1: Just The Beginning

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Clay was a troublemaker. The classic 'run away from home' and 'gets into fights with teachers' type. He would never do his homework and usually walk in a forest, doing nothing to occupy his time.

George on the other hand. George was sweet and kind. The so-called 'perfect' kid. Although, he always wanted more in life, not finding much fun anymore in the mundanity.

Somewhere. Somehow. The two teens crossed paths, and something clicked.


George sat in his room, bored out of his mind. He groaned, staring at his homework. "-2r (y-5)" George read the final problem. It was just some basic algebra, just a refresher for distributing properties, which he found highly stupid at this point for it but he wasn't going say anything. Last question being a refresher of things he'd done his freshman year, which was almost 3 or 4 years ago, he lost track. "-2ry+10r" he answered with a sigh, writing it down. He put his homework in his Algebra folder.

He tapped his phone screen twice. The colours from his lock screen filling the room with light. '2:57AM September 24th, 2021' it read in a crisp white font. George knew he should sleep but he wasn't tired, as crazy as it sounded. George got up, putting his shoes and a hoodie on.

He grabbed his phone and keys before leaving.

He stood face to face with the front door. He knew his parents were asleep but still couldn't help but feel like he was about to get caught.

George unlocked the door. He grabbed the brass knob and turned it, and stepped out into the chilly fall night.

He walked into the road and he ran. Like there was something he had to do, or something chasing him. He couldn't place it but he had a gut feeling. His shoes hit the asphalt in smooth, rhythmic movements. He eventually stopped running, panting hysterically as he let out breathy laughs.

George found himself at a nearby park as he dropped to his knees, dirt and mulch sticking itself to his jeans and clinging loosely. "Oh... I'm not alone anymore." an unknown male said. The voice caught George off guard.

The brunet looked up and saw a tall blond sitting up high on a piece of playground equipment. The stranger wore a green hoodie and dark-wash jeans, the knees torn. His hands were adorned with a set of black fingerless gloves.

The blond stared at George. "No words or are you deaf?" The man asked sarcastically, smiling slightly. George stood up "U-Uhm...".

The blond jumped down, coming face to face with George. "Need someone to hang out with?" The man asked politely. George shrugged.

"Well, my names Clay!" The blond smiled.


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