| the world for you |

604 9 19

A/n: yhhh so umm sorry for being gone for so long school is such a pain lmao but Ummm thx for 4K reads guys :D 

| author pov: 

'Aaaa my head hurts... not to mention my entire body' the yaksha woke up with his body feeling realy sore, after his and aethers long night, it was to be expected. Xiao felt a warm hand on his cheek 

Aether: "morning.. my yaksha-"

Xiaos face was a light pink but he didn't deny the affection. 

Xiao: "morning to you too.." 

The morning was cold as usual, as the dark hair male got up every movement was agony. 

Xiao: "aah- this hurts, how bad did we?" 

Aether: "ehe ;)" 

The yaksha took a bath, the hot water felt comforting and helped ease the pain. After they both got dressed aether went to finish off some some commissions, or so xiao thought. 

Aether was actually in juyeun karst, he had found a beautiful cave. It had a huge waterfall and the fireflies lit up the surrounding, a small stone path lead up to a gazebo. 'Uwaahh this is perfect' Aether was quickly put to work. At least waypoints are a thing, God knows what aether would've done without them. 

Meanwhile xiao went to visit zhongli, the harbor was quite busy so they stayed at the funeral parlor. 

Hu tao: "my my, xiao? Have any clients for me" 

Xiao shook his head. 

Hu tao: "awww, guess he's here for you zhongli as usual.." 

Luckily xiao didn't notice aether walking around the harbor all day. Turns out he'd gone far and wide. 

Night had approached faster than expected, xiao was staring over the cliff onto the harbor, the cool breeze hitting his face. 

Aether: "I knew I'd find you here.. xiao" 

The adeptus noticed the blonde who was behind him sat himself down right next to the yaksha. 

Aether: "i- uhhh xiao could you come with me somewhere?" 

Xiao was confused at first but agreed. Aether had taken him to a cave in juyeun karst. The one he prepared the entire day for. In the gazebo he had asked Xiangling to make some dishes for them both. The fireflies lit up the cave.

Aether lead xiao to the gazebo on the stone path. 

Aether: "I made this.. for you so please enjoy" 

The adeptus was star struck, this wasn't unexpected of aether however how did he pull it off? 

Aether was happy to see that xiao was actually eating something, due to him constantly fighting he puts of meals most of the time. After managing to eat a bit the both of them began chatting. 

Xiao: "i.. just want to thank you" 

The raven hair adeptus embraced aether, his head resting on aethers shoulder as he hugged him. The blonde was taken back from the sudden affection, but it was enjoyable. 

Aether: "xiao, you don't need to thank me after all I love you so much" 

Xiao: "you spoil me too much, I honestly wish I could do something for you" 

Aether laughed at how xiao opened up to him. 

Xiao: "I don't understand the mortal concept of 'love' and 'relationships' and yet I always feel guilty" 

Aether lifted his head up by his chin and kissed the other affectionately. Xiao was shocked but later warmed up to the blonde. 

As they broke apart aether held the yakshas hands. 

Aether: "I'll give up the world for you, xiao" 

Xiao immediately looked down after that sentence. 

Xiao: "don't make promises you can't keep.. I can't let you make sacrifices for me" 

And with that the day had reached its end. Aether had gone to sleep, while xiao watched over the roof terrace. 

'The world for you, xiao' 



Xiao: "what did you mean when you said those words to me.." 

The adeptus stood and pondered, however the aspect of love never came to him he didn't understand. 

Aether had visited the baloony that morning, he had found xiao asleep near the railing. 

Aether: "ehhhhh. . How did you manage that?" 

Aether then realised that xiao probably hadn't slept the entire night. He carried him and allowed him to sleep in his serenitea pot, after all it was much more quiet then his room especially when it's busy in the inn. 

The blonde quickly went to do his commissions as usual. He noticed that before he left xiao his body was quite warm. Aether being well.. aether decided to forget about it only to be surprised later. 

Once aether had returned the adeptus was still sound asleep. In the meantime however the traveller cleaned up a bit and fixed up his decorations. It had been ages since aether had been in his tea pot so it needed some light dusting. 

After cleaning the blonde was exhausted. He went to check up on xiao, still not noticing his lovers rising body temperature, aether held xiao's hands. They were warm to the touch, a bit too warm. 

The blonde traveller stayed in the guest room overnight, he didn't want to disturb the yaksha. 

Morning had risen in the tea pot. Aether had expected xiao to have left already, as he made his way in to the kitchen and made breakfast for himself the blonde heard light footsteps. 

Looking around he figured it was xiao. The other male slowly made his way to the blonde, his hair was messy and eyes were a light pink and drowsy. 

Xiao: "good.... morning" 

The adeptus took a few more steps before collapsing into the blonde's arms. 

Aether: "ehh.. xiao- i-" 

The embrace didn't take long for a realisation to take place in the travellers mind. 

Aether: "xiao.. you're really warm are you okay?!" 

The blonde placed his hand to the others forehead. He had gotten a fever! 

Aether: "but I thought.. adepti don't get sick!?" 

Xiaos body was weak and frail. He had little to no energy, he felt like passing out. The traveller quickly helped him to bed. 

Aether: "you need to rest, you'll only get worse-" 

'Crap what am I to do..' 

A/n: FINALLY DONE :D aaaa that took so long and imma apologise for being gone for like a month, cuz yhh SCHOOL EXISTS :( 

but expect normal uploads again :D 

Word count: 1040

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now