wooyoung || siren's song

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The song in the imagine is My Jolly Sailor Bold by Ashley Serena (also the same one used in Pirates of the Caribbean) 


Three fishermen's boats floated atop the swaying ocean waves. It was a late summer's evening, and the tranquil bay was perfectly illuminated by the silver rays of the full moon. 

Among the boats, there were a total of four men. The youngest, Jung Wooyoung, in his early twenties, stared out at the undisturbed water. He, unlike the other men, wasn't much of a fishing enthusiast. The only reason he agreed to accompany the group of fishermen was because his mother was ill and it was the only opportunity for income at the time. But he was picking up on the whole fishing business fairly quickly. He was trying his best for her. 

"Any of ya got anythin' yet?" one of the fishermen asked. His face was characterised by the creases on his forehead and the laughing wrinkles that adorned the sides of his deep-set dark eyes. Although already past the midpoint of his life, he had an unbreakable love for the ocean, and for fishing. Old age did not stop him from sailing away from his overly talkative wife to find comfort at sea. 

"Nothing yet," another one of the men spoke up. He was middle-aged and far more capable of reeling in a huge tuna. 

"What about you two young ones?" 

Wooyoung looked up from the net he was mending. The other, the grandson of the old man, quickly checked the net that was submerged in the water. Just like his grandfather, his blood probably consisted of at least half seawater. 

The net was empty. 

"Net's empty, Grandpa," he replied. 

Wooyoung didn't say anything and continued mending the torn fishing net. He was glad to have someone around his age on the team, although they didn't talk much. That's why he preferred to keep to himself most of the time, just listening to whatever the men were blabbering about instead. 

As the night grew older and the stars continued on their journey through the sky, Wooyoung felt his eyelids becoming heavy. He still wasn't used to staying up the whole night like the other men. However much he desired to sleep, it was crucial for him to stay awake. You never knew when the sea decided to turn on you. So Wooyoung started to sing softly to himself, hoping that it would keep him from falling into a dangerous slumber. 

The other men listened to him in wonder. They couldn't sing; or at least not as beautifully as Wooyoung could. 

"Where'd ya learn to sing like that, son?" 

Wooyoung stopped singing. He shrugged. "I don't know, Sir. I've always had a talent for singing." 

"Ah, I wish I had a voice like yours. Then I could make any woman fall in love with me," Wooyoung's peer joked. 

"It's not that easy," Wooyoung chuckled half-heartedly. 

The older man straightened up and cautiously looked out onto the dark water surrounding them. His face darkened, and the men felt a sudden sinister atmosphere befall them. 

"Ya ever 'eard about 'em sirens, boy? You shouldn't sing. You'll lure 'em here." 

Wooyoung's eyes widened. "Sirens? As in mermaids?" 

The old man lowered his voice. "No, no. Mermaids are not like sirens. They may both be beautiful half-fish women with voices like angels, but they ain't nothing like each o'her. Mermaids are kind-hearted. Sirens are evil." 

"Sirens kill sailors and fishermen so they won't live to tell the tale, right Grandpa?" 

Wooyoung glanced from the old man to his grandson. He knew very vague details about the local legends of the sea. Hearing that sirens killed fishermen made a shiver run down his spine. 

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