The News

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Taylor is still all over the news. They think she is playing the victim card. Everybody is supporting Kanye. This was a doubt which is clear now. People are not only victimising her but now they are off limits. The topic has been shifted from 'KANYE vs TAYLOR' to 'TAYLOR SWIFT'. The media is commenting on her body. She is literally being body-shamed. Taylor has an eating disorder, which almost nobody knows about. She doesn't eat much but still works out a lot. They commented on her red carpet looks. "SHE IS TOO SKINNY" "SHE IS AN AMAZING ARTIST BUT I MEAN LOOK AT HER, HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE SO SKINNY' 'LOOKING AT HER, I GET IRRITATED SOMETIMES" These lines were all over the news. On the other hand, they show a clip from her album 1989 concert. That was the time, Taylor was so happy and excited and she actually ate things. People figuratively stated that. "SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE IS PREGNANT HERE" They started to talk about all her past relationships. They commented things like, "She shifts on boys in a blink of an eye" "She had so many boyfriends, this describes her character so well" "All Taylor Swift does is dating celebrity guys and then break up with them and simply make an album about it"

Taylor is in her kitchen, casually baking. She hears her phone ringing. She goes to grab it and it's Tree, her publicist. She sighs, 'Oh God, what is it this time' and picks it up.

"Hey Tree! How's life?" She asked.
"How's my life? Taylor, it has started again............... " Tree explains her everything and adds, "Just one favor, don't, don't, just don't check the news and the social media until I tell you to do so, okay?"
"Yeah, I-I will try. Thank you so much Tree! Talk to you later" Taylor hangs up the call.

She starts to break down. She collapses on the floor leaning against the counter. It's a lot for her now. She's exhausted. All she wanted at that moment was to escape the reality and live somewhere in her wonderland. She almost loses it until her phone rings and it's her mother face timing her. Wet from her sweat and tears, she picks her call.

"Mom, what do I do now!!" She starts to cry even louder , trying to fight back, looking down, as she sees her face.
"Taylor, you are gonna come to Nashville now. LIKE NOW!! I won't leave you like this" Andrea ordered.
As she breathes heavily, she says, "Okay mom. I'll be there soon"

She ends the call. She peaks out of the window and she finds out that so many, a thousands of fans are gathered around her house, at the main door. This gives Taylor even more anxiety. She doesn't even know if they all are against or with her. She drinks some water and calm herself down. She thinks, 'I will have to reach my mom. She is the only one who can help me out. Okay. I am going to take my cats and without looking at any of them, just sit in the car.'

She does what she thinks. She quickly goes outside, trying to neglect the wooing and the hooting of all the people surrounding the building, and sits straight into her car and removes her shades. To make herself feel better, she decides to make a video in which she talks about how the media is never gonna accept you for who you are but always comment on everything about you. She indeed feels better. Then she texts Joe about all this. She informs him that she is now at her parent's house.

'Hey honey, I am heading to my mom in Nashville. I checked the news and it got me again. I couldn't take it and I needed to be with my mother. Hope you understand.'

15 minutes later, she has arrived their house. She rings the doorbell. Her mother opens the door, while, her father is out for some work. Taylor quickly leaves the cats on her floor and starts tearing her up again. Andrea calls her in and closes the door. Taylor hugs Andrea tightly. She started sobbing on her shoulder and Andrea closed her eyes in relief that her princess is with her now.

"Taylor, come on inside. Now I'm with you! You can take it all out. You want some water sweetie?" She consoled her while rubbing her back.

"Yes mom. Can we go to my room?" She always feels her best self in her bedroom. She gets the safe vibes and she feels the most comfortable there.

"Yeah, sure. Anything you want" They both go into Taylor's bedroom.

"So, how do you feel? Just speak it out"

Taylor takes a deep breath and starts venting. "Mom, everything is ruined. Nothing is left. Nobody loves me. I don't even know if my fans are with or against me. The world is so cruel. It's a dog eat dog world. Everybody's so mean. Before it was Kanye. But now, everybody is commenting on my fucking body as well. They left nothing. They left nothing, Boyfriends, my personality, my body, my feud with Kanye, they took everything. They are using ridiculous words like 'bitch' and 'slut' for me. I don't know what to do now. Music is all I have. Music is everything for me. I am so lost now. I am not gonna go out of this damn house. I can't take it anymore. I know I don't eat a lot. But it isn't my fault. Trust me, this is me trying my best. It is not always my fault that my relationships are always such a failure. Everything has gone down. I am dead. Mommmm" Taylor is crying a lot. The anxiety has her all to itself. She pulls Andrea into a tight hug. Andrea rubs Taylor's back. "Everything's gonna be okay. You're my strong girl right? And a lot of people love you. You're gonna win everything back. Everything won't be the same, but it'll be better instead" That hug lasts for 13 minutes, while she tries to stop crying. They pull after Taylor has been calmed down. "Now I think you should take a shower and don't you dare think about those bad people, okay?" Andrea says. "Okay mom, I think you're right, I love you" Taylor says wiping her face with a tissue. "I love you too Taylor, and never forget that"

Taylor goes in the bathroom to take a shower. She puts on an oversized long hoodie and sits in front of the tv, to watch Netflix. But she is really curious to know if her fans are supporting or saying anything. With a heavy heart, she opens twitter on her mobile. 130 thousand, 130 THOUSAND NOTIFICATIONS. That was crazy. She can't really go and see everything. So see quickly scrolls and on almost every tweet, it's about her. People talking more and more shit about her. Then she opens her Instagram. People have tagged her in many ridiculous posts, pictures and videos. Her followers have increased by 1 million. There are also a lot of posts defending her, but still. Meanwhile, Andrea catches her looking through the social media which is something she shouldn't do right now. She slowly comes in front of her.

"Taylor, come on give me your mobile" Andrea asked.
"Mom, please" Taylor pleaded.
"What please? You know you'll only get hurt by this"
"I know that but........."
"Okay, I'm not taking your phone but I need you to do something"
"What should I do" Taylor asked.
"You need a break, a long one this time. So, delete all your tweets and posts. Everything. Remove your profile picture. Unfollow everyone. Let people wonder where've you been. And they'll stop talking about you. Either do it yourself or ask Tree to do so" Andrea advised, taking a seat besides her.
"So you mean a total social media blackout for me? Mom people will think I am dead. I mean you told me to do this earlier but then I thought you forgot about it-" Taylor said.
"Oh yes, I forgot I told you for the black out. But now, I am ordering you to do so. And So be it. This can be a convenient lesson for them?" Andrea explains.

Taylor nods her head. She Does exactly what Andrea says. A TOTAL SOCIAL MEDIA BLACK OUT. She shows her mom and lets her confirm that she actually did it and starts watching FRIENDS. She finally seems to be cheered up. 'Ahhh, I wish I could be you know, careless and reckless like Rachel! Like she doesn't care what others think about her. She's literally so lucky for that!!'

After three episodes, her phone starts to ring. It's Joe. She picks it up.

"Hello love. I'm in Nashville. Can-"
"What? You came all the way here?" She cuts him in between because she's too excited. Her face glowed up as she heard those words.
"Yes. Now can you please tell me the exact address or should I ask a local where does Taylor Swift live lol" He joked.
"No, I'll tell you the address" She tells Joe the address and seems like he could be here any minute.

A/N : Are my chapters too short? And is my story getting boring or moving too slow???

And also my obsession with oversized hoddies!!!!!!!

Why is it always so difficult for me to choose chapter names :(

My exams are starting tomorrow (! Wish me luck<333

Have a nice day/night<333

Word count : 1610

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