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Sutton Stan

November 2010

I woke up to a phone call from my mum ringing at 4am, I obviously picked up in case it was urgent "hey Sutton, dear" mum spoke

"Hey mom, how are you" I asked

"I'm good, you sound tired, has your brother been treating you well?" She blurts out very quickly

"Slow down, I'm tied because you woke up it 4am here and Seb is treating me like a princess, I also have Chris Evans looking out for me too now" I explain

"That sounds great, do text me when you wake up, I'll leave you to sleep for now" she says before hanging up.

I immediately go out of bed because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep now I was awake, I got changed into a sports bra and some black Nike pros and threw a shirt on over it, I grabbed a key to the door and my phone before I left to go to the gym in the hotel, I never really went to the gym before apart from an odd yoga class I did once a month maybe but due to filming Seb kinda dragged me into a gym and now I'm obsessed with it, I also was told to start working on my strength for the action parts I am doing and will have to do in the future also I am just really weak so I wanted to work on that anyway.

After being in the gym for 4 hours I walked back up to the room and saw Seb waiting on the end of the bed. I quickly showered and threw on some leggings and a shirt because today was just action sequence practice and I only had half day today so I could leave after 1pm. Seb Chris and I all arrived on set together and headed to the training room which was cover with mats on the floors and had rigging in places for people to jump from. "wow" Is all I had to say as we walked in

"yeah" is all Seb said after me

"Hey guys" I heard an unfamiliar voice say "we are the stunt guys on set so we will be training you, I'm Paul, and he is Ethan"the unfamiliar voice which I just found out was Paul said, he was going to help us gain some strength for our stunt and teach us how to make it seem real and for it to be safe. Chris, Seb and I were taken to these mats on the floor whilst the other guys did some weights.

On the mats we were each asked to do a Front roll and I did mine successfully and stood up however Chris and Seb both struggled a lot they would just topple over to the side and I had to teach them after they each had over 50 tries. Once we all finally mastered the simple front roll we were handed harnesses and that's when my fear of heights really kicked in.

I watched Paul as he demonstrated how we should do the landing we were given; we were first dropped from a 30-foot platform they had set up and then we were rolling as part of the landing. He told us
"Eventually you will do it one behind the other."

I watched Chris go as he nailed it and landed perfectly, then Seb went with a small struggle but otherwise it was perfect, it then came to my time and I was hooked in with the flip flop clip and the carabiner before I was told I am going up, I felt the rope pull the slack and I felt my panic coming, I was dangling for almost 30 seconds before I was placed on the platform where I felt my breathing tighten as I stood looking down where I saw Seb and Chris having a conversation whilst still stood in their harnesses

"Sutton, your free to jump" Paul shouted up, I took steps towards the edge where I saw the drop, to me it looked like I was diving to the deep depths of the ocean but in reality it was just a 30-foot drop. Seb could see me getting panicky as he mouthed to me "your fine" it did slightly comfort me but I was still petrified as I stepped towards the back of the platform to help contain my panic. I walked back to the edge where I decided to jump. Within ten seconds I was on the floor after rolling however my ankle was another story, I must have come down on it funny before rolling. I tried to stand up and I couldn't without being in pain, Chris alerted Seb who was grabbing some water and soon came over to help me to the medics who iced and wrapped my leg. After sitting out for an hour, the cast came over including Hayley and Dominic who were shooting a scene where they thought Bucky and Steve had died.

I saw Joe Johnston and Kevin Feige appearing through the door and they told me about how in this film and any other action movie they made, they did this thing where they have a framed photo up on the wall of each person who got first and last injury from stunts, I had first one they said. So, we all posed for a photo in the same room I was injured in and I was shown where my iconic moment is to be placed on the wall before I left for our place with Sebs help cause I'm still in pain.

Once we were home I got a call saying that they pushed back the scene I was needed for two weeks so I can recover so I have a small break however Seb does leave for some more filming during those two weeks so I guess I'm home alone.

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