The wedding shock

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Joe was pacing around the couch in the hotel room, in his tuxedo, looking ready for the wedding. All the groomsmen were watching him, knowing that its just normal to freak out before the wedding.

Finally, Ricky, who is the best man, decided to calm him down because it was is responsibility to do so. He went near Joe and kept his hands on his shoulders. "Come on, sit here mate" He made Joe sit on the couch and gave him some water.

Patrick, Chris, Mitchell and Tom went downstairs to get everything ready and ensure if everything is 'perfect'.

"Buddy, everything is gonna be alright" He consoled Joe.

"I don't know. What if, what if she quits? What if, she gets bored of me? What if she starts to notice the flaws in me which she hasn't until now?" Joe was completely freaking out, questioning everything.

"Hushhhhhh. Enough. It's alright. Nothing like that will happen. I know you can do thi-" Ricky was just talking to Joe while he was interrupted by a door knock. He went to open the door.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Alwyn. Come on in, you came just at the right time" Ricky said.

Joe, who had his hand on his forehead, looked up, to his dad. Richard said, "Joseph, what happened? Freaking out? That's normal"

He gave Joe a firm handshake and a small hug. Richard glanced at Ricky, gesturing him to leave them alone for a moment. Both of them sit on the couch.

"So, what happened?" Richard asked.

"Dad, what if she starts to dislike me? What if she gets bored of me? What if she changes her mind about our marriage?" Joe spilled.

"Look at me Joe. This happens. I mean this freak out happens. You must be feeling overwhelmed right now, like you're not ready for this, right?" Joe nodded as Richard continued his pep talk, "So, just get with it, but in the end, when you'll see the woman of your dreams walk with her father towards you down the aisle, looking beautiful than ever, it will all be worth it. Trust me, you will forget everything else, you'll just get lost in her, in the moment. All the jitters and worries will go away, the moment you see her" Richards was saying this with his dreamy eyes, thinking about the time of his own wedding.

Joe hugged Richard and said, "Thank you so much dad, for everything you've done, for this, for everything"

"Okay, now I should head back and attend the guests" He smiled and sent Ricky back into the room.

Ricky came in, reading some sought of paper. Joe asked, "Rick, what are you reading?"

Ricky responded, eyes still on the paper, "The wedding toast. I'm the best man!! I have to give the best toast no matter what"


While Joe was having his little freak out, Taylor wasn't calm either.

"Goddamn it, Gigi, The eyeliner. FIX. IT" The eyeliner was just slightly deformed. It wasn't even visible. Taylor could've hired her make up crew, but she didn't. She didn't wanna feel like a celebrity today. She wanted to feel like a normal girl, whose bridesmaids do her makeup and stuff. 

"Taylor, please pass me the bobby pins" Camilla requested, who was doing her hair.

"Where are they? I can't see them? Don't you play with me Cam" Taylor threatened her. The box was hidden under her veil. She was lashing out on everybody. She was just so stressed.

After everything was done, she was ready. The HAIM sisters came around her, looking into the mirror and asked, "Taylor, how do you feel?" She replied, "My- my lipstick. Oh god, does red even look good on me? ABIGAIL, THE LIPSTICK PLEASE" She wasn't quite in her senses. The sisters looked at each other and laughed, watching her freak out.

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