8: Lost in His Own Feelings

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George got home later than normal. His parents just watched begrudgingly as he walked into the house and off to his room. He still felt the warm fulfilling feeling that eases your body after you fill yourself with a nice meal.

He pulled the book out from a box under his bed and started an entry. One of his current many. One of many to come.

Entry 11: October 4th, 2021 

I skipped school with Dream, Karl, and Quackity today. It was actually a lot of fun! We all went to a seemingly abandoned cabin in the woods that Dream goes to. He gave me a candle that is supposed to smell like clovers. I really like it.

Dream's great! He's just so...

George didn't know how to explain it. 

Unexplainable. He has a soft yet outwardly intimidating feel to him. I don't know how I feel about it. It causes a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. What this feeling is... I have no idea. But all I know is I wish this never ends. It feels fucking intoxicating. So overwhelming but in a good way.

George's heart fluttered at the thought.

I hope it swallows my being whole. Keeps me warm in even the darkest and coldest nights. I could get lost in it. Drown in it like its an ocean.


George closed the book, tying the bindings back up. He put it into the empty box again and right before sticking it back under his bed, he looked to his bag. He carefully placed the box on his desk and got up to grab the candle from his backpack. He turned it over in his hands before walking over to the box again and carefully placing it inside. He put the lid of the box back on before sticking under his bed once more.

He spun in his chair before quickly grabbing his phone and texting Quackity.

G: Quackity you up?

Q: Duh

Q: Why tf wouldn't I be dumbass? It's mid day.

G: Wow rude... 🙄

Q: You know I was joking right?

G: Yeah lol :)

Q: Whatcha need?

G: Can I tell you something? Its important... and about Dream...

A few moments pass before Quackity could be seen typing. Then not typing. Then typing again. George got increasingly more nervous as the time ticked on. Finally Quackity started typing again and soon sent a message.

Q: Is it bad?

When George didn't respond right away, Quackity sent another message.

Q: What did he do to you?

G: It's not bad Q

G: Don't worry

Q: What's on your mind then?

G: That's the thing... it's Dream...

G: When I think of him I feeling all warm... and when he says some dumb shit I feel flustered? Does that make sense?

Q: I know what's going on...

G: what?

Q: No no... please

Q: Continue :]

G: When he held my hand today... It felt like there were butterflies in my stomach... He made me feel safe... warm... and I just wanted to melt in his grasp...

Q: gay lol


Q: I had to lighten the odd mood this is in... don't take offence Gogy :]

G: You're annoying

G: And I hate you

Q: Oh no whatever will I do now

Q: Anyways

Q: I know what that feeling you're talking about is


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