Chapter 1

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The ride on the way to the mental institution was silent and agonizing. I hated every minute of it.
“This is for your own good victor.” My mom chimed in intuiting my thoughts.
“Yup mom because putting me in a hospital with mental people is a good thing for me.”
My mother shot me a glare and that signaled me too shut up. I took my iPod out of my pocket and put on my favorite escape the fate playlist. The tune to ‘not good enough for the truth in the cliché’ started playing through my earphones. I didn’t really want to go to a hospital but my mom was right I did need it. I knew our relationship would never be the same after she walked in on my failed attempt at suicide. She looked absolutely horrified and she broke down in tears. The whole flashback of the situation caused the taste of bile to rise up in my mouth. EW.
I guess I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew my mom was shaking me awake telling me to get and that we were here. I opened my eyes and looked at the building, it was huge and surrounded by what seemed to be a 20ft fence. I got out of the car and my mom and I started walking towards the entrance. When we walked inside a sign directed us to the front office.
“Um, yes how can I help you?” the lady behind the desk griped.
“Hi I’m here to check my son Victor Fuentes in.” my mom replied
“OH, yes we have been awaiting you arrival.” The lady said back.
Why were they expecting me? What made me so special that they had to wait on me? Was I going too one of those special rooms because I tried to kill myself? Were they going to put me in a strait jacket and shove me in a cotton padded room?
“Ryan I need you down here, Victor Fuentes is here.” The office lady said into her walkie talkie.
“You can call me Vic.” I blurted out, the lady glanced at me and rolled her eyes. She hit the button on her WT and said “Excuse me, Vic is here.”
“Alright Kate I’ll be there in just a second!” I guess ‘Ryan’ said. So the rude ladies name was Kate, but I didn’t really care. It took a while for Ryan to show up but he finally did.
“My apologies’ I didn’t mean to take so long, I’m Ryan and I’m sort of like a watch dog for the boys here….”
I didn’t bother listening to the rest of the conversation, I was busy day dreaming about my new life here. What was going to happen to me? Would they really put me in an insane person room, my god, I hope not that would suck! And how many people are even here I mean I know this is a boy based compound so there can’t be many people here right?? But the building was still so huge. And are the people here even normal, or are they totally freaky?
“Vic,” My mother placed her hand on my shoulder “I have to go now. I’ll come and visit you in two weeks okay?”
“Okay, I’ll see you then.” I answered.
“I love you.” My mother mumbled.
“I love you to ma.” I whispered back.
She turned to me and gave me a big hug, she held on for a while. Mom always made big deals out of everything. But that’s what mothers do. Once she finally let go she walked out of the office snd waved goodbye.
“Okay Vic, just follow me and ill lead you to your room you can put your stuff down and ill give you a tour of the place okay?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah, whatever.” I mumbled out.
Ryan started walking out the office and motioned me to follow him, so I did. We walked down a long hallway with doors on every side in rows. On each door there were numbers below the windows. I began to focus my attention back on Ryan who was mumbling a bunch of door numbers.
“364…365…366…367, AHH HAA here is your room Vic.” He knocked on the door and opened it. Why was he knocking if no one was in here?
I put my bag down and looked around the room. It was small and square shaped. There were two beds, one on the right and one on the left. The bed on the right was neatly made, but the one on the left was messy with covers everywhere. In between the beds there was an eight door dresser. There was also a lamp in the corner of the room. And a door that led to the bathroom. I turned around to Ryan.
“Do I have a roommate?”
“Yes,” He replied quickly. “His name is Kellin, he’s never has a roommate before because he gets scared and hides somewhere. So be careful with him please.”
“Okay…Why is he like that?” I questioned Ryan.
“No one knows for sure, he has a hard time being around people and he also has trust issues which makes it even worse.” Ryan sighed “I feel bad for the little fella, but we put you in here with him because he’s never shared so many similarities with a person. We were hoping that maybe you could help him out?”
“Okay.” I said through my teeth. Why….? I mean what do I have in common with this kid Kellin? Are we both suicidal or something?
“Hey Ryan.” I sighed.
“Yeah Vic?” Ryan questioned.
“Can we skip the tour today? I’m really tired and exhausted. It’s been a long day and I rather just rest for right now. Is it possible to do the tour tomorrow?” I asked hoping he say yes.
“Sure bud, get some rest. That’s your bed over there.” Ryan’s finger went up and he pointed at the right bed.
“Okay thanks, see you tomorrow.” I said with relief.
“Bye vic.”
When Ryan left I picked up my bag and took it to the bed. I sat down, man these beds are uncomfortable. I put my bag on the ground. Laid down and fell asleep.  

yay im so happy, im already working on the second chapter which will be out soon so hang on!
also happy v-day my kittytroopers
loves ya

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