| great.. I was set up |

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your table eating writer here!! After spending 2 hours w rhe deciding where they were gonna fuck we have decided lmao 😢 enjoy 

| author pov: 

Aether: "xiao.. are you okay??" 

Xiao didn't realise aether behind him. He didn't want to see the blonde leave. Not yet. There's still so much.. 

Aether: "are you sick??" 

Without thinking xiao hugged aether. He knew that this would probably be one of the last times he'll be able to do this. The raven hair fell asleep in aethers arms. Aether bridal style carried xiao to his room. He put the sleeping adeptus on the bed and put a blanket over him. 'I know he'll scold me in the morning but.. this is for his own good' Aether locked the door behind him and noticed zhongli standing outside. 

Zhongli: "ahhh aether I was just-" 

The tall man's words were cut off by aether shushing him.

Aether: "shhh xiao's asleep.. I'll be told of tomorrow so can we take this somewhere else??" 

Zhongli nodded in surprise. 'I can see why xiao likes this blonde male.. he is truly caring' 

Aether lead zhongli outside near the big balcony near the reception of the inn. 

Aether: "so what did you need to discuss with me Mr zhongli??" 

Zhongli: "Mr is a bit formal don't you think? Just zhongli is fine." 

Aether nodded in response. 

Zhongli: "i would like to invite you for dinner at liyue harbor at 7pm tomorrow." 

Aether was delighted to hear that zhongli was treating him to dinner after all paimon's cooking was terrible and that's all that he had been eating for like a week. 

Zhongli: "I hope the schedule isn't too tight. I know how you're leaving for inazuma the day after"

Aether accepted zhongli's invitation and went back to the room. 'This is really becoming an everyday thing now huh?' Aether slept on the floor. As much as he knew xiao didn't mind them both in a bed together, he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. 

| in the morning | 

Xiao woke up only to notice that the blonde boy wasn't next to him but on the floor. In a way the raven hair adeptus felt bad that aether slept on the floor, he picked him up and placed him on the bed. 

Xiao: "sleep well.." 

With that he left the room and walked to the balcony to notice zhongli there. 

Xiao: "never thought you'd be staying here" 

Zhongli: "i like to come here once in a while.. the veiws are mesmerising."

The adeptus hated the way zhongli always bragged on about liyue if anyone didn't know he was rex lapis they'd truly think he was an amazing expert. 

Zhongli: "I ask of you to come to dinner with me at 7pm today" 

Xiao: "isn't that cutting it sharp? You sound like you just decided this last minute." 

Zhongli: "well to be honest I was going to invite someone else but they cancelled last minute sadly." 

The raven hair raised an eyebrow. 

Xiao: "I'll accept your offer" 

| 6:40 pm | 

Aether reached the restaurant only to see xiao there. 

Aether: "weird to be meeting you in a place like this?" 

Xiao knew what this was.. he had been set up. 

Xiao: "I was invited by zhongli and I'm sure you were too" 

The adeptus took the words right out of aethers mouth. 

Aether: "we were set up?!" 

Xiao: "looks like it" 

The adeptus felt betrayed by zhongli.. yet what more could have been expected.. a waitress came over. 

Waitress: "ahhh just the people I was looking for do not worry your food has been pre ordered by zhongli so just sit down and relax." 

Aether whispered to xiao. 

Aether: "I don't think I'll be able to relax after being set up like this" 

But, the dinner was going well. After their last meal xiao noticed a piece of food on aethers cheek. He pointed it out but aether couldn't spot it. From across the table xiao cupped aethers face and whipped it off. Aethers face was like a tomato. 

Aether: "th- thanks xiao.." 

The boys were given a dessert of chocolate cake which looked very well made and sweet. 

Aether: "xiao..? Can i spoon feed you.?" 

Aether looked away in embarrassment, the raven hair let him after giving into his pleading. Aether brought the spoon with some of the cake on it up to xiao's mouth and watched him eat it.. the blonde's mouth curved into a smile and his heart lit up. 

After their dinner xiao was just about to leave. 

Aether: "hey ummm.. xiao can we hang out a little more-? I'm bored" 

The adeptus once again agreed to the blonde's request after all he had nothing better to do. Xiao had taken aether all around liyue harbor and finally took him to a hill where all of the harbor can be seen. 

They sat down.

Aether: "xiao?" 

The adeptus looked over to the mortal boy.

Aether: "I know this might seem childish but I got us matching bracelets" 

The blonde took the bracelets out of his pocket. One of the bracelets was a soft pale yellow colour witch aether tied around xiao's wrist. Xiao had noticed that aethers was a dark turquoise.  

Xiao: "they match our hair colours"

Aether: "that was the point" 

As the raven hair adeptus tied the string onto aethers hand, the blonde couldn't help but notice all of xiao's features. How handsome he looked, the way his hair fell into his eyes. It all stood out to him- and yet he found it attractive. 

The adeptus looked up at aether with his golden eyes. The blonde could feel his gaze piercing into his soul, to see how much aether thought highly of xiao. 

Xiao: "it's not to tight?? Is it??" 

Aether shook his head and smiled at the adeptus. They were sitting in front of eachother. Xiao felt a blush dust his cheeks, this was the last time they'd be like this.. before he goes. The overwhelming feeling didn't want to let xiao escape.. he hated it.

But yet there they were, enjoying every last second of it. 

A/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG- I had a fever and felt sick but I hope this was worth your time. Next chapter will be angst :)

Word count: 1055

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