| the love that freezes me |

839 18 34

A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite toilet water drinking writer taru here... I apologise for being gone for like a month ish kinda lol umm school hit me like a bus and then I didn't even notice December rolling around and then I read up lots of fanfic bl and shit so now I have stockpiles of ideas lmao. ENJOY 

| author pov 

Xiao recollected the memories of that day. The rain matched the uncertain mood, yet even after he snapped he feels to uneasy about it. His dark hair swayed in the wind as he leaned over the balcony. 

Albedo: "you'll fall down prying over the edge like that.. having such thoughts already?" 

That voice... it makes the yakshas blood boil every time he hears it, an annoying ringing in his ear. 

Xiao: "I'd watch your mouth chalk boy- soon you'll be going places if you don't learn to control that attitude" 

Albedo: "pfft! Who shoved a stick up your ass this late at night?!" 

(Your mum 😎) 

Albedo smirked and crossed his arms. 

Albedo: "I think aether has finally had a breather being no where near the likes of you" 

That's it... the adeptus had enough of him. Yet xiao couldn't care if aether was swept up in albedos grasp.. all he cares in that moment in time was that as long as he's alive as long as xiao knows that the blonde is safe, he's content. 

Albedo: "getting envious are we?"

The ashy haired male was on the floor with the yaksha straddled on top of him holding his spear up to the other males throat. Albedos face flushed as he realised the awkward position they were in. 

Albedo: "hey could we do this somewhere else i-" 

The adeptus didn't falter, wether albedo was horny by it or not due to his sadistic and masochistic nature. He wanted his revenge he hated him more than anyone. He covered his mouth as xiao didn't want to hear another word out of him. 

Xiao : "you have 48 hours to get out of liyue.. if not then this curse will bring out all your sins and swallow you whole" 

Xiao took off albedos glove and placed a talisman he conjured up, the talisman was placed on his wrist near the veins. 

No one other than other adepti or the placer can remove the cursed seal so he was stuck with it. Xiao's eyes glowed beautifully in the moonlight.

Albedo took notice how xiao's entire figure appealed to him 'he's perfect in every way, his eyes, his hair, his body...' Wait what was he thinking the yaksha is supposed to be his enemy but yet here he is thinking about him in suggestive ways. Albedo slaps his cheeks. 

Albedo: "think straight you idiot" 

He whispered loudly, xiao took notice- he actually heard all of the other males thoughts but decided not to take action. Think of it as a punishment. The ashy haired male wanted to blame the seal upon him that it has side effects. 

But.. it's not as if anything has changed- even if getting rid of albedo stopped it, it's not as if they're back together. 

Aether was in the harbor talking with zhongli as they strolled around taking in the bright scenery before them. The taller male noticed how the blonde was quiet almost lifeless, he looked tired and frail. They walked over to the non busy bridge where they stayed looking over the ocean. 

Zhongli: "it's xiao isn't it. ." 

The blonde's eyes wideneded

Aether: "how did you-?"

Zhongli: "it's obvious.. you're so cheerful and happy but now for quite some time you've been looking somewhat depressed" 

His hands start shaking and lips trembling. He hated it more than anything all that aether wanted in that moment was to be with xiao.. he loved him he really did yet the raven hair denied his love... 

It's as if aether was trapped in ice.. unable to move yet time kept going forward and nothing was accomplished. 

Zhongli embraced the younger male who's tears were flooding like a river. For now he felt content with it. 

The younger male eventually had enough and made his way for the inn it felt like months, years as aether made the journey there. Monsters blocked his path at every turn. The blonde was covered in bruises and cuts his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy yet nothing stopped him. 

It didn't take long for all his efforts to go to waste. As the blonde saw more Monsters approaching his consciousness abandoned him, in his last words of desperation he called out in a whisper. 


The yaksha heard it... without a second thought xiao teleported and caught aethers falling body. 

Xiao: "rest" 

The adeptus had murdered the Monsters. He approached the blonde's unconscious body and lifted him up, bridal style. Xiao teleported them back to his room and lay aether on his bed. 

He undressed aether, no matter how shameful it looked. The yaksha began to dress his wounds. He changed his clothes into something more comfortable. Yet kept his Scarf. Xiao placed a kiss on his forhead and made his way to the sofa to sleep. 

However xiao never slept. He was too worried about the blonde. He sat down on the floor and held his hand. His head laying on the bed. 

Aether woke up and felt terrible pain everywhere,  he got up slowly and noticed his warm hand. 'Xiao... you came..' the blonde's face lit up with a smile. The sudden movement of his hand caused xiao to wake up. 

Aether: "aaaa sorry I woke you up-" 

Xiao climbed on the bed and hugged the other. 

Xiao: "I'm glad you're okay" 

Aether let go of the embrace to see xiao's crying face. The blonde placed a gentle kiss on the yakshas lips. 

Aether: "I love you..." 

Aether heard xiao's muffled voice as he returned the feelings. A knock came from the door. 

The adeptus went to investigate, he opened the door... 'albedo..' even if xiao had lowered his hatred towards him he's not sure that aether would reciprocate his feelings. 

Even so xiao invited him in. 

Albedo: "Aether I want to apologise from the bottom of my heart.." 

The blonde smiled and accepted the apology.

Albedo: "i want to say goodbye as I am leaving for dragonspine" 

They both waved goodbye to the ashy haired male. But before he left albedo kissed xiao's cheek, the yaksha felt nothing for it but confusion. 

Aether: "huhhhhhh what was that about?!?!" 

The raven hair shrugged it off 

Xiao: "maybe he got feelings" 

How was xiao gonna tell him what he did to keep albedo under control. Xiao's own face got pink in colour. 

Aether: "you good?"

Xiao: "mhmm"

A/n: THE ALBEDO ARC FINALLY ENDED thank god I wrote this all at once :( my hands ouch 

Word count: 1149

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now