Chapter 2

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(Izuku POV)

I hug Aizawa and Miro before I head to the car and tell them I will talk to them tomorrow. He says he wants me to rest today and then he will come with me to see Recovery Girl.

I walk into the common room and my head is pounding again and my eyes sting from all the crying. The room is quiet and everyone is staring at me. I stop at the door frowning as Kacchan walks up to me and slaps my face so hard I'm knocked off balance. I know it's going to leave a mark. I put a hand on my cheek and tears spilled out.

"What the hell Kacchan." I whimper, taking a step away from him until my back hits the wall. What is it with people today?

"You have a fucking cheek. You disappear for three fucking days and then I find out you were out with some blond fucker. Hope he was fucking worth it, I can't believe you. We're done, you are good for nothing." He spits at my feet. My head is completely numb as I try to work out what happened.

"Kacchan you got it wrong I haven't.." I'm stopped as he rushes over to me and hits his fist on the wall by my head making me flinch in fear.

"I don't fucking want to hear it you Deku, I have the proof right here and everyone saw it, so just don't." He says as he storms aways.

I look at the rest of the class, they shake their heads at me tutting. I try to tell them they have it all wrong but they all just leave not giving me a chance to talk. I look around the empty room. How has my life gone to shit so quickly? Oh yeah because I really am a useless Deku who can't even save his own mum.

I run to my room as I start to cry again. I look around and see photos of me and Kacchan and his hoodie on my bed. I lose it and start screaming as I throw everything around my room. No one comes to ask if I'm ok, or ask me why I was missing for three days. I look at my face in my bathroom mirror. I have a red handprint on my right cheek, I move my hair off my face to see a large bruise that goes into my hairline. It is very tender to the touch.

I lay on my upside-down matrice that is now at the other side of my room. Why won't they even listen to me? It's not like I have ever given them a reason to act this way before, and Kacchan why the hell would he think I was cheating on him? Who does he think I was with. It can't be when I hugged Miro outside the Hero Agency, could it? But if someone saw me there they surely would have heard me crying, people were staring at me, and plus Aizawa was next to us too. I'm so confused and my head feels like it's about to pop. I close my eyes and fall into a restless sleep.

I wake up to the noise of everyone heading off to class. I quickly wash and dress in my casual clothes as I have to head to Recovery Girls office. There is no way I'm going to school today. I walk into the common room and I see Kacchan sitting beside Kirishima and Kaminari. I take a step to him, putting a shaky hand out but the three of them tut and leave for school. I stand there in silence looking at the floor as the rest of the class walkout behind them. I let my tears fall, not bothering to hide them. It's not like anybody cares anyway.

I waited until I knew everyone would be in class before I headed to see Recovery Girl. When I arrived Aizawa was there waiting for me. I ran up to him and started crying. He saw the mark on my cheek but didn't say anything; he just held me as I cried. Recovery Girl did her thing and suddenly my head stopped throbbing and the bruise on my head and the new one from Kacchan disappeared. I asked Aizawa to not say anything to the class but didn't tell him why. Recovery Girl said I should talk to someone about how I am feeling. I nod, she smiles at me giving me a hug.

"I know it doesn't seem like it but things will get better. Now go back to your dorm and rest today." She said as she looked up at me. Aizawa walks with me to the dorms and tells me to go see him anytime if I need anything. I mutter thanks and head inside and my stomach rumbles loudly. I forgot I have eaten anything today and I barely ate yesterday. I make myself some steamed rice and head to my trashed room.

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