The 28th night of September

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Taylor and Joe have just had sex. Joe is sitting in the bed besides Taylor. Taylor pulls the sheets to cover their bodies and places her head on Joe's chest. Joe holds Taylor's hand. He looks at Taylor and she is glowing. It's not a makeup glow. It's a different kind of glow. Her cheeks are burning because she is laying next to Joe.

"So Taylor, what now?"

"What do you mean Joe?"

"We did this. But we aren't in a relationship at the moment. And I don't think this was just as a one night thing for sure"

Taylor gets up and with Joe's arms behind her, she sits and looks at him.

"So I'm not gonna twist it. Do you like me?" She asked.

"I do. I do very much and I won't be able to be just friends with you. Do you like ME?"

"I totally like you, gorgeous" She looks sweetly at him and touches his nose.

"So what are we? Are you my girlfriend?"

"You are definitely my boyfriend. But I have some I don't know, ground rules?"

Joe immediately looks at Taylor, worried and clueless.

"What rules are you talking about?" He asked.

Taylor sits up, straight and she takes both of Joe's hands and hold them and looks him into his eyes.

"See Joe," And she stops right there. She starts to wonder that if the next thing she's gonna say would ruin that moment or that relationship before it has even started? She thought it was delicate. Was it cool if she says all that?

"What happened Taylor, speak something"

"So, all my p-pa-past relationships have failed terribly. And 90% of the reasons it failed was the media according to me. Once the people know that someone is dating someone, they start spreading rumours. There is trust, but there is still some part of you that can't handle it anymore. You are left with no privacy. They leave no picture of you with them. It becomes overwhelming for both the partners and then they just end up breaking up. I-i-i-I don't want that to happen again to me. I want you. Luckily, my fandom isn't toxic and would respect our privacy. But they also are so happy when they know I am with someone. The problem is the media"

Joe is all focused on what Taylor is trying to make him understand.

"So in simple words, you wanna keep this relationship private as much as it is possible?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. That's exactly what I wanted to say" She keeps her head on his shoulder. "God, you understand me so well" She thinks to herself.

"So what are the other rules?"

"No, no other rules. That's it"

They both are in each other's arms and they soon, fall asleep.

The next morning..................

Taylor wakes up. She looks at Joe, sleeping besides her. She starts to stroke her messy blonde hair which were over his face. She looks for her mobile to see the time. It's 10am already. She decides to get ready for the day. She kisses Joe on his cheeks, trying not to wake him up and gets out of the bed. She goes into the bathroom. She uses the shampoo which has the best fragrance. She gets out of the bathroom, all ready, smelling good. Joe is still sleeping.

Taylor grabs her phone and goes to the couch. She is very excited to tell her mom about Joe and her. She puts her airpods on, because she won't want anyone, even Joe at this point to hear their conversation. She face times Andrea.

On the face time............

"Hey mom!!"

"Hey Taylor. How are you sweetie? You look happy today"

"Oh mom, you know me so well"

"Thanks. Leave the other things. Give me the tea"

"Mom, you remember Joe? Joe Alwyn? What do you think of him?"

"Oh that 'TAYLAH' guy? Yes yes honey, how can I forget him" Taylor hits her hand on her forehead.

"Yes mom, YESS. Your thoughts on him?"

"Look Taylor, he is an amazing guy. He's sweet and very very kind. But why are you so eager to know what I think about him?"

"Mom, are you okay if I'm dating him?" Taylor scrunches her nose a little and squints her eyes.

"What? Are you two dating? W-W-When did this happen? Tell me?"

"Joe and I were best friends till now. But we both secretly had feelings for each other. Last night, it got kinda out of control. So we confessed to each other and we are gonna keep it totally private. You are the first person I'm calling. What do you think?"

Meanwhile, Andrea catches Joe coming downstairs while Taylor has no idea about it.

"Honey, I think I'm totally okay with this. When the call recording went viral, after he calmed down, made you sleep, he called me and informed about your health status. I could sense he was truly worried for you. I totally support you both"

"I wish I could hug you right now mom"

"Taylor, is that Joe behind you?" Taylor looks back to check it. He indeed was Joe. She is kinda embarrassed because she didn't give all the details about the last night and now that he's coming from upstairs in his boxers, shirtless, her mom obviously understood. Shit!!!!

Her mom gets so excited. "Hi Joe!!! Here in the phone! It's Taylor's mom! Remember me??? That day on the phone!" She starts waving on the camera.

Taylor is again a little embarrassed but feels proud of herself that she still has her airpods on. "Mom he- he- MOM HE CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!" she gives a nervous chuckle.

Joe comes towards Taylor. He sees her Facetiming. "Good morning pretty! Who is that? Your mom?"

Her mom is telling her to disconnect the air pods. "Taylor disconnect the air pods. Please. Scott. Come here. Real quick" Great, now she calls Taylor's dad as well. And everybody knows dads and boyfriends.

Taylor finally disconnects the air pods. "Joe, this is my mom and my dad, mom and dad, this is Joe Alwyn. He is my b-b-boyfriend!"

"Hey Joe. I'm so happy now you two are together. You both are such an amazing couple. May God bless you" Taylor's mom greets Joe. "Hello Mr. Alwyn. Nice to see you. Don't you dare even think of breaking my little girl's heart, you understand?" He gives him a cold stare which every girl's dad is known for. "Good morning Mr. And Mrs. Swift. It was nice to talk to you both. Hope you have a good day" Joe heads to the kitchen. "Dad, what was that? And mom, you need to calm down!!!! And can I talk to you later?" Taylor now needs to attend Joe now that he is finally up. "Sure sweetie. Bye!!"

They end the call.

What do you think they should have as their first breakfast in a relationship? Comment and don't forget to vote!! <33

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