2: 3:42 AM

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"I-I'm George." George reached a hand out awkwardly. Clay took George's hand and shook it. "Come sit up with me!" Clay chuckled and ran back to the equipment from where George found him.

Clay reached up and grabbed the platform, pulling himself up all the way up. George walked up and stared at Clay. "I can't climb like that."

Clay reached a hand down to George. "I'll help you up!" Clay smiled. George felt a new feeling overwhelm him as he took Clay's hand. Clay swiftly pulled George up.

George snuck his knee under him, keeping him up on the equipment. He sat and looked down at the mulch below. "We're pretty high up." George's voice shook a little.

Clay chuckled slightly. "Mhm. Its about 6'8" - 7' of a drop." He shrugged. George looked at the blond, eyes wide. "How tall are you?!"

"6'2"." Clay sighed, shrugging once more. Clay's green gaze was almost unreadable to George. What he saw was a swirl of tranquility. Like the blond was at peace but something was under the surface, bothering him. Clay was oddly relaxed and carefree.

George hummed, drumming his fingers against the metal under his hand. Clay grabbed something from a bag, one that George hadn't noticed. Clay looked at the item he pulled, it was a decently sized rock. Clay tossed it to the ground. Watching as the rotting wood chips around it flew up, hitting the ground noisily.

Clay rocked his head side to side, dangling his legs down, swinging them. After a few moments of silence Clay spoke up. "Do you like cats?"

George nodded, looking over at Clay. "Yeah, why?"

Clay smiled warmly. "I have a cat. Her name is Patches." Clay closed his eyes in thought. "I have some photos of her on my phone, you wanna see?"

"Uh, sure!" George hesitated for a moment. Clay giggled sweetly before pulling his phone from his pocket and unlocking it. He opened his gallery app and went through photos until choosing one. He handed his phone to George. "She's pretty." George smiled, admiring the tabby he saw.

He handed the phone back to Clay. "Trust me, she knows." Clay chuckled.

George giggled in return. "Hey Clay, what time is it?"

Clay checked the time, "3:42AM."

George dropped his gaze, a pang of sadness washing over him. "Dang it, I should really be heading back." George gently slid down, off of the platform. He hit the ground, his knees forcefully bending. He stood back up weakly. "See you round, Clay?" George's voice was off-put, like he wasn't sure if he would see this mysterious blond again. He wanted to, don't him wrong. He'd love to see Clay again but if he would was unknown to him. "O-oh." Clay sighed, smiling a little.

"Meet me here tomorrow after school? Around 5?" Clay asked, his voice sounding a bit more hopeful.

George nodded. "See you then, Clay."

The two boys exchanged smiles before George turned to leave. Clay stared ahead at the brunet, still remaining up on the platform.

George looked back and nodded before walking away, back in the direction of his house.

Run Away With Me- DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now