The polaroid

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Taylor is standing out of Joe's house, as the sweet chilly wind passed through her hair, pressing the door bell multiple times, waiting for him to open the door.

At the same time, Joe was standing in front of Taylor's apartment, with hot coffee in his hands and a his favorite cheese grilled sandwich. After 10 minutes, he finally gave her a call.

"Taylor, where are you right now?" He asked.
"First, tell me about you! I'm standing right in front of your house. Why aren't you opening the door? Oh wait- are you even at-" Taylor tried to process this whole thing.
"Umm I was waiting for you to open your door but lol, look at the coincidence" Joe chuckled.
"Oh damn, this was totally unexpected. Soooo, are you coming or-" Taylor asked.
"Be there, I'm just coming in 5 minutes" Joe said.

Joe hangs up and quickly rushed to his house. He couldn't wait to meet Taylor. Taylor wandered around, trying to pass some time. She was just too excited.

She looked back, glancing at Joe who was coming towards her. "Joe, you're finally here!" She moved forward and kissed his cheek.

Joe twisted the keys into the door knob and opened it. He hung his coat on the hanger as Taylor just rushed inside.

"Whoa, you won't remove yours?" Joe said, referring to the overcoat that she didn't remove.
"Why? What are you up to Alwyn?" Taylor said, with a little smirk. This made Joe chuckle.


"So...." Joe says, nervously trying to start a conversation. 

Taylor takes a deep breath inside. "Joe, I wanted to give something to you" 

"What? I wanted to give you something too" Joe replied. 

"Let's give it together at the count of three"

"Okay then" Joe says. 

They both start the counting. "1............ 2.......... 3............."

They both give each other their things. Taylor gives Joe a polaroid. It's a beautiful picture of her with a guitar. It's written, 'How would you feel about a song written for you?' Joe gives Taylor a small tiny envelope. She opens it in excitement. In that, was a small cute paper. It was written, 'Would you like to move in with me? with a heart drawn'  Taylor pulls him into a hug and kissed him, deeply. She puts one hand around his neck and held the cute note in the other. Joe wraps his hand around her back.

Taylor gleamingly says, "Yes, yes, yes Joe. I'd love to"

Joe says, "A song about me? Yes, thank you" Joe pulls back and kisses Taylor on her lips and pulls her again. They remain in that position for a while. Taylor mumbles, "I love you, so much" Her eyes closed in the comfort of his touch. "I love you too," Joe said, smiling uncontrollably.

Joe asks, "So, love, when are you gonna move here?"
Taylor gets up as well. "Today is Sunday, right? So ummmm, Wednesday I think?" 
Joe says, bending down and kissing the back of her hand, "That's perfect" 

Taylor suddenly speaks, cautiously, "Joe, you know I won't come here without my cats. I can't live without them"
"I know love. I love the ladies. Let's just hope they feel good here" Joe said.
"Well, they are quite adaptive. Because when I go for tours and stuff, they kinda blend in"
"That feels good. Because as I remember, I was literally approved by the ladies" Joe chuckled.
"Yes. That was really important for me. It feels like I'm incomplete without them, you know?" Taylor explained. She added, "Okay, so ummm I want you to describe them........"
"Oh, I'll try my best to give a good explanation" Joe said.

He sighed and looked up with the corner of his eyes, thinking what to say. "So I think Olivia is the popular girl. Like in high school, the chic one and the popular one, always in style and blends in easily. And Meredith, she is an introverted teen. You know all moody and sassy and that leave me alone look and that death stare, which is honestly so cute and can scare anyone" Joe notices Taylor staring at his lips.
"Are you just gonna stare them or will you even kiss me now?" Joe said sarcastically as Taylor bit her lower lip.

It's a Love Story......- JaylorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin