15: Dream!

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Dream and George kept playing. Eventually beating the game and hoping into creative and messing around. Dream just kind of ran around, placing blocks while George built some small things. And soon, logging off.

Dream turned to George as the world saved. "Do you want to watch a movie?".

George seemed to ponder the question before humming and nodding. George got up and stretched. A soft groan escaping the brunet.

'Why was that cute?' Dream thought to himself, hoping desperately that George doesn't notice the soft blush creeping onto his face. Thankfully, George didn't seem to notice.

Dream got up but seemed to stand there dazed. George got nervous as he noticed Dream swaying back and forth slightly. "Dream?" George asked, nervously. Dream swayed back and almost fell, catching himself by moving a foot back slightly.

"Dream!" George went to move forward but the blond waved him off. "I-I'm fine! Don't worry! Just a dizzy spell." Dream's voice was reassuring.

George still seemed a bit on edge, staring wide eyed at Dream.

Dream smiled and lead George to the couch sitting down on it and grabbing the remotes for the tv. The blond opened Netflix, finding nothing of real interest to either of them. He quickly grabbed his phone, searching up some movies on IMDB.

"Does 'Saw' sound good?" Dream hummed, reading the summary of the movie. "Sure." George looked to Dream.

The blond struggled to contain his build excitement. He felt the need to be the protective figure for George. A horror movie would be great for that.

Dream looked for what it's on and soon pulled it up on the tv as George pulled himself closer to Dream.

"Dream!" George yelled, burying his face into Dream's chest. The movie had barely even started and George had already changed to be in front of Dream, curled into the the blond man. Dream stifled chuckle, putting his hand to the back of George's head, running his hands through the soft brunet locks.

"It's okay George." Dream cooed. "Do you want me to put on a different movie?"

A muffled 'mhm' sounded from George as he nodded his head. Dream quickly turned 'Saw' off while Lawrence Gordon, a character in the movie, was in the middle of a sentence. "I don't like horror movies." George huffed, looking up at Dream.

Dream pressed a gentle kiss to George's forehead. "It's okay. It's off. It's off." his voice was soft, affection and honey soaking every word. Every letter.

He couldn't help it. He really couldn't.

He cared. And he refused to act like he didn't. He loved George.

He knew he did.

He'd never felt love this strong for anyone. None of his exes. Even when he thought he was madly in love with them, he realizes now, he really wasn't. Not like this.

He loved everything George did.

Not that he saw George as perfect. No one was. Dream knew that all too well. Even the most perfect people had flaws. But Dream saw past them when it came to people, he expected it. But he saw George in a way. A special way.

Dream has seen George happy.











Dream hated the last ones the most. He never wanted George to feel scared, vulnerable, or panicked. That's why he felt his role was what it was. A protective figure George could always turn to. With anything. Dream has seen the most vulnerable side of George. And George didn't shy away from showing Dream.

Dream was there for George. No matter what.

Dream had the caring and protective role towards George that he wished someone had with him. If he was sad. Scared. Anxious. Vulnerable. He had no one to turn to. He had himself. It's why he was so good at calming George down. He'd spent years calming himself down from panic attacks.

So many years.

So so many years.

So many fucking years.

He looked at George, who'd since put his head back to Dream's chest. Dream rubbed his thumb back and forth until George tapped his arm slightly, yawning. "m'tired..." the brunets voice was slurred with exhaustion.

Dream wrapped his arms around George's slim frame and picked him up, carrying him off to Dream's room. Dream laid George down and laid down next to him. It wasn't long until George was snuggled up to Dream and snoring softly.

Dream leaned his head down and pressed his face to George's head. He couldn't help but drift off.

Before his mind fell to the hollow emptiness of sleep, he thought one last thing.

'I love him.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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