over to me.

"Soph, I... I can't do this not, not with them. I didn't sign up for this." I say as I feel my palms begin to sweat.

"Bean, listen to me. You are ok. We are here for you. The quicker you figure it out the quicker you get out. If any of you fuckers hurt our Bean I will be out for blood you got that Bakugo, stay away from him if you value your life. And the reason you should be glad Bean is in there is because not only is he the smartest of everyone here but also the strongest without his quirk." She shouts down the earpiece. I begin to laugh.

"Thanks, Soph no pressure there right give me a minute," I say as I move into the middle of the room.

There is one light on the ceiling and it is off to the side. There is a vent in the center of the room. I lay down on the floor and place my ear that doesn't have the earpiece in it to the floor. I can hear the gears turning under the floor.

"Does anyone have a pen?" I ask even though I know it's unlikely. A hand shoots out to me and I turn to see Kacchan holding a black marker I tut and take it off him. I draw a line on the floor and mark one-inch intervals.

"This will tell us how fast the walls are moving," I tell them as I do the same on all walls. Then I head back to the center. I look up at the vent squinting. I crouch down and jump up grabbing the vent with one hand and I use the other one to flick the pen up so it hits off the sides. As it does it gets cut in half by some sort of layzers. I drop back down, shaking my head. I go and check the walls.

"Twelve minutes give or take a minute either way," I say more to myself than anyone else.

I see Tsu start to panic and I go over to her. I do a scan of her to make sure she is OK and I see why she is panicking. She is pregnant. I put a hand on each shoulder.

"Tsu, you are going to have to calm down. Listen to me. I will get all of us out of here, I promise and I never break a promise. Tsu if you don't calm down you will pass out, you and your baby will be fine." I say putting a finger under her chin making her look at me.

" did you know we haven't told anyone." She asks me shakily.

"My suit, it is special. It lets me see things oh crap I'm an idiot. Tsu you are brilliant." I say letting go of her and heading to the center of the floor again.

I scan the floor and see a panel over by the door opposite the one we came in. I run over and slam my fists into the wall, it starts to buckle under my fists until I can get my hand in and pull the panels off. I look at the wires and do calculations in my head.

"Everyone get over here, we don't know how long the door will stay open for or if I will make the walls speed up their progression," I say and I see everyone move to the door.

They let Tsu go first. I started to quickly switch the wires and the door next to us slid open and everyone filed into the room. I just squeezed in before the door slid shut. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I quickly stepped in front of Tsu at the front. 

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