Chapter 9

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Kellin's POV

I stared down at my plate of food as Mrs. Fuentes said grace. Here I am with Vic's normal family having a normal dinner. I always craved this...this normal family. But I guess I never wanted like this. I wanted it for my family, I know it's selfish. I craved the love this family had between each other. I wanted this so bad for my family.

"Amen." Vic's family said aloud. I mumbled amen along with them, but I don't think anyone noticed. I picked up my fork and poked at my food. I had little to no appetite right now.

"So Kellin," Vic's mom spoke up. "Vic tells me you really like music."

"Oh, um, yeah music has played a um pretty big role in my life." I answered her hoping not to sound to awkward.

I was going to look down at my food again, but I just so happened to catch the eye of Mr. Fuentes before he started talking to me.

"So how long have you and Vic been going out Kellin?" I swear to god I heard Vic laugh under his breath,

"Um about 3 weeks, sir." Oh god that sounded so stupid 'sir' what was I thinking.

"Oh, that's great!" I gave him a smile and looked down once again.

Vic's family bombarded me with questions at first, which I didn't really mind. Most of the time I hated answering questions about myself, especially when I didn't rust the person asking, but this was just really different. I felt as if I could trust the Fuentes family with anything, my life even.

For the rest of dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes told me stories about Vic when he was a little kid. Like one time Vic and Mike got in a fight and somehow Vic got his foot stuck in the wall. And when Vic was 6 he won a stuffed monkey at a fair and didn't stop sleeping with it until he was about 12. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I've never laughed so hard in my life. Even after everyone ate their dinner we all sill sat at the table and shared stories.

Vic eventually excused himself from the dinner table to go get something. When he came back I saw that he had keys in his hand.

"Mama, pop, Kellin and I have to go. We'll be back in a couple of hours." Vic said as he juggled the keys back and forth in his hands.

"Okay Vic sweetheart, please be safe." Mrs. Fuentes said as she got up from the table

"Alright ma, come on Kell's." Vic said as he motioned for me to get up. Once I did he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door.

"Um, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Vic said as he looked over at me and grinned.

I groaned and got in the car he lead me too; which I assume was his.

"So you can drive huh Vic?"

"Yeah my dad got me this car a year ago, it's a little run down but it works." Vic looked over at me and gave me his famous smile. And of course I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"So where could we be going at 8:30 at night?" I questioned Vic again hoping for an answer.

"Oh nowhere...just a little surprise for my Kelli bear."

I cringed at the sound of that name. "Ugh just like, can you not."

Vic just laughed at me and put in a blink-182 CD. And of course Vic knew the words to like every song and he sang his heart out, although I didn't know many songs I sang the ones I did with him.

After about an hour of driving we pulled up to...well I don't really know where we were at or anything, but we did pull up to a tree. . When I got out of the car a cool breeze hit me and the air felt sticky and smelled salty.

"Um Vic," I stuttered "Where are we?"

"Kells," Vic answered "Come over here." I did so and walked over to the other side of the car.

"Kells, close your eyes. Don't worry Ill guide you." Vic directed

"Uhm...okay." I closed my eyes and Vic grabbed my hand. I walked in the direction my hand was being pulled. The ground suddenly turned soft

and lose. I took precaution with every step I took hoping I wasn't going to trip and fall, making a huge fool of myself.

"Alright stop." I followed Vic's orders and stopped. He placed his hands on my shoulders and shifted me forward.

"Okay Kells, open your eyes." Alright well here goes nothing... I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight.

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)Where stories live. Discover now