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A/n: OMG MY WORKING SCHEDULE CAN DIE SMH 😭 im so sorry that I'm legit updating like once a month my stupid brain keeps procrastinating ffs 💀 but in the time taking to write this rhe has quit genshin due to storage 😭😭 THANK YOU FOR PLAYING BUT YOUR STILL HELPING ME WRITE THIS!! 

| author pov 

Albedo had returned to his room with a swift breeze following. He decided to get some rest but before he did the ashy haired male read a letter that was sent by sucrose. 

^ in hope that you're reading this, i wish to tell you the instructions of the liquid. ^ 

Albedo read on and on about what to do and not to. He didn't even know what the serum did but the male just shrugged it off. The day ended calmly and the next day appeared. 

Albedo woke up early to make the others breakfast. He had a small note in his right hand and the vial in his left. The ashy haired male took a deep sigh, did he really have to do this? 

Aether: "morning albedo!" 

shit, Albedo was surprised and accidently poured all the contents into the food. He was only supposed to put in a drop, and throwing it out will seem suspicious. Albedo continued the preparation and hoped for the best. 

Eventually everyone was around the table and eating. The entire time albedo was eyeing the adeptus, 'why is he so normal, wait.. shit does he know?! Did he know all along??' 

Albedo: "how's the food??" 

Xiao: "it's good, however it's a bit sweeter then usual." 

Aether: "can i try some?" 

Albedos face went pale. 'Please say no, I'll be screwed if anything happens to you (○-○)' 

Xiao: "there's no point because I'm nearly done" 

The ashy haired male let out a huge sigh of relief.  

Aether: "oh I forgot, I have to help with lots of things today, I'll be back really late. You 2 will be fine right?" 

The two males sat and nodded. Xiao seemed completely normal throughout it all, he showed no signs of any discomfort. 

Hours and hours went by, Albedo was caught up in his work so it wouldn't matter. But the young adeptus was no where to be seen. The alchemist had thought to be nice and make dinner, he was on his way to visit the yaksha to ask what he wanted. 

While entering the others room, the ashy haired male noticed xiao in a deep slumber. 'Shit shit, did I kill him??' 

Albedo walked closer to the adeptus just to check if he was okay. But as soon as he got close xiao grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the floor. 

Albedo: "xiao i-" 

Xiao: "the hell did you do to me you chalkboard?!? Ngh- it hurts so bad" 

Albedo finally recollected the memories of this morning.  

Albedo: "actually I don't know myself" 

The yaksha starred at him with an angry and puzzled look. 

Xiao: "what?" 

The other male apologised but assured him that he would be alright. The yaksha let albedo go after all his body was weak. 

Albedo got up but before he left he had realised what the serum in the bottle was.. it was an aphrodisiac.. 

Albedo: "holy shit- I need to get aether" 

'When sucrose meant help I didn't want it like this-" at this moment albedo actually felt bad. How long had xiao been in this state? 

Albedo: "please forgive me" 

Xiao: "ahh- it's hurts so bad please just make it stop.." 

The adeptus was pleading, his body felt hot and weak but he tried to keep his mind clear. The ashy haired male quickly walked at the room and ran into aether on the stairs. 

Aether: "oh hey albedo-"

Albedo: "no time, xiao needs you" 

The blonde looked at the other with a confused expression. 

Aether: "what could he possibly need?" 

The male covered his face in embarrassment. 

Albedo: "I mightvery accidently given him an aphrodisiac.." 

The travellers face soon turned to a tomato like colour. 

Aether: "so that's the kind of help he needs.." 

The blonde just walked passed the other and into xiao's room. There he could see the yaksha holding back tears. Aether did feel bad but if he did something  now then the adeptus might regret it the next morning. 

Aether: "xiao?? You okay" 

Xiao: "does it look like I am???" 

In albedos room he was quick enough to make a cure. Just as he was about to give it to the yaksha he heard the same noises again. 

Albedo knocked and went in. He saw aether on the floor once again. 

Aether: "these God damn floors always so dirty ehe.." 

Albedo tried to cover his already red face. 

Albedo: "well here's a cure for xiao if he needs it.." 

The ashy haired male quickly ran to his room after that to avoid any further distribution. 

Xiao did drink the medicine and miraculously fell asleep straight after. The blonde bridal style carried the adeptus to his bed and then kissed his forehead. 

Aether: "I love you." 

The blonde then sped to the alchemists room. 

Aether: "care to explain?!" 

The ashy haired male swivelled on his chair to face the blonde giving him a death stare. 

Albedo: "I really am sorry I swear I didn't even know- sucrose gave it to me" 

The traveler approached faster. And the alchemist stood up.

Albedo: "Aether I swear i-" 

The blonde grabbed him by his shirt. 

Aether: "you do anything like that again and I'll send you to khaenrias ruins okay :)" 

And with that aether left leaving albedo breathless. 

Albedo: "those two really are made for eachother, xiao can't be mine but I still care for him" 

The next day came and albedo was no where to be seen in liyue, xiao found a note in the room he had stayed in saying that he had left liyue and went back to mondstadt due to some issues in his project. 



word count: 1027 

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