The not so pleasant Surprise

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Taylor goes to the kitchen looking for Joe. She finds Joe playing with her cats. And it appears that the cats actually like him, a lot. She sighs, "Morning Joe" She goes near him. "Good morning Taylor" She wraps her hands around his neck and gives him a kiss. Joe asks, "Did you sleep well?" "Well I slept with you, so I think you know the answer!" She shrugs her shoulder a little.

"What are we gonna do about the breakfast? What do you wanna eat Joe?"

"What can you make?"

"I know how to make a lot of things! Like pancakes. And the best is blueberry pancakes. Wanna have them?"

"Sounds great! Thank you. And by the way, your cats are adorable. Do they have a name?"

"First of all, thank you. Secondly, yes! That is Meredith. She is literally so introvert. And that is Olivia"

"I love those names!! I hope they like me"

"What? This is the first time they've met you and they literally got so comfortable with you. You don't need to worry! Trust me"

Taylor is now preparing for the breakfast. Joe comes behind Taylor. He puts her hands around her waist and rests his face on hers. Taylor starts to blush a lot.

"Aww Joe! What are you doing?"

"You just look so pretty while making pancakes"

"And hugging me from behind?" Joe doesn't say anything but 'hmmmm'

"Joeeeee. Stopppppp. You're making me blush!!!! Let me prepare breakfast at least" Taylor feels so happy and shy. She has had this kind of feeling after like ages. She turns around. "If this is what it takes for you to wait on the sofa, so be it" She gets on her tip toes and kisses him on his cheeks. "Ohh darnnn. I'll have to go now" Both of them share a good and shy laugh and Joe waits on the round dining table.

Soon, the breakfast is ready. Taylor takes and places the breakfast on the table. Taylor sits on the chair.

"So shall we start?" Joe asks. "If you say so"

Joe takes a bite from his plate. Taylor is getting nervous and nervous hoping that she didn't messed it up. She tries to study the expressions on his face. They look like everything is fine. "Hmmmm. Brilliant. I love it so much Taylor. When are you gonna start eating?"

Taylor opens her messy bun and let's her hair down free. She shakes her hand through her hair making her look hot. Joe couldn't help but smile. Then she bites her lower lip and takes a bite from her plate. "Taylor, what are you doing" He nervously runs his hand through his hair. "You're looking even beautiful. I mean don't do this to me" His burning cheeks were completely visible. While the two of them are enjoying their breakfast, they hear the door bell.

"Who can it be this early?"She said, in an annoyed tone. "Excuse me Joe, I'll just go and check" Joe nods his head and Taylor goes to open the door. Its Ed. Taylor has a surprised look on her face. She looks at Joe and whispers, 'it's Ed!!' Joe is dumbfounded. He whispers back. 'Let him in!!!' Taylor opens the door and let's Ed in.

"Hay hay;;;;!!! Taylor!!!! How did the night go??????"

"Hey Ed! What a pleasant surprise! Come on in"

Ed enters the house and Taylor closes the door behind. "So how did you come here?"

Ed is moving his eyes here and there as if he's looking for something. "First tell me where is Joe"

Taylor's eyes widen. "How did you know Joe is here?"

Ed points his finger to his face and says, "do I look like a fool to you? I was there at that party last night, remember. You thought I wouldn't notice, but I did" he says with a swag. 

"See I don't know what you are talking about but since you know now, I'll take you to him" She directs him to Joe.

"Hello Eddie! Sup?" They both give each other a hug. Taylor and Joe talk to each other in actions. They pull away. Ed looks at the table and exclaims,

"Looks like someone is have a pretty romantic breakfast today!!"

"Ed, how can we help you?" Taylor really wants him to leave them alone.

"So, did you two hook up last night?" He paused, examining their expressions. "Don't exchange looks?? I'm your best friend, you both can tell me"

Joe clears his throat and says, "Ummm yes we did"

"Great! So now? Relationship or what?"

"We  are with each other now. DON'T. TELL. ANYONE. What can we do for you?"

"Hurray!!!! Come on you two, give me a hug" All the three of them hug together.

"I knew you both will be perfect for each other" Ed exclaims.

Taylor is shocked. "What? So before we both discovered our feelings, you've been shipping us all along?"

"I can't deny to that!! I mean just look at you two. So sweet" Ed says.

"Okay, Ed. Would you like to have some breakfast?" Joe asks.

"Oh no. Thanks. I just came to check if you both got together" He gives a small wink and leaves. Taylor closes the door and gets back to Joe.

"Oh gosh, can you believe it? Ed, really?" Taylor says.

"But I think that you know he is rather caring. I liked it I guess" Joe gives his opinion about this.

He gets up from his chair. He starts to play with Taylor's hair and Taylor cups her hand on his face. She circles her fingers on his cheeks. Joe, from the other hand, grabs her from her waist and pulls her into a deep kiss. Joe groans, "don't you have to go somewhere? Like to work?"

Taylor with her eyes closed, says, "I'm in a quarantine Joe! I'm all yours" 

"But I have to go to the set. Can I, milady?" Joe chuckles. 

"Okay Mister! Guess I'll have to let you go now" She gives her a kiss and bids him a goodbye. 

[Taylor's P.O.V]

Joe left for work two minutes ago and I'm missing him already. But this ain't right. This is going too fast, too soon. I can't do this to myself! I know I'll hurt myself. I know how this is gonna end, but there's just something different about him. I mean, even my cats approved him. Okay, I need a-.... Wait, first I need to feed the cats. 

So I went and fed my cats, fiddled with them for a moment and then he entered my mind again. I think I'll check up on the news. Hopefully, I should be off it till now. But little did I know, it just wasn't over, but even more brutal this time.

A/N: I literally wrote this chapter so quickly as compared to the others. And also guys, Ed and Taylor's friendship supremacy🛐🛐 They are literally friendship goals!!!!! And also their latest pics are just killing me!!!!

And also, I have completed this whole story. Like all the chapters and it's in the drafts!!! Because I already wrote 5 chapters before I posted the first one <333

LMK what you think about this chapter<333

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