| I will be of use to you.. |

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite gacha addict writer taru here :^ DAMN UMM THANKS FOR 7K READS LMAO also also ANYONE ELSE NOTICE XIAOS BIRTHDAY IS ON EASTER LMAO BUT ANYWAY ENJOY!!!

| author pov 

to the immense pain xiao dealt with throughout the day due to previous night events the day before, nothing had compared to the insane loneliness he felt while waiting for aether to finish his tasks in the harbor. 

'Why is he always so busy, can't people deal with their own problems?!' 

To clear his head the yaksha took a walk along the far stretched curved paths of juyeun karst. Only to find himself fall asleep under the tree near azhdahas lair. The wind blew through his hair, it was a comforting feeling. 

But to his dismay a soft voice spoke of his name, one that the adeptus was too familiar with. Xiao had appeared next to the blonde in the harbor next to the funeral parlor. 

Xiao: "you called?"

The girl that the boy was with was quite taken back and startled from the raven hair male's sudden appearance. 

Aether: "this is hu tao, you two may have met before.. ahaha.. but umm we need you to accompany us in the chasm as our commission leads us there.. it's quite dangerous so since your not busy I thought you should tag along?" 

Xiao raised an eyebrow. He knew that aether was strong but what was the cause of him needing to call for his assistance let alone that he had someone to adventure with. However it was rude to decline the offer so xiao didn't say much but just shrugged his shoulders. 

The three had reached the centre of the chasm in no time, half the journey was spent listening to hu tao's deals and offers about the parlor. The yaksha didn't want to be rude but the girl was getting on his last nerve. 

They stood near the edge of the gaping hole. 

Aether: "guess the only way is down huh?" 

Yeah.. easier said than done. A person can risk serious injury if not fatality jumping from such a height. But theremember was no other choice. The blonde took a hold of the yakshas hand, before they knew it hu tao had already jumped down. As they both jumped they were heading for a certain direction right next to a rocky wall. 

To prepare for the impact xiao swung the other far away letting go of his hand in the process. The adeptus had collided with the stone wall and he cried in pain. 

The traveller reached the bottom and landed and xiao soon did after, his head was bleeding and his arm might have been broken and yet he still shook it off . 

Aether: "xiao i-" 

The adeptus felt like screaming with every step he took, the agony felt like a tidal wave going up every nerve of his body. The time wasn't long before te raven hair adeptus began feeling light headed, the three had gone down quite far and yet xiao's condition was deteriorating. 

His mouth felt dry so in a lost effort to try and call out to aether he had collapsed. The sound that the impact had caused was quite loud, the crash had sent a shiver going down the blonde's spine. He turned to see his lover on the floor. 

Aether: "XIAO!!" 

The blonde rushes to the other in desperation, he knew that he should have cared for xiao as soon as he sustained the injury. Ahhh.. how could he be so stupid. 

Hu tao also quickly ran back as she was ahead of the others. She gave aether the medication and bandages that she had either her to treat the unconscious boy. 

The traveller hugged the other. 

Aether: "forgive me xiao" 

Half an hour had passed since the yaksha fell into a slumber, he had woken by was still showing signs of drowsiness. During the rest of their expedition the raven hair adeptus had his arm around the blonde the entire time. 

While walking aether was a really close distance to the edge, a few more steps and his foot slipped. Before he knew it the blonde felt his life flash before his eyes. 

Xiao nearly using all of his strength pulled aether back up, putting them unusually close together. 

Xiao: "you okay?" 

The traveller admired the yakshas face, how his eyes glistened, how his lips were soft and smooth. He was about to go in and kiss the other when.. 

Hu tao: "ahem?!?!" 

The two were snapped out of their trance. Aether sighed as his moment was ruined, the yaksha seemed unbothered. 

Finally came the difficult part. They had run into a ruin serpent of some kind. The bolts and cogs that held the creatures together were creating sparks, the three had watched as the serpent reached its maximum height. Aether gulped in fear, yet he had determination- he knew that he had to do it for xiao. They both need to make up for the loss of strength. The adeptus took a few steps forward. But was stopped by a hand on his wrist . 

Aether: "where do you think your going? " 

Xiao: "I'm coming with you" 

Hu tao: "listen yaksha, it's for the best" 

The traveller nodded in response. He didn't want to see xiao hurt, not now, not ever again. Aether got closer to xiao's ear. 

Aether: "it's for the best-" 

And the two strode forward preparing for battle. The yaksha had sat himself on a high wall, nearly drifting asleep. The battle was going smoothly or so it had seemed. 

The raven hair had once again entered a land of dreams. This time he saw aether fading away from him, the yaksha was lead on only to find the blonde being just a memory. Xiao reached out only for the vision of him to fade away into dust. 

A tear dripped down the boys face. Yet we was awoken to the sound of an unsettling voice. The two had been taken into a sand storm which later was to be found out that they were trapped in a black mud of sorts. 

Hu tao tried to shake aether awake, but no response. The creatures took no time in taking her out aswell. Seeing the blonde on the verge of death, was a sight that sickened xiao the most- even thinking of it put him uneasy.. he wasn't going to let that hates happen to him. 

The adeptus summoned his spear and got to work. He arrived at the battle field in a matter of seconds. Xiao adorned his mask and began fighting the monster, piece by piece it got weaker until it was no more. 

But yet xiao truly used the last of his energy on it. He got to aether who was now awake. As he sat down, head resting on the blonde's lap, they yaksha looked up. 

Xiao: "I saved you, aether.. you won't die now.." 

Another tear rolled down the yakshas face.. 

Aether: "thank you xiao-" 

He kissed the males forehead. 


word count: 1207

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