11: Take a Deep Breath In For Me

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George groaned, still hugging Dream. "I need to sit..." George said in a hushed voice, shivering slightly. Dream pulled George to the structure they'd sat up on together for many nights. Dream helped George get up before pulling himself up and sitting next to George. The two sat there, leaning against a safety panel.

Dream kept George close until he realized George was shivering. Dream quickly took his hoodie off and handed it to George, who was in a short sleeved shirt and jeans. George looked at Dream, "But you'll be cold...".

Dream smiled, "But you are already cold. I'll be fine." Dream insisted. George reluctantly took Dream's hoodie and put it on. It was warm... so warm. And it smelled like the blond. George couldn't resist himself from bringing the sleeve to his face as he rested against Dream again, inhaling the comforting scent. Dream pulled out his phone and took a photo of George resting there, eyes closed as he seemed so comfortable. Dream couldn't help but smile. 

To cover up what he did he pulled open youtube and pulled up a video to watch with George. George slowly opened his eyes to watch, snuggling up to Dream even more. The two sat, watching the video before eventually watching movies on Dream's phone. After around 5 movies, they checked the time. Seeing that it was almost midnight George seemed caught off guard and panicked.

"I gotta get home! Holy fuck!" His breathing quickened as he scrambled to get up and take Dream's hoodie off, and get down from the thing. Dream put his hands on George's shoulders to try and get him to hold on for even a moment.

"George. George. Look at me. Look at me okay? Relax. Breathe. Take a deep breath in for me. In." Dream guided. George took a shaky breath in, following what Dream did and told him.

Dream let out a slow exhale before taking another breathe in, to which George did. Eventually, Dream had gotten George to calm down. "You did great." Dream praised softly. George smiled, clearly not used to being praised. "T-Thank you..."  He started to pull Dream's hoodie off but Dream quickly grabbed to bottom of it. "Keep it George. It really suits you!" Dream said with a soft smile. 

"But Dream-"

Dream cut George off quickly. "I have a few of that same hoodie. Keep it."

George nodded, keeping the hoodie on, and wrapping his arms around Dream. "I'll see you tomorrow George." Dream pressed a gentle kiss to George's forehead. "Remember... I'm always here for you. And if anyone hurts you..." Dream was silent for a moment.

"Send them my way. They'll regret ever laying a hand on you." Dream's grip around George tightens protectively before letting go. "And please... don't ever be afraid to tell me anything." Dream said, worry lacing his voice.

George nodded and jumped down, landing perfectly. He didn't hit the ground in the way he had the first time they'd ever met. Now he was used to this and could land how Dream does.

George waved goodbye to Dream and so Dream returned the favor but remained up there. Dream felt glued in place. Not being able to bring himself to move.

'I think I love him...'

Run Away With Me- DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now