Chapter 8

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Vic's POV

I stared down at the boy whose head is resting in my lap. I carefully maneuvered my fingers through his thick black hair, Kellin is so beautiful. I watched as his lips twitched into a smile as Pumba and Timon sand Hakuna Matata. I'd do anything to see Kellin's amazing smile, even if that means calling my mom to tell her to by the movie and put it in my room before we come over there. His smile was so contagious that I started smiling to. Kellin picked up his head from my lap and looked up at me, his eyes glowed with happiness. I laughed and smiled at him.

"You really like this movie huh Kells?" he smiled and laughed back

"Hehe, yeah. It was the only movie that I was ever able to watch as a child."

"Oh..." I mumbled letting my thoughts take control of me again. Kellin smiled at me again and I could feel the warmth of his smile circulate through my body. Kellin leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. He pulled back and smiled at me again. I giggled at him. He was just so sweet and cute. I'm glad he is finally mine. Kellin laid his head back down on my lap and I started playing with his black silky hair again.


My head shot up as I listen to my dad yell my name. Kellin looked up at me with fear in his eyes. I could tell he wanted to stay in my room and just watch the movie. But I couldn't blame him, I would be scared as well.

"Don't worry Kells, you can stay in here. I'm going to go down stairs to say hi to him then ill come back up here and finish the movie with you. Then we can eat dinner, come back here and hang out, okay?"

Kellin's eyes started to grow with relief. I grabbed both of his hands and looked at him deep in the eyes.

"Is that okay Kells?" I asked again hoping this time I would actually get an answer

"Okay, hurry up and make your way back Vic!'' Kellin answered with a smile on his face.

'Alright be right back." I got up from the bed and leaned in. I gave Kellin a soft kiss on the cheek and winked at him before I left the room. I could hear him giggle as I closed the door.

"Yeah papa?" I yelled running down the stair and into the kitchen.

"There my Vic! How have ya been son?" my papa asked me.

"Um, I've been pretty good. I was just upstairs hanging out with Kellin."

"Oh yeah, I was just about to ask about him. Where is he? Bring him down here so I can meet him!"

"Um yeah about that papa, Kellin's really shy and he's too nervous to meet you right now...He said he wanted to meet you at dinner though...papa when you do meet him please be careful about what you say to him. He's a little fragile and broken from certain things that have happened to him in the past." I mumbled the last part almost regretting that I brought up Kellin's past. I should have asked Kellin first before I told anyone. But my father is a very trust worthy man, and I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt Kellin.

"Okay, I understand victor. I will try to think about what I say. I wouldn't want to him on my first impression huh?"

"Thanks papa!" I said going into to hug him. "I knew I could count on you!"

"Sure thing son." I heard my dad mumble as he squeezed me in his arms. I pulled away and looked up at him and smiled.

"I got to go back to my room, I promised Kellin I would be back as soon as possible. I'll see you at dinner."

"Alright see you then Vic."

I ran out of the kitchen and made my way back up the stairs. I opened my door and looked at Kellin. He was laying on his side on my bed. He propped his head up with his hand and his shirt was slightly pulled up revealing some of his beautiful skin.

"Hey there sexy!" I smirked at Kellin. He scoffed and laughed

"Shut up and finish the movie with me Vic."

"Whoa someone's al little pushy." I said sarcastically and put my hands up in the air. Kellin gave me the most adorable puppy dog eyes ever. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine!" I said sarcastically. I jumped on the bed next to him. He laid his head in my lap again. I grinned and played with his hair again I looked up at the TV and watched as Simba played with his old childhood friend.

 For the rest of the movie Kellin and I didn't talk, which I didn't mind because the silence was replaced by the movie that was playing. We probably have like 3o minutes of movie left and I don't really know what we are going to do after that. Besides dinner should be ready soon, honestly right now all I can think about is Kellin's happiness. I really want him to be able to trust my family and to be able to talk to them. But I guess what I really want is for him to be sincerely happy.

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें