Chapter 5

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Vic’s POV
The thunder cracked loudly outside and I felt Kellin jump in my arms.

“Don’t worry Kell’s, it’ll be over soon.” I leaned down and kissed Kellin on the forehead

“Okay, I love you Vic.” Kellin replied snuggling closer to me. God do I love him.

“I love you to Kell’s.” I whispered, feeling a grin rise on my face.

Currently it was 2:00 AM on a Friday morning. It was storming pretty badly outside. But according to the weather man on the TV in the ‘friend’s room’ it was to end around 3ish.

I can’t say that I’ve ever been this happy before. I am finally dating Kellin! The love of my life. Can you ever just tell that something’s right and it’s a great thing? That’s how I feel about Kellin. Us dating is something right and he’s the great thing.

“Vic?” Kellin whispered.

“Yeah Kell’s?”

“Do you have any siblings?”

“Um, yeah I have a brother named Mike. He’s a jerk but I love him anyways.”

“Oh.” Kellin sighed

“What about you Kell’s do you have any siblings?” I asked curious about anything and everything about him.

“Yeah I have a sister named Kaylie, she’s adorable but I haven’t seen her in four years and I miss her so much.” Kellin answered, I could tell he was getting upset.

“Does Kaylie live with your mom?”


I let out a sigh of relief. I’m glad she didn’t, from the sounds of it Kellin’s mom is a horrid person.

“She lives with my dad, he got custody of her but not for me… My father told me he fought for me but my mother had a strong argument for my custody. I wonder why she wanted me so much, probably to be her slave or something.”

“Oh,” I mumbled “Well when we get out of here I want to meet her. Is that okay?” I asked nervously.

“That sounds perfect Vic, I really want to see her to.”

“How old is Kaylie anyways?”

“Hmmm…well I was around 10 when she was born, and I’m 16 now…so she’s somewhere around 6 or 7.”

“Awe, she’s so wittle.” I said in a baby voice.

“Yup!” Kellin said mid laugh.

We didn’t talk for the rest of the night but I didn’t mind because the silence was romantic. Kellin and I cuddled closely together and fell asleep slowly to the sound of rain.

~~~Somewhere around 10 in the morning~~~
I yawned and opened my eyes. I stretched my arms out and looked down at where Kellin was sleeping. He wasn’t there, which at first made me confused and worried. But then I realized he had a therapist appointment today around 8:30. So he must have left while I was sleeping.
I laid in bed for a while before I got up. I glanced up at the clock, 10:30, what was taking Kellin’s appointment so long? I hope he’s okay. I stripped naked and jumped into the shower. I started randomly humming the words to ‘Hold on till May’ a song I wrote not too long ago.
By the time I got out of the shower and put on clothes I was full on singing the song. I ran back into the restroom and started doing my hair.
He sits up high,
Surrounded by the sun.
One million branches and
he loves every one.
Mom and Dad,
Did you search for me,
I've been up here so long,
I'm going crazy.

And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
you screamed over the sound.
And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
3-2-1 where did it go?

Now don't be crazy, yes now,
Of course you can stay here
been in a touring band for going on ten years
"Big deal," He said, " I guess you're official"
I only said it 'cause I know what it's like to feel

It gets you down,
We've all been there sometimes
But tonight I'll make you feel beautiful once again.

And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
you screamed over the sound.
And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
3-2-1 where did it go?

If I were you, I'd put that away
See, you're just wasted
And thinking about the past again
Darling, you'll be okay.

He said,
"If you were me, you'd do the same
'cause I can't take anymore
I'll draw the shades and close the door
everything’s not alright and I would rather...."

And as the sun went down,
We ended up on the ground.
I heard the train shake the windows
you screamed over the sound.
And as we own this night,
I put your body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
Tell me, where did it go?

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)Where stories live. Discover now