10: He Knows He Shouldn't But...

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Dream held his phone in his hand, swinging lazily back and forth on the swing set of the playground, waiting for George. Dream reread his text conversation with George.

D: fair enough

G: Its still bright out.

D: Wanna hang out at the park?

G: Sure

D: I'm here :)

He'd sent the last text around 20 minutes ago. So what was taking George so long? Dream was about to give up and go home when he saw the brunet running towards him. "George!" He called out with a smile.

George bounded up. "S-Sorry about that! My parents wanted to talk to me.". Dream chuckled, "About what?"

George looked away, clearly not wanting to answer. Dream nodded his understanding but quickly noticed a small bruise, in the shape of a large hand, forming on George's wrist and evidence that he'd been crying.

Dream pulled George into a protective hug. He couldn't help it. George clearly wasn't as fine as he'd seemed. Dream pressed George's head carefully to his chest, keeping his arms fixed on George's small frame.

George's resolve seemed to break as he wrapped his arms around Dream, crying into the blond. Dream felt his heart break at how vulnerable George seemed. He wanted to keep the brunet safe. Dream pulled away for a moment to look at George. "Hey hey... look at me." Dream prompted gently.

George did so hesitantly, sniffling. Dream brought a hand slowly up to carefully cup George's cheek. "It'll be okay. I'm here for you hun..." Dream's voice was soft and comforting as he spoke, wiping George's tears away with his thumb. He felt George's heart beating quickly and his cheeks growing red. Dream's gaze softened.

Dream could lean in and...

No... He knows he shouldn't but...

Dream leaned down and against any rational thought, pressed his lips carefully to George's. Even the brief second that it lasted, he savored. He hadn't entirely realized what he'd done until George's voice sliced his thoughts. "D-Dream..." The brunet whispered, almost inaudibly.

Dream's eyes shot wide open, "I'm sorry George..." He gasped, horrified by his own actions.

He cursed at himself silently. Words never to be heard by a soul.

'Why the fuck did I do that? I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad...' His thoughts raced through his mind until -

He felt George pull himself up within Dream's hold, and connected the two in another kiss. Dream couldn't help but melt and lean down, allowing George to stand normally with his head tilted up towards Dream.

The two stood there is bliss. The short time had felt like a lifetime.

But it was all so wrong despite feeling so fucking right.

Dream pulled away first with an awkward chuckle. "You're..." George clearly didn't know quite how to phrase it. "s-sweet..." he stammered out slightly.

"You too... You too..." Dream smiled. "Do you feel better?" the blond asked softly.

George nodded but didn't pull away from the hug so Dream didn't either.

They stood there holding each other close.

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