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  Kellin's POV.

My eyes jolted open as I collected my surroundings, Vic's room, I glanced over at the clock and read 9:23. Jesus Christ my bum freaking hurts. I peered at Vic's hand which was softly draped over waist. I turned my head around to look at him. I couldn't help but bite my lip after looking at him, his hair was crazy and his shirt had been pulled up during sleep, he looked so cute.

"Hey love, good morning" Vic murmured with a groggy voice from sleep, as his eyes slowly opened and closed again.

"Hey, good morning." I replied back with a smile.

"And how do you feel today Kells?"

"Walp Vic," I said popping my p "Sore as hell, but really good other than that."

Vic smiled and propped himself up on his elbow.

"Well love I'm super sorry about your soreness, is there anything I could possibly do to make you feel better?"

"PANCAKES!" I practically yelled. Vic's eyes shot open and got real big as he laughed at me. I sat up in his bed and looked at him sternly.

"These aint games." I said probably sounding more ghetto than the hood itself. Vic sat up in the bed and looked over at me with a grin.

"Alright babe let's get cooking." Vic said right before jumping out of bed and running out the room. I Fell out of the bed onto the floor and got up to run after him. I saw him turn down the stairway, I chased after him as he ran into the kitchen. Before I could stop myself I ran into Vic and he caught me in his arms. His eyes got real wide as he was laughing. I was laughing but out of breath at the same time so I sounded like a donkey chasing a chicken. "What the hell?" I managed to choke out in between laughing and breathing.

"Calm down Kells." Vic said before him thrusted me out of his arms, and grabbed me by my shoulders and held me steady as I calmed down.

"Pancake time!" Vic sang. He let go of me and went into his pantry and came back out with a box of pancake mix and set it on the counter. (A/n comment pancakes if you're reading this xD" Next he went over to the cabinet and pulled out a measuring cup to put the mix. He walked over to the counter and started making the mix. Vic put his finger up and motioned me over. I slowly shuffled over with a ridiculously huge smirk on my face. Once I got about a foot away from him he leaned in for a kiss, I closed my eyes and leaned in slowly. I suddenly stopped when my nose felt wet and just...gross, I opened my eyes to discover that Vic had put pancake mix on my nose. I wiped the mix off my nose and pursed my lips at him.

"You think this is funny huh?" I said with a Russian accent.

"Hilarious!" Vic said using a British accent. He placed his hands on his stomach and jumped as he 'laughed'.

After our session of retardeness Vic pulled out a pan and warmed it up on the stove, before pouring the mix. The smell of cooking pancakes flooded my nose and I was instantly taken back to my childhood. Every Sunday morning my dad would cook breakfast for us, sometimes I would help my father make pancakes and we would serve my mom breakfast in bed. We were such a happy family, I miss the simpler times. I was snapped out of my daze with Vic snapping his fingers in my face repeating my name.

"Oh sorry hun, just thinking."

"That's okay love." Vic said pulling a plate out from behind his back and setting it in front of me.

"Ta-da!" Vic sang holding the a. A smile grew on my face as I giggled with him. Vic pulled out some silver ware and placed it next to my plate. I looked down at my pancake drenched in syrup my mouth watered with hunger. I picked up the fork and knife and ate my pancake while Vic cooked his

"MMMmmm...Babe so...good!" I managed to get out while stuffing my face.

Thanks love." Vic said as he sternly put syrup on his pancakes. He picked up his plate and placed it next to me as he sat down at the table. At last Vic finally got to taste his fabulous pancakes. Vic face went through so many emotions as he finally got to taste them at last he finally reached pancake nirvana. 

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)Where stories live. Discover now