Chapter 4

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Kellin’s POV
“I-I love y-you Kellin.”

What? Lies! He’s a liar. I need to get out of here. With the little strength I had I scurried to the corner of the restroom. Vic tried to come closer but I didn’t let him. I got up and ran out of the restroom.

“Kellin wait!” I heard Vic call from the room. I was already halfway down the hallway running for my life.
I know Vic doesn’t like me. He’s lying. He probably just wants me to tell him all my secrets so he can tell everyone else about it. I don’t trust anyone and I see no pure reason to trust him.

I made it to the library and I spent the rest of the day there with Vic’s words heavy on my mind, what if he really did love me? He said he wanted a beautiful relationship with me, but what did that mean? As in friends or as in boyfriend and boyfriend?
Maybe I should give Vic a chance…

But what if he turns around and hurts me. I wish I had a friend to turn too right now. Vic seems so sweet though. Maybe I really do like him. I want to trust him but I can’t. My mind won’t let me. I want to be his friend, maybe even his boyfriend. But does he really want me? Does he really want someone who cuts, who has anxiety, who has trust issues, who has depression, and someone who hates themselves? Was Vic willing to put up with that and even more important would I let him? I didn’t want Vic to go through all of this. I care about him too much to make him.

It eventually hit 11oclock which was curfew for everyone over 16. Did I really think about Vic for 6 hours? I have to go back to my room and face Vic now. I don’t want to but I have and need to.
~~~15 minutes later~~~
I stood outside our door peering at the numbers 367. It’s now or never. I reached down for the handle and pulled the door open and stepped inside the room.I looked over at Vic’s bed and saw Vic sitting down hunched over with his face in his palms.

“Kellin,” Vic mumbled as he looked up at me. He got up from his bed and made his way towards me. Vic stopped in front of me and started to speak.

“Kellin, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sc-“

“I love you to V-Vic.’’ I blurted out cutting him off. I threw myself into him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms around me letting out a small giggle. I loved feeling his arms around me. I turned my head and pressed it against his chest. I could hear his rapid heartbeat. I pulled my head up and beamed into his glorious eyes. Vic looked down into my eyes. I swear we stood there for hours looking at each other. Vic closed his eyes and started to lean in. before I knew it his lips were on mine. He pulled away quickly looking shocked.

“I-I didn’t mean to…I just lost cont-“

“No, No I loved it, don’t stop.” I said cutting him off once again.

Vic smiled. He cupped my face into his hands closed his eyes and leaned in. I did the same. The second our lips touched, it felt like the butterflies started stabbing my stomach but I loved every second of it. Vic pulled me in closer and I wrapped my arms around his waist letting a small moan escape my mouth. I pulled him closer into me until there was no room between us. As things got more intense Vic fell back onto my bed letting out a laugh. I climbed on top of him and pressed my lips against him with more force.

 Vic pulled me in closer and flipped over. Vic was now on top of me his body pressed against mine. He licked the bottom of my lips asking to be let in, I accepted of course. I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore. Vic began grinding his hips on mine letting out multiple moans of pleasure as did I. I let my tongue slip into his mouth and I began exploring it. My hands slid underneath Vic’s shirt feeling his muscles move as he grinded on me. All of this made me feel weird inside. I wrapped my legs around Vic’s waist letting him pull me onto his lap

“Does this mean were dating.” Vic said with a grin on his face

“Hmm…” I pretended to think about it.

“Yes, yeah it does!” I said back with a smile. He pulled me into a hug I buried my face into his neck inhaling his scent


Sometimes I feel like my chapters arent long enough, oh well
So I decided to update today because Ive been feeling dow and im worried im not gonna update later on in the week so here you guys go
yay!!! I love writting this, also chapter 4 is turning out to be amazing and ill get that up asap
if you liked this please heart and comment also you can follow me to be notified when I update
alright kitty troopers peace out, 
-Chloe <3

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