Chapter 14

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So here is the rest of the story I never published on here. It's kind of old! So sorry!!!

Vic's Pov

I examined Kellins face in amazement, I couldn't understand how someone so beautiful and great could be treated so bad. I couldn't help but also notice the scars that trailed on his arms and wrists, just the thought of them made me wince. His eyes were red and wet with tears, the bottom of them were puffy. His cheeks were hot and his hair was everywhere. My hand was currently placed on his back as I tried to comfort him. I just wanted him to be happy for a while, like this morning. But even that was the hardest thing for Kellin. Its not a good thing, I know, I try my best to do anything and everything I can for Kellin but sometimes it gets exhausting. Even then, though, it's my love for him that honestly pulls me through for him. as cliche as that sounds, its true.

"Kellin...we have to go back at some point...please, Kellin we are gonna leave soon again th-"
"But wh-why now.." He got out between sobs.
"Because we agreed to come back today, Kells, we won't be there forever....we'll be back soon enough.."
I tried reassuring him, but it felt like nothing was working. He just sat there as the sounds of his sobs filled the otherwise noiseless rooms.
"Kellin, we'll be in there for like a week before we come back out again...I'll be with you the whole time."
He hiccuped and my hand patted his back. He looked up at me with a red face, his eyes glistening.
"S-s-swear..?'' he softly whispered
"I swear." I responded and held out my pinky  finger to him. He glanced down at it and laced his finger around mine. we just sat there for a couple minutes before he moved and laid his head gently on my pillow. I followed after him then wrapped my arm around his waist. His breathing evened out and I figured he had fallen asleep.

I just sat there in silence with the only thing filling was the sounds of Kellins breath. I felt kinda bad he fell asleep in his jeans. I wished I could change him out of them, but I didn't want to wake to wake him up. The sound of my phone going off slightly startled me, but I was more concerned about waking up Kells. When I made sure he was still asleep I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and checked it. When I saw he texted me I couldn't decide whether I was happy, mad, sad, or all of them.

Jamie: What the hell Vic?!?! why didn't you tell me you were out ^.^

I hesitated a moment before deciding how to respond.

Vic: What do you want Jaime?

Jaime: to see you duh! I miss you a lot love!! <3

Vic:  don't call me that please, our relationship is over...why are you still talking to me?? I thought you hated me anyways..

Jaime: I'm sorry, Vic please can I see you. I miss you alot...please I just wanna talk.

My thumbs twitched over the texting board as I thought about how to answer.

Vic: When....???

Jaime: right now, maybe at the park..??

Vic: er, fine I see you in 30?

Jaime: Perfect! See you then!!
I Thought about what I had just agreed to for a moment. I really hope I wasn't gonna regret it. I slowly got out of bed doing my best not to disturb Kellin. I slipped on my black vans and threw on my sweatshirt. I walked towards my bedroom door taking one last look at Kellin. I slowly walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. My lips were covered in salty half dry half wet tears from his tear stained cheeks. I wiped my mouth and quietly left the room. I walked down the stairs and saw Mike in the living playing on the Xbox.

"Hey, dude, where are you going?" Mike asked
I leaned against the wall and looked at him with guilt rising in my system. I knew Mike would never approve me seeing Jaime.
"Um, just going for a walk, I uh, I need some fresh air." I said hoping he would notice my nervousness.
"Oh cool, where's kellin?" I felt relief flush the guilt out because he didn't question me.
"Oh, he's upstairs sleeping."
"Yeah, Mike..?"
"Yea, dude whats up?"
"I Kellin wakes before I get back tell him I Just went out for a walk and I'll be back soon."
"Okay dude, see you when you get back."

And with that I left. I opened the front door and the chill air immediately wrapped itself around me. It got slightly hard to breathe, but I just walked. I felt kinda bad about this all. Even though I didn't technically lie to Mike it still made me feel bad to not tell him my reasons for going on a walk. I'm starting to regret this...I could turn around, but I don't wanna ditch Jaime. That's mean. I kept going.

I Eventually made it to the park. Looking at the place brings back so many memories's. I walked over the swings and sat down. The cold metal chains gave me shivers, but I got over it. So I just sat there and waited for Jaime. It felt like the air was getting colder but I kinda just figured it was all in my head. I started to swing and it was actually fun. I was enjoying the loneliness for once. I looked up and saw someone walking towards the swing set. My chest tighten when I realized it was Jaime coming towards me. I didn't really know what to do so I just acted oblivious to him walking. But time seemed to fly by because before I knew it he was standing in front of me.

"Hi, I-" I was abruptly cut off by Jaime's lips clashing against mine. I just stood there frozen in shock.

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)Where stories live. Discover now